
專輯:The More Fearless (Taylor’s Version) Chapter 無懼的愛 (泰勒絲全新版)


If This Was A Movie


Last night, I heard my own heart beating

昨晚睡不著的時候 我聽著自己的心跳個不停

Sounded like footsteps on my stairs


Six months gone and I'm still reaching

都過了六個月 我還是會把手伸向床另一邊

Even though I know you're not there

儘管我心裡明白 多久以前我就孤枕自眠


I was playing back a thousand memories, baby

我腦海閃過成千上萬個畫面 全都是回憶 親愛的

Thinking 'bout everything we've been through

一想到當初我們度過的生活片刻 只讓我感到難過

Maybe I've been going back too much lately

也許我最近太常回味往事 重溫那段美好的過去

When time stood still and I had you

當一切還停留在那個當下 而我還擁有你


Come back, come back, come back to me like

快點回來 你怎麼不回來 你怎麼還不回來我身邊

You would, you would if this was a movie

你一定會 假如這是電影的結尾那你一定會

Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out

冒著大雨 耐心站在屋外 等我氣消才走出來


Come back, come back, come back to me like

回到我身邊 快點回到我身邊 別就這麼離我而去

You could, you could if you just said you're sorry

你只要道歉 你只要簡單說句對不起 我會輕易原諒你

I know that we could work it out somehow

我相信只要我們努力 一定能找出方法解決的

But if this was a movie, you'd be here by now

但假如都來到電影的尾聲 你的人應該早就出現了


I know people change and these things happen

我知道人們可能說變就變 畢竟這種事情在所難免

But I remember how it was back then

但我卻也還記得 還在一起那時有多麼美

Wrapped up in your arms and our friends were laughin'

將我攬進你的臂彎 和三五好友圍在一塊 他們面露羨慕神情

'Cause nothing like this ever happened to them

只因兩人相愛 這難能可貴的幸福 從來輪不到他們


Now I'm pacing down the hall, chasing down your street

而我開始像個幽魂在走廊徘徊遊蕩 一路尾隨至你所住的街頭

Flashback to the night when you said to me

熟悉景象勾起我的回憶 記得那晚你這麼告訴我

That nothing's gonna change, not for me and you

這段關係已經沒什麼可挽回的了 至少你和我不可能

Back before I knew how much I had to lose

要是知道失去你會這麼痛 那我寧可不要放你走


Come back, come back, come back to me like

快點回來 你怎麼不回來 你怎麼還不回來我身邊

You would, you would if this was a movie

你一定會 假如這是電影的結尾那你一定會

Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out

冒著大雨 耐心站在屋外 等我氣消才走出來


Come back, come back, come back to me like

回到我身邊 快點回到我身邊 別就這麼離我而去

You could, you could if you just said you're sorry

你只要道歉 你只要簡單說句對不起 我會輕易原諒你

I know that we could work it out somehow

我相信只要我們努力 一定能找出方法解決的

But if this was a movie, you'd be here by now

但假如都來到電影的尾聲 你的人應該早就出現了


If you're out there, if you're somewhere, if you're moving on

假如你人已經離開 假如你已到世界的另一邊 假如你準備好向前看

I've been waiting for you ever since you've been gone

我會一直一直等著你 哪怕要到天荒地老 我也等著你回來

I just want it back the way it was before

我只希望一切能恢復原狀 回到還相愛的時候

And I just want to see you back at my front door

而我只希望一推開門 就看見你站在門外 準備挽留我


And I say, "Come back, come back, come back to me like

而我會說 『快點回來 你怎麼不回來 你怎麼還不回來我身邊

You would before you said it's not that easy

在你說出沒那麼簡單以前 應該要先答應我才對

Before the fight, before I locked you out

不應該吵架無理取鬧 把你鎖在門外是我不好

But I take it all back now"



Come back, come back, come back to me like

快點回來 你怎麼不回來 你怎麼還不回來我身邊

You would, you would if this was a movie

你一定會 假如這是電影的結尾那你一定會

Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out

冒著大雨 耐心站在屋外 等我氣消才走出來


Come back, come back, come back to me like

回到我身邊 快點回到我身邊 別就這麼離我而去

You could, you could if you just said you're sorry

你只要道歉 你只要簡單說句對不起 我會輕易原諒你

I know that we could work it out somehow

我相信只要我們努力 一定能找出方法解決的

But if this was a movie, you'd be here by now

但假如都來到電影的尾聲 你的人應該早就出現了


You'd be here by now


It's not the kind of ending you want to see now

顯然像這樣的結局 應該不是你樂見的那種結局才對

Baby, what about the ending?

親愛的 那我們說好的結局呢?

Oh, I thought you'd be here by now

噢 我還以為這個時候 你已經該現身了

Oh, oh

噢 噢喔

Thought you'd be here by now

還以為像這種時候 你已經出現了

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