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專輯:Midnights (The Late Night Edition)


Taylor Swift - You're Losing Me (From The Vault)


You say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't"

『我不懂你的意思』你說 而我告訴你『我知道你不會懂』

We thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't

還以為假以時日 解方遲早會出現 但現在 我卻怕它再也不會來了

Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light

記不記得 那天我們一看見房間擺設 就愛上了它的照明設計 

Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time

如今 我獨自坐在黑暗中 盤算時候是不是到了


Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?

我這是讓渡苦心經營的一切 還是保護它?

I'm getting tired even for a phoenix

漸漸地我也倦了 就連傳說的鳳凰

Always risin' from the ashes


Mendin' all her gashes


You might just have dealt the final blow

但也許你就是這麼剛好 使出了致命一擊


Stop, you're losing me

夠了 你這樣弄痛我了

Stop, you're losing me

別這樣 我已經奄奄一息

Stop, you're losing me

已經夠了 你失去了我

I can't find a pulse


My heart won't start anymore for you

我的心臟再不會為誰跳動 包括你

'Cause you're losing me

因為你失去的人 是我


Every mornin', I glared at you with storms in my eyes

每天清晨 我以如同烏雲密布的陰鬱目光 盯視著你

How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?

你怎麼能在說我愛你的同時 卻又分辨不出對方是死是活?

I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick

我明明傳達好多訊息 還一點一點把指甲咬到破皮 

My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick

我的臉唰地慘白 但你甚至不願承認 我們當時是真的病了


And the air is thick with loss and indecision

厚重的空氣 凝覆著失去的傷感與優柔寡斷

I know my pain is such an imposition

我知道 我的痛楚只是在強人所難

Now, you're running down the hallway

現在的你 只能噙忍著淚水奔向玄關

And you know what they all say

而想必你也聽說過 那老話一句

"You don't know what you got until it's gone"

『我們人哪 總要等到失去以後 才懂得珍惜』


Stop, you're losing me

夠了 你這樣弄痛我了

Stop, you're losing me

別這樣 我已經奄奄一息

Stop, you're losing me

已經夠了 你失去了我

I can't find a pulse


My heart won't start anymore for you

我的心臟再不會為誰跳動 包括你

'Cause you're losing me

因為你失去的人 是我

'Cause you're losing me

因為你失去的人 是我

Stop (Stop) 'cause you're losing me

已經夠了 因為你失去的人是我


My heart won't start anymore

我的心臟 再也不會為誰搏動

(Stop 'cause you're losing me)

(夠了 因為你失去的人是我)

My heart won't start anymore

我的心臟 再也不會為誰搏動

(Stop 'cause you're losing me)

(夠了 因為你失去的人是我)


How long could we be a sad song

還要多久 才能把我們寫入失戀曲

'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life?

直至我們太過疏離 就連喚回感情也來不及?

I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy

我把我最好的那一面給了你 還有無止盡的同理心

And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier

試著成為最驍勇善戰的戰士的同時 我的甲冑卻不斷滲血

Fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me

為保衛你的基地 誓死衝向前線作戰 你可別忽視這一切

I'm the best thing at this party (You're losing me)

我是派對裡你最該關注的那個 (你失去了我)

And I wouldn't marry me either


A pathological people pleaser


Who only wanted you to see her


And I'm fading, thinkin'

現在我消失在幕前 想著

"Do something, babe, say something"

『快做點什麼呀 親愛的 說點什麼挽回』

"Lose something, babe, risk something"

『失去珍視的事物前 親愛的 為我冒險』

"Choose something, babe, I got nothing"

『從中抉擇呀 親愛的 我早就一無所有』

"To believe, unless you're choosing me"

『包括信念 除非 你最後選擇的人是我』


You're losing me


Stop, you're losing me

夠了 你失去的人是我

Stop, you're losing me

夠了 你失去的人是我

I can't find a pulse


My heart won't start anymore

我的心臟 再也不為誰跳動

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