
專輯:Spirit 心靈深處


Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love (Official Video) Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love (US Version - Official Video)


Closed off from love, I didn't need the pain

離真愛不過咫尺之遙 再不須苦痛使我成長

Once or twice was enough and it was all in vain

前一兩回或許還起得了作用 再多皆是徒勞

Time starts to pass, before you know it you're frozen

時間飛逝 正想振作時 身心早已動彈不得

But somethin' happened for the very first time with you

直至某次因緣際會下 與你邂逅改變了一切

My heart melted to the ground, found somethin' true

我的心彷彿被融成冰雪 你是恆變中唯一真理

And everyone's lookin' 'round thinkin' I'm goin' crazy

身邊親友均不看好 笑我不過是一時意亂情迷


But I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you

可我聽不進別人的勸告 深信自己情定於你

They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth

他們勸我打消念頭 可他們又何從知曉你我情深

My heart's crippled by the vein that I keep on closin'

為情所苦的心 為叢生血脈如荊棘攀附纏繞 

You cut me open and I

直至你的出現斬除不安 而我的愛 


Keep bleedin'


Keep, keep bleedin' love

蔓延的愛 攀藤而生

I keep bleedin'

我的愛 將蜿蜒直上

I keep, keep bleedin' love

我那蔓延的愛 直上雲霄

Keep bleedin'


Keep, keep bleedin' love

就此萌芽 直至花朵綻放

You cut me open



Tryin' hard not to hear, but they talk so loud

盡所能對旁人充耳不聞 可他們卻強使我接受

Their piercing sounds fill my ears, try to fill me with doubt

那尖銳刺耳的聲響 不停灌輸我放棄的念頭

Yet I know that their goal is to keep me from fallin'

說是為了我好 其實是要達到讓我離開你身邊的目的

But nothin's greater than the rush that comes with your embrace

每每當我深陷那溫柔臂彎 他人置喙便不再重要

And in this world of loneliness, I see your face

佇立於斷壁殘垣的廢墟 世上眾人唯有你能使我平靜

Yet everyone around me thinks that I'm goin' crazy

身旁的親朋好友 無不認為這是自討苦吃

Maybe, maybe

興許吧 可又有誰在乎呢?


But I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you

可我聽不進別人的勸告 深信自己情定於你

They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth

他們勸我打消念頭 可他們又何從知曉你我情深

My heart's crippled by the vein that I keep on closin'

為情所苦的心 為叢生血脈如荊棘攀附纏繞 

You cut me open and I

直至你的出現斬除不安 而我的愛 




And it's drainin' all of me

儘管這份悖德的愛 幾乎讓我失去所有

Though they find it hard to believe

而我的堅定 將使他們震撼地無以復加

I'll be wearin' these scars for everyone to see

這些傷痕累累 終將成為我驕傲的勳章


I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you

我才不在乎旁人說了什麼 我只要你就夠了

They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth

他們亟欲拆散我倆 可他們又懂什麼呢?

My heart's crippled by the vein that I keep on closin'

我那為情所苦的心 為求自保設下層層障蔽

Ooh, you cut me open and I

噢 你卻瓦解所有防備 而我將



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