

專輯:Faster Than The Speed Of Night




(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit lonely

古往今來 總覺內心惆悵不已

And you're never coming 'round


(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit tired

不知從何時開始 我也學會厭倦

Of listening to the sound of my tears

在漫漫長夜 聽著眼淚滑落臉龐的孤寂

(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit nervous

有時候 心情如此忐忑不定 

That the best of all the years have gone by

害怕花漾年華會就此流逝 永不復返

(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit terrified

不知從何時開始 我變得猶疑不定 失去信念

And then I see the look in your eyes



(Turn around, bright eyes)

(轉過身 讓我看看那雙雪亮的眸)

Every now and then I fall apart

我總被你的愛 捧得高高在上

(Turn around, bright eyes)

(轉過身 讓我看看那雙靈動的眸)

Every now and then I fall apart

轉眼間 又被你摔得粉身碎骨


(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit restless

有時候 我變得焦躁不安 

And I dream of something wild

只得在狂野不真實的夢境 追尋你的身影

(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit helpless


And I'm lying like a child in your arms

像個強褓中的嬰孩 在你懷裡哭鬧不停歇

(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit angry


And I know I've got to get out and cry


(Turn around)


Every now and then I get a little bit terrified

不知從何時開始 我變得害怕不已

But then I see the look in your eyes



(Turn around, bright eyes)

(轉過身來 讓我看看你靈動的雙眸)

Every now and then I fall apart

有時 我縱身墜入心碎的深淵

(Turn around, bright eyes)

(轉過身來 讓我看看你明媚的雙眼)

Every now and then I fall apart

直至我崩潰痛哭 倒地不起


And I need you now tonight

今夜的我 該有多需要你

And I need you more than ever

遠比從前 更需要你的陪伴啊

And if you only hold me tight


We'll be holding on forever

我們將在一起 永遠不分離

And we'll only be making it right

對於這點 我始終堅信不疑

'Cause we'll never be wrong

只因我們的愛 從來不會出錯

Together we can take it to the end of the line

只要我們攜手共進退 肯定就能越過終點線

Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (All of the time)

你的愛總能常伴我左右 形影不離 

I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark

我不知如何是好 這段感情從來只有霧裡看花

We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks

我們的愛如炸藥般 只在火花迸發時閃現頃刻

I really need you tonight


Forever's gonna start tonight

有了你 這份愛才算完整

Forever's gonna start tonight

沒了你 這份愛將失去意義


Once upon a time I was falling in love

曾幾何時 我也曾墜入愛河

Now I'm only falling apart

而今我卻粉碎 再不完整

There's nothing I can do


A total eclipse of the heart

只得遠觀心的全蝕 靜觀其變

Once upon a time there was light in my life

曾幾何時 人生也曾乍現曙光

But now there's only love in the dark

而今愛卻失去光芒 不再耀眼

Nothing I can say


A total eclipse of the heart

除了眺望心的全蝕外 別無他法


[Instrumental Interlude]


(Turn around)


Every now and then


I know you'll never be the boy

我就是知道 你永遠也不會是我

You always wanted to be


(Turn around)


But every now and then


I know you'll always be the only boy

我就是知道 自己永遠都會是

Who wanted me the way that I am

你認定的唯一摯愛 不假外求

(Turn around)


Every now and then


I know there's no one in the universe


As magical and wondrous as you


(Turn around)


Every now and then


I know there's nothing any better


There's nothing that I just wouldn't do

為了你 我什麼都願意做


(Turn around, bright eyes)

(轉過身來 讓我看看你雪亮的眸)

Every now and then I fall apart

曾幾何時 我的愛竟分崩離析

(Turn around, bright eyes)

(轉過身吧 讓我注視你動人的眸)

Every now and then I fall apart

直至我倒地痛哭 再也不起


And I need you now tonight

今晚的我 該是如此需要你

And I need you more than ever

遠比傷心的夢醒時分 更為需要你啊

And if you only hold me tight


We'll be holding on forever

我們肯定就能在一起 永遠不分離

And we'll only be making it right

對於這點 我始終堅信不疑

'Cause we'll never be wrong

只因我們的愛 從來不會出錯

Together we can take it to the end of the line

只要我們攜手共進退 肯定就能越過終點線

Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)

你的愛總能常伴我左右 形影不離 

I don't know what to do


I'm always in the dark


Living in a powder keg and giving off sparks

我們的愛 只於煙硝中交錯 火光激盪下閃現

I really need you tonight

今晚的我 不能沒有你的陪伴

Forever's gonna start tonight

有你在 這份愛才算完整

(Forever's gonna start tonight)

沒了你 這份愛將失去意義


Once upon a time I was falling in love

曾幾何時 我也曾愛得透徹深入

Now I'm only falling apart

而今未來卻失去光輝 晦暗不明

There's nothing I can do


A total eclipse of the heart

除了遠觀心的全蝕外 別無他法

Once upon a time there was light in my life

曾幾何時 曙光也曾乍現於人生片刻

But now there's only love in the dark

而今愛卻身處黯淡 前途茫茫

Nothing I can say

對此 我早已無話可說

A total eclipse of the heart

只得眺望遠方圓月 啃蝕我心

A total eclipse of the heart


A total eclipse of the heart

除了觀望心的全蝕外 別無他法


(Turn around, bright eyes)

(能轉過身來 讓我看看你雪亮的雙眸嗎?)

(Turn around, bright eyes)

(好孩子 為我轉過身吧)

(Turn around)

(轉過身吧 求你了)

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