Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

專輯:Clouds 雲朵


Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now (HD)

Kala Banham's Emotional Version of Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now" | The Voice Blind Auditions


Bows and flows of angel hair

綁上髮帶的天使髮絲 隨風逐流

And ice cream castles in the air

而冰淇淋色的城堡 堆砌在天空

And feather canyons everywhere

而輕若鴻毛的峽谷 遍佈在四周

I've looked at clouds that way



But now they only block the sun

但如今它們 只屏蔽陽光的美麗

They rain and they snow on everyone

雲朵降雨又撒雪 弄糟行人的心情

So many things I would have done

如此之多的夢想 等著我去完成

But clouds got in my way

重重雲霧 卻阻擋我去路


I've looked at clouds from both sides now 

我如今從裡而外 注視著又輕又柔的雲朵

From up and down, and still somehow

從上到下 迄今我仍如此堅信

It's cloud illusions I recall

這是雲朵幻化的假象 我想著

I really don't know clouds at all



Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels

遍灑月光的六月午夜 縱情摩天輪

The dizzy dancing way that you feel

這朦朧美的舞意 釋放你的真感情

As every fairy tale comes real


I've looked at love that way



But now it's just another show

但如今這秀 不過是搬演的節目

You leave 'em laughing when you go

你的出演留得歡聲四起 直到你下戲

And if you care, don't let them know

若你真的在乎 就千萬別讓觀眾知情

Don't give yourself away



I've looked at love from both sides now

我如今從裡而外 凝視戲夢似的愛情

From give and take, and still somehow

從取到捨 迄今我仍如此堅信

It's love's illusions I recall

這愛情捏塑的幻象 我憶道

I really don't know love at all



Tears and fears and feeling proud

淚水和恐懼佔據內心 我驕傲地挺胸

To say "I love you" right out loud


Dreams and schemes and circus crowds

滿懷的夢想和計畫 取悅馬戲團觀眾

I've looked at life that way



But now old friends are acting strange

但如今舊友對我態度 變得無比奇特

They shake their heads, they say I've changed

他們紛紛對著我搖頭 指責我真的變了

Well something's lost, but something's gained

但掉失生命碎片的同時 也會從中獲取什麼

In living every day



I've looked at life from both sides now

我如今從裡而外 注視玄虛的人生

From win and lose and still somehow

從贏到輸 迄今我仍舊如此堅信

It's life's illusions I recall

這就是人生的幻象 我憶道

I really don't know life at all



I've looked at life from both sides now

我如今從裡而外 注視玄虛的人生

From win and lose and still somehow

從贏到輸 迄今我仍舊如此堅信

It's life's illusions I recall

這就是人生的幻象 我憶道

I really don't know life at all


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