專輯:Prism 超炫光
Flowers in her hair, she don't care
鮮豔花朵在髮梢 她擺出巨星架式不怕人騷擾
Peach-pink lips, yeah, everybody stares
塗上桃色粉唇蜜 當然囉 人們都忍不住盯著她瞧
(Ooh) You think you've seen her in a magazine
(噢) 你還以為她曾是某期知名雜誌封面的好萊塢女星
(Ooh) It's like she walked right out of your dreams
(噢) 環繞著非凡脫俗仙氣 彷彿是從你夢中翩翩走出的精靈
Black Ray Bans, you know she's with the band
帥氣雷朋墨鏡 一身瀟灑行頭 她跟著樂團一路沒命地闖
Passport stamps, she's cosmopolitan
蓋滿一頁頁戳章 四海為家的她想必是隨風流浪
(Ooh) Yeah, she runs the place like Penny Lane
(噢) 耶 就連便士街出道的音樂人 都得聽她發號施令呢
(Ooh) Yeah, you're lucky if you're on her plane
(噢) 耶 若有幸碰上像她這樣的大人物 你可算是走運了
From Tokyo, to Mexico, to Rio!
從東京登機 再到墨西哥轉機 成功抵達里約!
That girl's a trip
A one-way ticket
當時買了張單程機票 就要闖天關
Takes you miles high, so high
成功帶來的喜悅是如此慷慨激昂 令人感動莫名
'Cause she's got that one international smile
因為她那獨家發行的機票 可是傳說中的微笑全球通行
Catch her if you can
她神出鬼沒 想捕捉不妨一試
Yeah, she's so in demand
畢竟 她可是當紅炸子雞
Takes you miles high, so high
貓捉鼠藏的快感 肯定讓你馳騁於歡愉 痛快盡興
'Cause she's got that one international smile
因為她獨鍾愛藏的機票 可是絕無僅有的微笑全球通行
She's got that je ne sais quoi, you know it
她散發著難以言喻卻又吸引人的特質 想必你也知情
So très chic, yeah, she's a classic
舉手投足都如此別緻 沒錯 經典就是她的代名詞
(Ooh) Yeah, she's footloose and so fancy free
(噢) 耶 她輕盈活潑地舞動著 天生活得自在逍遙又灑脫
(Ooh) Yeah, she dances to a her own beat
(噢) 沒錯 就連跳舞這門學問 她也有獨到的見解原則
'Cause she's the muse and the artist
因為她就是繆斯女神 汲取大地精華的才女藝術家
Always leaves a trail of stardust
凡是行經路過的地方 無不有星塵碎末留下
(Ooh) 'Cause she's a little bit of Yoko
(噢) 總覺得她給人的印象 與小野洋子有幾分神似
(Ooh) And she's a little bit of, “Oh no”
(噢) 倆人都具備使人驚羨得花容失色 忍不住懼怕的特質
From LA, Miami, to New York City!
從洛杉磯出發 飛往熱火邁阿密 再回到大蘋果紐約!
That girl's a trip
A one-way ticket
當時買了張單程機票 就要闖天關
Takes you miles high, so high
成功帶來的喜悅是如此慷慨激昂 令人感動莫名
'Cause she's got that one international smile
因為她那獨家發行的機票 可是傳說中的微笑全球通行
Catch her if you can (Catch her if you can)
她神出鬼沒 想捕捉不妨一試
Yeah, she's so in demand (In demand)
畢竟 她可是當紅炸子雞
Takes you miles high, so high
貓捉鼠藏的快感 肯定讓你馳騁於歡愉 酣暢淋漓
'Cause she's got that one international smile
因為她獨鍾愛藏的機票 可是絕無僅有的微笑全球通行
[Spoken Interlude]
Please fasten your seatbelts
And make sure your champagne glass isn't empty
並確保您的香檳杯內尚未飲空 以免舉杯時出現困難
We are now approaching the runway
目前班機確切的飛行位置 已十分接近伸展臺
So get ready for take-off
準備好您的隨身行李 我們準備降落平台
She's got that international smile
She's got that one international smile
That girl's a trip (That girl's a trip)
A one-way ticket (Oh, oh)
當時買了張單程機票 就要闖天關
Takes you miles high, so high
帶來的喜悅是如此慷慨激昂 令人感動莫名
'Cause she's got that one international smile (She's got that smile)
因為她那獨家發行的機票 可是傳說中的微笑全球通行
Catch her if you can (Catch her if you can)
她神出鬼沒 想捕捉不妨一試
Yeah, she's so in demand (So in demand)
畢竟 她可是當紅炸子雞
Takes you miles high, so high (Miles high)
貓捉鼠藏的快感 肯定讓你馳騁於歡愉 痛快盡興
'Cause she's got that one international smile
因為她獨鍾愛藏的機票 可是絕無僅有的微笑全球通行