Taylor Swift - But Daddy I Lov



But Daddy I Love Him


I forget how the west was won

西部怎麼拓荒的 我幾乎忘光了

I forget if this was ever fun


I just learned these people only raise you

我這才理解 人們之所以要養育孩子

To cage you



Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best

一羣白的要命的女人 穿著最美的主日衣裳

Clutchin' their pearls sighing, "What a mess"

揪著他們的珍珠 嘆道『多麼不堪的景象』

I just learned these people try and save you

我這才明白 他們之所以願意出手相助

'Cause they hate you



Too high a horse for a simple girl

對平凡的女孩子家 上馬並不容易

To rise above it


They slammed the door on my whole world

人們對我珍視的一切 重重甩上了門

The one thing I wanted



Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned

我匆匆忙忙追了出去 裙子連扣也沒扣

Scrеamin', "But, daddy, I love him"

吶喊著『可爹地 我是愛他的』

I'm having his baby


No, I'm not, but you should see your faces

我胡說的啦 但你真該看看你被嚇成甚麼樣子

I'm telling him to floor it through thе fences

我得提醒他 就要撞上柵欄前得彎下腰才行

No, I'm not coming to my senses

夠了 你們怎麼勸都是沒有用的

I know it's crazy


But he's the one I want

但我要的 只有那個男生


Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid

盡責的女兒如我 行程早就安排好了

Tendrils tucked into a woven braid

一頭的鬈鬚 編成齊整的辮子

Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all

有的時候 個性太過早熟 就代表你一點長進也沒有

He was chaos, he was revelry

他是個混球 是個滋事份子

Bedroom eyes like a remedy

勾引人的眼神 跟救星似的

Soon enough the elders had convened down at the city hall

用不著多久 各方耆老們便會在市政府召開緊急會議


"Stay away from her," the saboteurs


Protested too much


Lord knows the words we never heard

天曉得那些話兒 我們聽都沒聽過

Just screeching tires of true love

只能聽些愛情故事 過過乾癮


Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned

我匆匆忙忙追了出去 裙子連扣也沒扣

Scrеamin', "But, daddy, I love him"

吶喊著『可爹地 我是愛他的』

I'm having his baby


No, I'm not, but you should see your faces

我隨便說的 但你真該看看你被嚇成什麼德性

I'm telling him to floor it through thе fences

我得提醒他 就要撞上柵欄前得彎下腰才行

No, I'm not coming to my senses

夠了 你們怎麼勸都是沒有用的

I know it's crazy


But he's the one I want

但我要的 只有那個男生


I'll tell you something right now


I'd rather burn my whole life down

那就是 我寧可把一生燒成灰燼

Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'


I'll tell you something 'bout my good name


It's mine alone to disgrace

要玷辱 那也是我家的事

I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing



God save the most judgmental creeps


Who say they want what's best for me


Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see

搖著偽君子的旗幟 演著我看也看不懂的內心獨白

Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me

還以為這麼做 他往後一碰到我 我的心跳就不會莫名落一拍

And counteract the chemistry


And undo the destiny



You ain't gotta pray for me


Me and my wild boy, and all of this wild joy

我和我的野男孩 可要盡情享受這歡快

If all you want is gray for me

既然你要的 對我而言無聊透頂

Then it's just white noise, then it's just my choice

那就把一切當作白噪音罷 我已經做好了決定


There's a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles

這鎮上可是有一大堆人 迫不及待看我獻上我最狡黠的笑容

Scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer

醜聞偶爾打擊人的自信心 卻也加深情人之間的情誼

We came back when the heat died down

眼看火花就要熄滅 我們總會重燃激情

Went to my parents and they came around

向我父母疏通一切 而他們總算回轉心意

All the wine moms are still holding out

那些醉醺醺的老母親 依然憤恨難平

But fuck 'em, it's over

但誰理他們 鬧劇到此結束


Now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun and


Even my daddy just loves him


I'm his lady


And oh my God, you should see your faces

我的天呀 你真該看看你臉紅成甚麼樣子

Time, doesn't it give some perspective

時間 並不會因此讓任何人長長見識

And no, you can't come to the wedding

沒錯 我要禁止你參加我們的婚禮

I know it's crazy, but he's the one I love

我知道這簡直瘋了 但他是我惟一愛的人


I'll tell you something right now


You ain't gotta pray for me

為我祈禱甚麼的 大可不必

Me and my wild boy, and all of this wild joy

我和我的野男孩 可要盡情享受這歡快

(It was chaos, it was revelry)

(這根本是在滋事 簡直胡來)

If all you want is gray for me

既然你要的 對我而言無聊透頂

Then it's just white noise, then it's just my choice

那就把一切當作白噪音罷 這不過是我的決定


Scrеamin', "But, daddy, I love him"

吶喊著『可爹地 我是愛他的』

I'm having his baby


No, I'm not

才怪 騙你的

But you should see your faces


And oh my God, you should see your faces

噢 我的天 你真該看你的臉紅成甚麼樣子


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