
專輯:Midnights 午夜


Taylor Swift - Would've, Could've, Should've (Official Lyric Video)

2022/12/4 第一次修正


If you would've blinked, then I would've

要是早知道你禁不住誘惑 我就會先下手為強

Looked away at the first glance

趁還沒對到眼以前 逕自別開目光

If you tasted poison, you could've

要是你未讀標示 誤飲我這毒藥 你大可

Spit me out at the first chance

趁還沒吞下肚前吐出 以免釀成大禍


And if I was some paint, did it splatter

若單純的我是罐漆料 你打翻所造成的影響

On a promising grown man?


And if I was a child, did it matter

而當時我不過還是個孩子 那麼你認為

If you got to wash your hands?

事後才想掩蓋真相 會不會為時太晚?


Ooh, all I used to do was pray

噢 除了禱告外 我既無助又苦惱

Would've, could've, should've

早知如此 悔不當初 又何必走這遭

If you'd never looked my way

若你我不曾狹路相逢 也沒這必要


I would've stayed on my knees

我一定會識趣地離去 以免自討苦吃

And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil

而我甚至該死地確信 我能抵擋惡魔的誘惑 不去耗損我心智

At nineteen


And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven

而主祂的不變真諦 便是挺過這條險惡的天堂路 才會更加懂事


And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts

而就算我年事稍長 愈發成熟 過去仍不停地糾纏我

Memories feel like weapons

回憶就像是武器 容易擦槍走火

And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering

如今我回憶過去 我寧可你就這麼放過我 何苦要互相折磨


If you never touched me, I would've

早知道你不曾付出真心 我寧可瀟灑離席

Gone along with the righteous

逕自拋下你 與合適的人和睦共處

If I never blushed, then they could've

可惜他人晚一步 揭穿你不曾對傾以真情

Never whispered about this

否則也不必聽人咬耳朵 走漏消息


And if you never saved me from boredom

若你沒有假好心 將我從苦悶的生活拯救出來

I could've gone on as I was

我大可開心做自己 多麼快活自在

But, Lord, you made me feel important

但 天呀 你一開始先是將我捧得高高在上

And then you tried to erase us

接著一轉身 又試圖敗壞兒女情長


Ooh, you're a crisis of my faith

噢 你動搖我的信念 情勢岌岌可危

Would've, could've, should've

早知如此 根本不必 徒增如今懊悔

If I'd only played it safe

怪我愚笨 不懂如何打安全牌


I would've stayed on my knees

我就會劃清與你的界線 安分守己

And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil

而我保證我不會投向該死人皮的惡魔懷抱 將自己置於險境

At nineteen


And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven

而主的哲理告訴我們 總要受盡煉獄般的摧殘 才終能雲淡風輕


And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts

長大以後 雖然我沈歛許多 過去的鬼魂還是糾纏著我

Memories feel like weapons

回憶就像是武器 容易擦槍走火

And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering

如今我回首遙望從前 我寧可你當初放過我一馬 少來殘害我


God rest my soul


I miss who I used to be


The tomb won't close


Stained glass windows in my mind

彩繪玻璃化為一塊塊碎片 割傷我心

I regret you all the time



I can't let this go


I fight with you in my sleep


The wound won't close


I keep on waiting for a sign

至今仍期盼 能澈底與你了斷

I regret you all the time

我依舊為認識過你 深感悔憾


If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?

若安逸惹來殺身之禍 那怎不乾脆殺死它省得麻煩?

Years of tearing down our banners, you and I

日積月累的幸福 被你毀於一旦 犧牲了你我的愛

Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts

將我一度快樂的源泉築構於你痛苦之上 並以此為榮

Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

少女時光你快還我 我的第一次 你憑什麼據為己有


And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil

而我保證我不會投向該死人皮的惡魔懷抱 將自己置於險境

At nineteen


And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven

而主的哲理告訴我們 總要受盡煉獄般的摧殘 才終能雲淡風輕


And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts

長大以後 雖然我沈歛許多 過去的鬼魂還是糾纏著我

Memories feel like weapons

回憶就像是武器 容易擦槍走火

And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering

如今我回首遙望從前 我寧可你當初放過我一馬 別來殘害我


God rest my soul


I miss who I used to be


The tomb won't close


Stained glass windows in my mind

彩繪玻璃化為一塊塊碎片 割傷我心

I regret you all the time



I can't let this go


I fight with you in my sleep


The wound won't close


I keep on waiting for a sign

至今仍期盼 能澈底與你了斷

I regret you all the time

我依舊為認識過你 深感悔憾


Oh, God rest my soul

噢 主求求你撫平我傷痛

I miss who I used to be


The tomb won't close


Stained glass windows in my mind

彩繪玻璃化為一塊塊碎片 割傷我心

I regret you all the time



I can't let this go


I fight with you in my sleep


The wound won't close


I keep on waiting for a sign

至今仍期盼 能澈底與你了斷

I regret you all the time

我依舊為認識過你 深感悔憾

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