
專輯:Norman Fucking Rockwell! 諾曼去你的洛克威爾!


Cinnamon Girl


Cinnamon in my teeth

肉桂粉 還留在我的齒縫

From your kiss, you're touching me

殘存於吻裡的餽贈 你的手不安分地游移 

All the pills that you take


Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm's length don't work

各個明豔照人 但要阻止我還稍嫌不足

You try to push me out, but I just find my way back in

儘管你多次拒絕我關懷 但我總能用對方法重回臂彎

Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out, I win

就算是五花八門還是五顏六色 也難以敵過我的威力


There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

有些話雖然不吐不快 但我還是姑且先放過你

Like if you hold me without hurting me

若你能愛著我的同時 不去傷害我

You'll be the first who ever did


There's things I wanna talk about, but better not to give

本來想找你談正事 後來還是算了

But if you hold me without hurting me

倘若你真能盡你所能 不去傷害我

You'll be the first who ever did



Hold me, love me, touch me, honey

抱我 愛我 碰我 親愛的

Be the first who ever did


Hold me, love me, touch me, honey

摟住我 別鬆開 撫摸我 我求你

Be the first who ever did



Kerosene in my hands

煤油燈 殘渣還扎在掌心

You make me mad, on fire again

恭喜你又一次 成功令我大為光火 

All the pills that you take


Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm's length don't work

就算是鮮豔黯淡 還是奇形怪狀 仍無法阻止我得逞


There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

有些話雖然不吐不快 但我還是姑且先放過你

Like if you hold me without hurting me

若你能愛著我的同時 不去傷害我

You'll be the first who ever did


There's things I wanna talk about, but better not to give

本來想找你談正事 後來還是算了

But if you hold me without hurting me

倘若你真能盡你所能 不去傷害我

You'll be the first who ever did



Hold me, love me, touch me, honey

抱我 愛我 碰我 親愛的

Be the first who ever did


Hold me, love me, touch me, honey

摟著我 別鬆開 撫摸我 我求你

Be the first who ever did



There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

有些話雖然不吐不快 但我還是姑且先放過你

Like if you hold me without hurting me

若你能愛著我的同時 不去傷害我

You'll be the first who ever did


There's things I wanna talk about, but better not to give

本來想找你談正事 後來還是算了

But if you hold me without hurting me

倘若你真能盡你所能 不去傷害我

You'll be the first who ever did


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