
專輯:Teenage Dream 花漾年華


Katy Perry - Firework (Official Music Video)


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

你可曾覺得自己毫無價值可言 就像一只塑膠袋

Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?

總是隨風漂泊不定 有著想要砍掉人生 重新來過的衝動?

Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thin

你可曾覺得自己微不足道 遠比白紙還來得單薄

Like a house of cards, one blow from cavin' in?

就像紙牌堆砌成的屋寮 只要被人輕輕一吹就頹倒?


Do you ever feel already buried deep?

你可曾覺得自己可有可無 就像被人扔進不見五指的墳墓?

Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing

在暗無天日的泥壤裏嘶吼 叫破喉嚨 卻沒有人聽得見你的聲音

Do you know that there's still a chance for you?

你怎麼就是不明白 就算是逆風也能有機會轉成順風?

'Cause there's a spark in you



You just gotta ignite the light


And let it shine


Just own the night


Like the Fourth of July



'Cause baby, you're a firework

親愛的 你就是夜空中最耀眼的煙火

Come on show 'em what you're worth

放開胸懷 向這世界宣告你準備好展現自己了

Make 'em go, "Awe, awe, awe"

讓他們驚豔地高呼 『帥呀 你看 好厲害』

As you shoot across the sky-y-y

而你只要將火種拋上夜空 劃破蒼穹


Baby, you're a firework

親愛的 你就是夜空中最耀眼的煙火

Come on, let your colors burst

來吧 自在迸發你內心最鮮豔的顏色

Make 'em go, "Awe, awe, awe"

讓世人吃驚地叫好 為你高聲喝采

You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

你一定能讓人心存敬畏 成為名留青史的了不起人物


You don't have to feel like a waste of space

你不必太過苛責自己 卑微地像沒用的太空廢料

You're original, cannot be replaced

你是獨一無二的 沒有人能夠取代得了

If you only knew what the future holds

假如你還是不明白 未來究竟象徵的是什麼

After a hurricane comes a rainbow

這樣吧 等暴風驟雨過境後 天邊就會出現一道彩虹


Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed

也許這就是老天的啟示 上帝祂先為你關上了所有的門

So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road

而祂唯獨保留了那扇窗 好方便你踏上亮眼燦爛的似錦前程

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow

就像雷霆劃破了蒼穹 到時你的心亦會為之閃耀

And when it's time, you'll know

等到時機成熟以後 你勢必會知曉


You just gotta ignite the light


And let it shine


Just own the night


Like the Fourth of July



'Cause baby, you're a firework

親愛的 你就是夜空中最耀眼的煙火

Come on show 'em what you're worth

放開胸懷 向這世界宣告你準備好展現自己了

Make 'em go, "Awe, awe, awe"

讓他們驚豔地高呼 『帥呀 你看 好厲害』

As you shoot across the sky-y-y

而你只要將火種拋上夜空 劃破蒼穹


Baby, you're a firework

親愛的 你就是夜空中最耀眼的煙火

Come on, let your colors burst

來吧 自在迸發你內心最鮮豔的顏色

Make 'em go, "Awe, awe, awe"

讓世人吃驚地叫好 為你高聲喝采

You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

你一定能讓人心存敬畏 成為名留青史的了不起人物


"Boom, boom, boom"

『砰 砰 砰』

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

你身上散發的光芒 遠比那月色還皎潔明亮

It's always been inside of you, you, you

而這份能量一直都存在你體內 沒能好好發揮

And now it's time to let it throu-ou-ough

而現在時候到了 是時候讓世人見識你的厲害


'Cause baby, you're a firework

親愛的 你就是夜空中最耀眼的煙火

Come on show 'em what you're worth

放開胸懷 向這世界宣告你準備好展現自己了

Make 'em go, "Awe, awe, awe"

讓他們驚豔地高呼 『帥呀 你看 好厲害』

As you shoot across the sky-y-y

而你只要將火種拋上夜空 劃破蒼穹


Baby, you're a firework

親愛的 你就是夜空中最耀眼的煙火

Come on, let your colors burst

來吧 自在迸發你內心最鮮豔的顏色

Make 'em go, "Awe, awe, awe"

讓世人吃驚地叫好 為你高聲喝采

You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

你一定能讓人心存敬畏 成為名留青史的了不起人物


"Boom, boom, boom"

『砰 砰 砰』

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

你身上散發的光芒 遠比那月色還皎潔明亮


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