
專輯:Prism 超炫光


Katy Perry - Roar (Official)

Katy Perry - Roar (From “The Prismatic World Tour Live”)


I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath

我太習慣去降低存在感 沉住氣 服從別人的指令

Scared to rock the boat and make a mess

生怕說錯話觸怒他人 會惹不必要的麻煩上身

So I sat quietly, agreed politely

於是我把苦水往肚子裏吞 默默隱忍


I guess that I forgot I had a choice

我想我老是忘了 其實我有權利為自己發言

I let you push me past the breaking point

我卻一再縱容你把我推入火坑 並引燃導火線

I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

我還以為自己一點價值也沒有 於是誤信了謊言


You held me down, but I got up (Hey)

你雖洗腦控制了我 但我掙脫你擺佈 (嘿)

Already brushing off the dust

卡在鬃毛上的塵埃 已被梳理乾淨

You hear my voice, you hear that sound

你聽見叢林傳來我的聲音 那霸氣十足的獅吼功

Like thunder, gonna shake the ground

宛如雷霆閃電 足以震碎地面的轟然巨響


You held me down, but I got up (Hey)

也許你暫時箝制了我 但我也不是省油的燈 (嘿)

Get ready 'cause I've had enough

準備要反擊 我受夠你成天欺負弱小了

I see it all, I see it now

我要化悲憤為力量 掙脫枷鎖


I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter

我有著猛虎般的勇猛眼眸 鬥士般的堅韌意志

Dancing through the fire

涅槃般浴火重生 愈挫愈勇的氣勢

'Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar

因為我就是蟬聯數年冠軍的不敗王者 而你們全都要聽我吼

Louder, louder than a lion

叫聲多嘹亮 遠比那萬獸之王來得高亢

'Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar

因為我就是天生的衛冕高手 而你們區區子民全都要聽我吼


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You’re gonna hear me roar



Now I’m floating like a butterfly

現在我要像蝴蝶 靈活地躲避你的痛擊

Stinging like a bee, I earned my stripes

再像蜂螫趁隙偷襲 傷疤就是我驕傲的榮勳

I went from zero, to my own hero

我從一無所有 成為心目中的超級英雄


You held me down, but I got up (Hey)

你從擂台擊倒了我 但我總會爬起來 (嘿)

Already brushing off the dust

沾染塵埃 隨著汗水揮灑一同甩開

You hear my voice, you hear that sound

你聽見我尖吼震懾人心 那鼓舞士氣的低鳴

Like thunder, gonna shake the ground

彷彿天邊擊下落雷 要人們避之唯恐不及


You held me down, but I got up (Got up)

你暫時把我按住 但我遲早會振作起來 (振作)

Get ready 'cause I've had enough

準備接招 因為我無法再讓你胡作非為

I see it all, I see it now

我想通了 且看我回敬你一番


I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter

我有著猛虎般的勇猛眼眸 鬥士般的堅韌意志

Dancing through the fire

涅槃般浴火重生 愈挫愈勇的氣勢

'Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar

因為我就是蟬聯數年冠軍的不敗王者 而你們全都要聽我吼

Louder, louder than a lion

叫聲多嘹亮 遠比那萬獸之王來得高亢

'Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar

因為我就是天生的衛冕高手 而你們區區子民全都要聽我吼


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You’re gonna hear me roar



Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

(You'll hear me roar)


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You’re gonna hear me roar



Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar

吼 吼 尖吼 聽我吼 高聲怒吼


I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter

我有著猛虎般的勇猛眼眸 鬥士般的堅韌意志

Dancing through the fire

涅槃般浴火重生 愈挫愈勇的氣勢

'Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar

因為我就是蟬聯數年冠軍的不敗王者 而你們全都要聽我吼

Louder, louder than a lion

叫聲多嘹亮 遠比那萬獸之王來得高亢

'Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar

因為我就是天生的衛冕高手 而你們區區子民全都要聽我吼


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (Yeah)

You’re gonna hear me roar



Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

(You'll hear me roar)


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

You’re gonna hear me roar


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