
專輯:Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd 你可知曉海洋大道下有一秘道


Lana Del Rey - Sweet (Audio)


Stars in my eyes, hiking up Griffith

眼中充滿流星 爬坡至格里斐斯觀景

Thinking about who was sad and what didn't

想想那些傷心人 和想起來會快樂的事情

Get sad in the Midwest, wish I could tell you now

遊歷中西部多了傷心事 真希望我能向你盡述

I wrote you a note, but I didn't send it

我屬意寫給你張字條 我卻沒能發送

'Cause that's the best method the women here taught me about

因為這招絕佳妙計 便是在地女性教授我的一門獨到學問

What you don't really understand

你所不知曉 關於我的私藏秘辛

I've got magic in my hand, stars in my eyes

便是我掌握著魔法 雙眼漫溢著天上繁星


I'm a different kind of woman


If you want some basic bitch, go to the Beverly Center and find her

若你渴慕的不過是些凡婊俗女 自是到比佛利購物中心找她去

I'm sweet, bare feet

我甜美動人 光腳赤足

If you wanna go where nobody goes

若你有興致 欲造訪無人駐足境地

That's where you'll find me


In the sweet north country


If I'm not there, comе to my house on Genesee

若我因故外出 儘管來訪我位於傑納西之住居


What you doin' with your lifе? Do you think about it?


Do you contemplate where we came from?

你可曾忖度 人類的起源都是從何而生?

Lately, we've been makin' out a lot

近來 你我親熱次數也不在話下

Not talkin' 'bout the stuff that's at the very heart of things

不曾論及這方面的話題 直抒胸臆 吐露你我真心話

Do you want children? Do you wanna marry me?


Do you wanna run marathons in Long Beach by the sea?

你想不想沿著這長島迢迢海濱線 跑完全程馬拉松?

I've got things to do, like nothing at all

我尚有許多事未完成 好比什麼也不做

I wanna do them with you

這些事 我想和你一塊完成

Do you wanna do them with me?

那麼你願不願意 和我一起完成?


If you want someone, then just call me up

若你真渴慕某位女性 不如叩我來電接聽

And remember where I'll be

並謹記 我人如今身在何處

Sweet in barefeet


You can find me where no one will be

你方可在無人駐足境地 找到我的人

In the woods somewhere, in the night

在那幽靜秘林深處 在夜幕低垂時分

In the heart of a valley


In the sweet north country


If I'm not there, come to my house on Genesee

若那兒尋不著我 隨時來訪我傑納西之住居

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