專輯:Melodrama 狂想曲
Lorde - Liability (Live On SNL/2017)
Baby really hurt me, crying in the taxi
你真的傷我不輕 放我在計程車後座哭泣
He don't wanna know me
Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm
還說當初就不該隨我起舞 無故捲入不必要的風波
Says it was poison
So I guess I'll go home
Into the arms of the girl that I love
鑽進我愛的女孩臂彎 討個擁抱
The only love I haven't screwed up
She's so hard to please, but she's a forest fire
她雖然難以取悅 但情感可豐富得像野火燒不盡
I do my best to meet her demands, play at romance
我盡可能去滿足她所有需求 好比耍點浪漫噱頭
We slow dance in the living room
摟著彼此的身子 逕自在起居室翩然起舞
But all that a stranger would see
但對素未謀面的人而言 眼前所見
Is one girl swaying alone, stroking a cheek
不過是個獨自漫舞的女孩 正輕撫著臉頰
They say, "You're a little much for me
You're a liability
You're a little much for me"
還要應付你什麼的 真的好累』
So they pull back, make other plans
於是他們一個個離我而去 另尋高明
I understand, I'm a liability
我能理解的 我真沒用對吧
Get you wild, make you leave
發現我生性乖僻 就要悻悻然離去
I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone
對別人來說 要理解我的心情 真的好麻煩
The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy
在別人眼中 我是那種人見人愛的玩具
Till all of the tricks don't work anymore
直到零件故障 按幾次按鈕都不能玩了
And then they are bored of me
只要膩了 或無聊了 隨時就能不要的
I know that it's exciting, running through the night
渡過了許多美好時光 無不令人血脈賁張
But every perfect summer's eating me alive until you're gone
但無論夏日過得再絢爛 到頭來你還是會離開 留我被寂寞啃蝕吞沒
Better on my own
They say, "You're a little much for me
You're a liability
You're a little much for me"
還要應付你什麼的 真的好累』
So they pull back, make other plans
於是他們一個個離我而去 另尋高明
I understand, I'm a liability
我能理解的 我真沒用對吧
Get you wild, make you leave
發現我生性乖僻 就要悻悻然離去
I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone
對別人來說 要理解我的心情 真的好麻煩
They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun
他們要眼睜睜看我在豔陽底下 燃燒殆盡
You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun
你們一個個 都是害我被毒辣太陽謀殺的幫凶