專輯:Prism 超炫光
Katy Perry - This Is How We Do (Official)
Katy Perry - This Is How We Do (Lyric Video)
This is how we do
This is how we do (Oh-oh)
人生就是要這樣過 (噢-噢)
Sipping on Rosé
Silver Lake sun coming up all lazy (This is how we do)
陽光從銀湖升起 賴床也沒問題超慵懶 (人生就是要這樣過)
Slow cooking pancakes for my boy
小火慢煎鬆餅 擠上新鮮奶油給我北鼻
Still up, still fresh as a daisy (Oh-oh)
精神飽滿 自帶雛菊的清新芳香 (噢-噢)
Playing ping pong all night long
連夜激戰乒乓 等太陽東升又西落
Everything's all neon and hazy (This is how we do)
眼前就像霓虹燈曖昧不明又朦朧 (人生就是要這樣過)
Chanel this, Chanel that, hell yeah
從頭到腳香奈兒 服飾一應俱全 這才對嘛
All my girls vintage Chanel, baby (Oh-oh)
還不看我姊妹們撐起香奈兒古著 飛炫寶貝 (噢-噢)
It's no big deal
It's no big deal
It's no big deal
This is no big deal
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
隨興爽玩 悠閒自在 爽約放別人鴿子 耶 只要成天這麼幹就對了
This is how we do, do-do-do-do
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過
This is how we do
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
慵懶過日子 俐落瀟灑 沒事就裝瘋賣傻 耶 隨便我們想幹嘛就幹嘛
This is how we do, do-do-do-do
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過
This is how we do (Oh-oh)
人生就是要這樣過 (噢-噢)
Big hoops and maroon lips
比呼拉圈還大的耳環 塗得紅通通的雙唇
My clique hopping in my Maserati (This is how we)
一個又一個姊妹 跳進我砸錢買的瑪莎拉蒂 (人生就是這麼)
Santa Barbara-chic at La Super Rica
Grabbing tacos, checking out hotties (Oh-oh)
抓起塔可餅拼命往嘴裡塞 欣賞比塔巴斯可還辣的猛男 (噢-噢)
Now we talkin' astrology
Getting our nails did all Japanese-y (This is how we do)
順便到美甲店維修 裝上卡哇伊的日本風 (人生就是這麼過)
Day drinking at the Wildcat
Sucking real bad at Mariah Carey-oke (Oh-oh)
一拿到麥克風就破鑼嗓子 唱起瑪咪咪凱莉 (噢,噢)
It's no big deal
It's no big deal (Uh-uh)
這又沒什麼大不了 (哈-嗯)
It's no big deal
This is no big deal
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
隨興爽玩 悠閒自在 爽約放別人鴿子 耶 只要成天這麼幹就對了
This is how we do, do-do-do-do
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過
This is how we do
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
慵懶過日子 俐落瀟灑 沒事就裝瘋賣傻 耶 隨便我們想幹嘛就幹嘛
This is how we do, do-do-do-do
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過
This is how we do (Oh-oh)
Yo, this one goes out to the ladies at breakfast, in last night's dress
喲 麻煩這邊給昨晚喝個爛醉 享用早餐還穿著狂歡完沒換的小洋裝的姊妹們歡呼
Uh-huh, I see you (It's how we do, straight stunting like that, uh-huh)
嗯-哼 我可是監視你的一舉一動 (人生就是這樣過 生性剽悍又爽快 嗯-哼)
Yo, this goes out to all you kids that still have their cars at the club valet
喲 再來是給願意賞飯給泊車小哥一點小費賺的各位 來自內心最真誠的感謝
And it's Tuesday (It's how we do, straight stunting like that, uh-huh)
今天才星期二呀 各位 (人生就是這樣過 隨遇而安 互相幫忙有我在 安啦)
Yo, shoutout to all you kids buying bottle service with your rent money
喲 給我們這些灑租金 出來鬼混自己買酒不蹭有錢人的朋友 來點掌聲鼓勵吧
Respect! (It's how we do, straight, yeah)
給點尊重好嘛!(人生就是這樣過 直截了當 耶)
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
隨興爽玩 悠閒自在 爽約放別人鴿子 耶 只要成天這麼幹就對了
This is how we do, do-do-do-do
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過
This is how we do
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
慵懶過日子 俐落瀟灑 沒事就裝瘋賣傻 耶 隨便我們想幹嘛就幹嘛
This is how we do, do-do-do-do (Hey, oh)
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過 (嘿 噢)
This is how we do (Woo!)
人生就是要這樣過 (嗚!)
(This is how we do)
This goes out to all you people going to bed with a ten and waking up with a two
這邊先給和顏質巔峰的天菜酒後亂性 結果一醒來發現是龍的你們 致上十二萬分的敬意
(This is how we do)
(It's how we do, straight stunting like that, uh-huh) Ha, not me
(人生果然要這樣過 不論好壞都要玩個痛快 嗯哼) 整倒你了吧 這事我可不幹哪
This is how we do, yeah
人生就是要這樣過 耶
Chilling, laid-back, straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
慵懶過日子 俐落瀟灑 沒事就裝瘋賣傻 耶 隨便我們想幹嘛就幹嘛
This is how we do, do-do-do-do (It's how we do, straight stunting like that)
人生就是要這樣過 過-過-過-過 (人生果然要這樣過 通宵玩個盡興才稱得上愉快)
What? Wait
No, no, no, no, bring the beat back (Oh-oh)
你這樣子不行喔 把音樂給我叫回來 (噢-噢)
That's right
This is how we do
This is how we do