
專輯:Lust for Life 慾望人生


God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It


Take me as I am, take me, baby, in stride

接納我原來的樣子 接納 寶貝 從容以對

Only you can save me tonight

唯有你 能拯救我從今晚脫險

There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

面對 已經無處可逃 已經無處藏掩

You let me in, don't leave me out, or leave me dry

你對我敞開心扉 別將我給趕出來 抑或使我淚乾


Even when I'm alone, I'm not lonely

哪怕此刻我一人獨處 我也絕非一人

I hear the sweetest melodies (Sweetest melodies)

我耳邊傳來最悅耳的旋律 (最為優美的旋律)

On the fire escapes of the city


Sounds like I am free (It's got me singin')

聽來彷彿我重獲自由之身 (這使我歡聲)


God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it

天佑我國美利堅 及活在這世外桃源中的美麗佳人

God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it

天佑我國美利堅 及活在這世外桃源中的美麗佳人

May you stand proud and strong like Lady Liberty shinin' all night long

許你驕傲昂然聳立 堅強以對 似自由女神 夜夜奔放耀眼斑斕的光彩

God bless America



Take me as I am, don't see me for what I'm not

接那我原來的模樣 可別將我視為無暇完人

Only you can hear me tonight

唯有你 能在今夜聽見我聲音

Keep your light on, babe, I might be standin' outside

你家的燈光先別熄滅 寶貝 等會兒我應逗留在外 

You let me in, don't leave me out, or leave me dry

你對我敞開心扉 別將我給趕出來 抑或使我淚乾


Even walkin' alone, I'm not worried

就連獨自漫遊在街頭 我也不擔心

I feel your arms all around me (Arms around me)

我感覺到你雙臂 環繞著我身 (雙臂環繞著我身)

In the air on the streets of the city

漂浮在半空中 隻身在都城街頭

Feels like I am free (It's got me thinkin')

我感覺我重獲自由 (這致使我忖思著)


God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it

天佑我國美利堅 及活在這世外桃源中的美麗佳人

God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it

天佑我國美利堅 及活在這世外桃源中的美麗佳人

May you stand proud and strong like Lady Liberty shinin' all night long

許你驕傲昂然聳立 堅強以對 似自由女神 夜夜奔放耀眼斑斕的光彩

God bless America



(Sweetest melodies)


Even with you, I've got no one to lose

陪著你的當下 我失去你也不足為懼

So you'd better believe that nobody can make me feel lonely

所以你最好相信我 這世上沒有任何人 可讓我感到孤寂

Because I hear (Sweetest melodies)

因為我所聽見的 (最甜美的旋律)

Even when you talk that talk with the lights on

就連你對我情話綿綿當下 伴著明亮燈光亮起

I still somehow know that I'll never feel, ever feel lonely

我仍依稀有種預感 知道我從此 再也不會感受到孤寂

I have no fear (It's got me thinkin', yeah)

我不知恐懼為何物 (這致使我思忖 耶)


God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it

天佑我國美利堅 及活在這世外桃源中的美麗佳人

God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it

天佑我國美利堅 及活在這世外桃源中的美麗佳人

May you stand proud and strong like Lady Liberty shinin' all night long

許你驕傲昂然聳立 堅強以對 似自由女神 夜夜奔放耀眼斑斕的光彩

God bless America


And all the beautiful people in it


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