專輯:Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel
Mariah Carey - Obsessed (Official Music Video)
I was like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"
Will the real MC, please
Step to the mic?
請到麥克風這邊集合 謝謝配合
You need a MC
你需要的 是一位至尊歌者
Place to be
神準海豚音 只有她辦得到
MC, the MC
她就是咪咪 瑪莉亞凱莉
All up in the blogs saying we met at the bar
幾乎每篇網誌 都聲稱我們在酒吧相遇
When I don't even know who you are
Saying we up in your house, saying I'm up in your car
口口聲聲說我到你家過夜 還大言不慚地說我們搞了車震
But you in LA, and I'm out at Jermaine's
但你卻直接被小羊們抓包 而我可是忙著跟達令搞恩愛
I'm up in the A, you so, so lame
你得不到老娘就眼紅 真是個下流胚子
And no one here even mentions your name
而在場所有大人物 絲毫對你不屑一顧
It must be the weed, it must be the E
肯定是大麻搖頭丸的副作用 誰叫你嗑太嗨
'Cause you be popping, heard you get it popping
才會邊搖頭晃腦邊搞怪 據說還到處找人討拍
Why you so obsessed with me? Boy, I wanna know
你為什麼要那麼喜歡我?臭小子 我真想聽聽看
Lying that you're sexing me, when everybody knows
到處炫耀你上過我 但這種話也只騙得過三歲小孩
It's clear that you're upset with me, oh oh oh
你一定是得不到我 所以就要毀了我 噢
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress
終於踢到鐵板了吧 你怎麼可能撩得到我呢
Last man on the earth, still couldn't get this
就算全世界只剩你一個男人 我也不會讓你稱心如意
You're delusional, you're delusional
你是得了失心瘋吧 到底哪根筋不對勁
Boy, you're losing your mind
你這傢伙 肯定是腦子進水了
It's confusing, yo, you're confused, you know
你可真是瘋了 唷 你是神智不清了嗎?你呀
Why you wasting your time?
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
明明就矮冬瓜一個 眼睛卻長在頭頂上
Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex
你對我的執著 就像你眼神流露的瘋狂顯而易見
Oh, oh, oh
Boy, why you so obsessed with me?
臭小子 你幹嘛要這麼喜歡我呢?
Oh, oh, oh
And all my ladies sing
You on your job, you hating hard
你像條狗到處撒野 到哪都想找人吵架
Ain't gon' feed you, I'ma let you starve
今晚可沒你的飼料吃 你就乖乖餓肚子吧
Gasping for air, I'm ventilation
你這喪家犬只能搖尾乞憐 我看了直搖頭
You out of breath, hope you ain't waiting
Telling the world how much you miss me
對媒體大肆宣揚 你對我是真的一往情深
But we never were, so why you tripping?
但我們連八字都沒一撇 那你還發什麼神經?
You a mom and pop, I'm a corporation
就憑你這三腳貓功夫 想跟姊鬥還早了三百年
I'm the press conference, you a conversation
你老是唱到斷氣兼掉漆 老娘可是能飆海豚音
Why you so obsessed with me? And boy, I wanna know
你幹嘛要那麼喜歡我?快點 說出來讓大家笑一笑
Lying that you're sexing me, when everybody knows
到處跟人說我們發生過關係 任誰用膝蓋想也知道
It's clear that you're upset with me, oh oh oh
你這傢伙 肯定是得不到我才想毀了我 噢
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress
終於呀 碰上像我這種 對你絲毫不感興趣的尤物
Last man on the earth still couldn't get this
就算這世上男人都死光了 我還是只覺得你可惡
You're delusional, you're delusional
你這傢伙 就是個會嗑藥的小屁孩
Boy, you're losing your mind (Mind)
也難怪 一看到你就感到厭煩
It's confusing, yo, you're confused, you know?
本來自信心爆棚的你 這下肯定踢到鐵板了吧?
Why you wasting your time? (Time)
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
一點真本事也沒有 難怪只能到處說別人壞話
Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex
你就是個可悲的魯蛇 趕緊回去找媽咪哭哭吧
Oh, oh, oh
Boy, why you so obsessed with me?
臭小子 你幹嘛要這麼喜歡我呢?
Oh, oh, oh
And all my ladies sing
(Hey, he's all up in my George Foreman)
(嘿 這傢伙還真的走到哪 都要跟哪耶)
Why you so obsessed with me? Boy, I wanna know
你為什麼要那麼喜歡我?臭小子 我真想聽聽看
Lying that you're sexing me, when everybody knows
到處炫耀你上過我 但這種話也只騙得過三歲小孩
(Lying that you're sexing Mimi)
(跟別人說上過咪咪 你敢信?)
It's clear that you're upset with me, oh oh oh (Eh)
你一定是得不到我 所以就要毀了我 噢
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress
終於踢到鐵板了吧 你怎麼可能撩得到我呢
Last man on the earth, still couldn't get this (No)
就算全世界只剩你一個男人 我也不會讓你稱心如意
You're delusional, you're delusional
真不曉得 你是哪根筋不對勁
(He's all up in my George Foreman)
(別再跟過來了 快給我滾蛋)
Boy, you're losing your mind
你這傢伙 肯定是腦子進水了
It's confusing, yo, you're confused, you know
你可真是瘋了 唷 你是神智不清了嗎?你呀
(But I can't do nothing for him)
Why you wasting your time?
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
明明就矮冬瓜一個 眼睛卻長在頭頂上
Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex
你對我的執著 就像你眼神流露的瘋狂顯而易見
(You love me, you love me, you really, really love me)
(一往情深 一往情深 你可真是愛我愛得不輕哪)