專輯:Bella Donna 貝拉.唐娜
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley - Leather And Lace (Official Audio)
Is love so fragile and the heart so hollow
難道愛真有那樣地脆弱 那樣地虛偽
Shatter with words impossible to follow
一碰就枯萎 經不起流言蜚語的摧折?
You're saying I'm fragile, try not to be
既然說我不夠堅強 只好向你證明
I search only for something I can't see
僅憑一己之力 也能尋回失聯的比翼鳥
I have my own life
And I am stronger than you know
也絕對比你設想的 來得堅毅許多
But I carry this feeling
為你牽掛的心情 說什麼也放不下
When you walked into my house
可當受委屈的你 重返溫柔鄉時
That you won't be walking out the door
你便下定決心 要與我廝守到老
Still I carry this feeling
對你的相思 化作綿綿細雨
When you walked into my house
直至你踏進家門的那刻 將憂愁一掃而空
That you won't be walking out the door
緊緊相印的兩顆心 便再也不分離
Lovers forever, face to face
有情人終成眷屬 願與你雙宿雙飛
My city, your mountains
對你的愛比山還高 比海還深
Stay with me, stay
留下來 陪我風花雪月
I need you to love me
願你滿盈的愛意 灌溉我的大地
I need you today
願你往後的日子 都屬於我一人
Give to me your leather
只消你替我繫上 腕上的皮革手環
Take from me my lace
我願以這條手絹 作為信物交換
You in the moonlight
皎潔月光下 你的身影格外淒美
With your sleepy eyes
睏得睜不開的眼睛 更顯楚楚動人
Could you ever love a man like me
這樣的你 願垂青於如此平庸的我嗎?
And you were right
我想 你說的話不無道理
When I walked into your house
踏進你家門那刻起 我便打自心底明白
I knew I'd never want to leave
依偎在那片溫柔鄉 是我畢生的榮幸
Sometimes I'm a strong man
Sometimes cold and scared
時而冷淡難親近 時而語塞不自在
And sometimes I cry
甚或會在漫漫長夜 聆聽寂寞入眠
But that time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
我便明白 往後餘生再也少不了你
Somehow I'd get by
可少不更事的我 卻捨得走開
Lovers forever, face to face
天下知己難求 願作比翼鳥雙飛
My city, your mountains
你心底那座小小的城 是我唯一去向
Stay with me, stay
陪著我 坐看風花雪月
I need you to love me
願你滿盈的愛意 灌溉我的大地
I need you today
願你往後的日子 都屬於我一人
Give to me your leather
只消你替我繫上 腕上的皮革手環
Take from me my lace
我願以這條手絹 作為信物交換