專輯:Lover 情人
Taylor Swift - Lover (Lyric Video)
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
我們可暫擱聖誕燈飾 直至一月來臨也不急著收
And this is our place, we make the rules
這兒是你我共築的窩 就由你我設原則
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
而關於你 總有燦爛刺眼的光暈 宛若神秘的圍繞著你 吾愛
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
我該是二十秒前初見鍾情 還是與你相戀近廿載?
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever, ah
就這麼直到永恆 啊
Take me out and take me home
領我外出遠遊 領我返家回程
You're my, my, my, my lover
你就是我的 我的 我的 情人
We could let our friends crash in the living room
我們可供前來做客的友人 借住寄宿在起居室
This is our place, we make the call
這是屬你我的窩 決定由你我定奪
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
而我極度懷疑 任誰見著你的俊 無不鍾情於你 為你輾轉如斯
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
我如今已與你情牽三個溽暑夏季 但吾愛 我望此情永恆
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever, ah
就這麼直到永恆 啊
Take me out and take me home
領我外出遠遊 領我返家回程
You're my, my, my, my lover
你就是我的 我的 我的 情人
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
敬愛的先生女士 能否起身片刻 容我致詞?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
我將接納才華於一身的他 作我此生不渝的情人
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
我心你已借去 而你鬱藍憂愁的心 將為你我祝福
All's well that ends well to end up with you
願天下有情人終成眷屬 終與你攜手共渡
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
誓將流於滿感溢情及真誠盡忠 悉與我的情人
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
而你今後 必將極盡下流之笑話留予於我
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
而每張飯桌 我身旁的席位只為你保留 吾愛
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever, ah
就這麼直到永恆 啊
Take me out and take me home
領我外出遠遊 領我返家回程
You're my, my, my, my
你就是我的 我的 我的
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
噢 你就是我的 我的 我的
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover
親愛的 你就是我的 我的 我的 情人
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
等到春天來臨前 聖誕燈飾都不必急著收
And this is our place, we make the rules
這兒就是我們的家 就屬我們最大了
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
而你身上散發的迷人光輝 總叫人看了如癡如醉 親愛的
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
我究竟是方才與你相識 還是相知相惜了數十載?
Can I go where you go?
我可不可以陪著你走 直到地老天荒呢?
Can we always be this close?
我們兩人的步伐 可以繼續保持一致嗎?
Forever and ever, ah
就這麼直到永遠 好嗎?
Take me out, and take me home
帶我遠走高飛 再陪我走回我們家
You're my, my, my, my lover
We could let our friends crash in the living room
就這麼讓三五好友擠在一間 應該也沒關係
This is our place, we make the call
畢竟這是我們的家 凡事都由我們做主
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
而我該是如此擔憂 任誰看了你一眼 皆無不為你傾心
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
儘管已與你相戀三個夏季 但我只想和你情牽一輩子
Can I go where you go?
我可以牽著你的手 直到海枯石爛嗎?
Can we always be this close?
我們的掌心 能像心靈如此相契合嗎?
Forever and ever, ah
就這麼直到永遠 好嗎?
Take me out, and take me home (Forever and ever)
帶我私奔到遠方 再共築我們的愛巢
You're my, my, my, my lover
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
可以請各位女士先生 暫時為我起身嗎?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
身旁這位風度非凡的紳士 將作為我至死不渝的情人
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
人說婚禮不能缺的 是我被借去一輩子的心 還有他那蔚藍無際的連綿情意
All's well that ends well to end up with you
若能與你廝守到老 想必結局便是皆大歡喜
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
我在此發誓 將永遠忠實於伴侶 並以過度渲染的歌詞作證
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
作為交換的是 你往後餘生的英式幽默
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
而我身旁的座位 將永遠只為你保留 老公
Can I go where you go?
我能不能跟著你走 直到白頭偕老呢?
Can we always be this close?
我們的心 能否永遠牽掛惦記著彼此?
Forever and ever, ah
就這麼直到永遠 好嗎?
Take me out, and take me home (Forever and ever)
帶我私奔到遠方 再共築我們的愛巢
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
噢 你就是我至死不渝的戀人
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover
親愛的 你就是我今生唯一的摯愛