專輯:Fearless (Taylor’s Version) - 無懼的愛 (泰勒絲全新版)
Hidden message: Love and theft 愛與盜竊
Taylor Swift - Hey Stephen (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)
Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving
嘿 史蒂芬 雖然我知道人可能金玉其外 敗絮其中
But I know I saw a light in you
但你進門時 我看見聖光落在你頭頂
And as we walked we were talking
I didn't say half the things I wanted to
其實我那時說出口的話 多半也都詞不達意
Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window
在眾多試圖引起你注意 扔石頭叫喚你的女孩之中
I'll be the one waiting there even when it's cold
想必只有我 無論颳風下雨還是大雪警報仍為你守候
Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing
嘿 史蒂芬 我想你差那麼一點就要讓我相信 原來我
I don't always have to be alone
再也不必擔心 自己可能會孤老終生
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
只因我不免在想 也許你真是愛的天使降臨塵世
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
也忍不住想衝進大雨滂沱 顧不得旁人目光擁吻你
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
快和我享受這如同微醺般的粉色氣泡 自從認識我就如此心動
Can't help it if there's no one else
要是你身邊沒有人阻撓我 那就好了
Mmm, I can't help myself
嗯 我快受不了想你的心情啦
Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling
嘿 史蒂芬 壓抑喜歡你的這份心情 也過了好一陣子
So I got some things to say to you
所以我有些話 可真是不吐不快
I've seen it all, so I thought
還以為見了點世面 我便裝作無動於衷
But I never seen nobody shine the way you do
但直到神氣活現的你出現 徹底瓦解我的所有防備
The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name
舉凡你舉手投足間 乃至一言一行 甚至是喊我名字的口吻
It's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change
都令我如癡如醉 飄飄欲仙 求求你別為誰而改變
Hey Stephen, why are people always leaving?
嘿 史蒂芬 為何別人身邊伴侶都來來去去?
I think you and I should stay the same
我想惟有你和我 會是不同凡響的一對
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
只因我忍不住在想 說不定你真是天使降臨塵世
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
也忍不住想衝進大雨滂沱 顧不得旁人目光擁吻你
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
快和我享受這如同微醺般的粉色氣泡 自從認識我就如此心動
Can't help it if there's no one else
要是你身邊沒有人阻撓我 那就好了
Mmm, I can't help myself
嗯 我快受不了想你的心情啦
They're dimming the street lights, you're perfect for me
街燈隨暮色垂下漸暗 可惟有你能點亮我的不安 你我如此速配
Why aren't you here tonight?
為何你偏偏挑今晚 刻意不見蹤影?
I'm waiting alone now, so come on and come out
而我只得在這兒枯等 假如你在的話就趕緊出聲
And pull me near and shine, shine, shine
將我牢牢擁在懷裡 並綻放 綻放 綻放光芒
Hey Stephen, I could give you fifty reasons
嘿 史蒂芬 我至少可以給你五十個理由
Why I should be the one you choose
去一一向你解釋 為什麼我才是對的人
All those other girls, well, they're beautiful
像蚊子一樣黏在你四周的女生 的確頗有姿色
But would they write a song for you? (Ha-ha)
但她們有本事像我一樣 專門寫歌送你嗎?(哈哈)
I can't help it if you look like an angel
一看見天使臉孔的你就站在面前 實在令我心癢難耐
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
害我忍不住想把你拽到大雨滂沱下 恣意忘我地吻你
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
要是你也能與我分享這種輕飄飄的微醺心情 那該有多好
Can't help it if there's no one else
若身邊少了競爭者 肯定輕鬆許多
Mmm, I can't help myself
嗯 我擋不住想你的心情啦
If you look like an angel
誰叫你的帥氣臉龐 宛如天使般美好
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
還害我忍不住臉紅 想把你拽到大街上親熱一番
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
快和我一同分享這切身的喜悅 自從遇見你我可是就心動了
Can't help it if there's no one else
少了其他人的阻礙 我們肯定能終成眷屬
Mmm, I can't help myself
嗯... 人家實在情不自禁啦
Can't help myself
I can't help myself