
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白 (泰勒絲全新版)


Let's go (Battle) // Taylor Swift (Lyrics)


The first shot's fired, everybody's gathered around

作為宣戰的第一槍已鳴響 觀眾均圍在一邊觀賞

You're looking at me like I tried to take you down

你殺紅了眼 死死盯著我看 就好像我是你死對頭

No, no, that's not what happened at all

不 不是的 事情完全不是你想的那樣

There's no sound, I'm waiting on your next move

場內一片死寂 我等著你主動出擊 施展下一招

A showdown and I know where to hit you

準備一較高下 而我對你弱點瞭若指掌

But no, no, it's not how I wanted this to go down

但不行 不可以 事態的發展 絕對不可以是這樣


Now we're standing in the ring

現在 你我就站在擂台的兩端

And you make the first swing

而你卯足了勁 揮出第一拳

And now we're fighting dirty


Won't somebody come say, "Break it up"?

誰能不能快來下令 要我們『快分開』?


And I used to be on your side


Now it's looking like we're going to battle

但現在看起來 我們似乎是要決一死戰

And why you taking shots at me like

而你來勢洶洶 似乎對我心懷不滿

Somebody's gonna give you a medal?

彷彿有人支持你 還要頒發你獎牌?


And I never wanna hurt you

要我去傷害你 絕非我本意

But I'm tired of taking all these blows

但我受夠了 像這樣一直被你壓著打

And so I'd rather be on your side

而我寧願站在你那邊 也不反擊

But if you wanna fight


Baby, let's go, oh, oh

寶貝 那就來吧 噢 噢

Let's go, oh, oh

那就來吧 噢 噢


So gloves off, if this is how you want it

不如痛快脫下手套 假如你真想這麼做

We had it all, but you couldn't keep a promise

我們走過好多好多 可是你卻無法信守承諾

No, no, I'm not the one who tore us apart

這怎麼行 我絕不會是拆散我們的那個

Let me remind you for a minute why we're not fine

就讓我稍微提醒你 你我之所以會吵起來 是因為

Is she here? Is she standing on the sidelines?


Oh, oh, can't you tell this is breaking my heart?

噢 噢 你怎麼就是看不出來 這麼做我會心碎?


Now we're standing in the ring

現在 你我就站在擂台的兩端

And you make the first swing

而你卯足了勁 揮出第一拳

And now I'm fighting dirty


But I ain't going down ‘til they break it up

但這次我絕不罷休 除非有人將你我拽開


And I used to be on your side


Now it's looking like we're going to battle

但現在看起來 我們似乎是要決一死戰

And why you taking shots at me like

而你來勢洶洶 似乎對我心懷不滿

Somebody's gonna give you a medal?

彷彿有人支持你 還要頒發你獎牌?


And I never wanna hurt you

要我去傷害你 絕非我本意

But I'm tired of taking all these blows

但我受夠了 像這樣一直被你壓著打

And so I'd rather be on your side

而我寧願站在你那邊 也不反擊

But if you wanna fight


Baby, let's go, oh, oh

寶貝 那就來吧 噢 噢

Let's go, oh, oh

那就來吧 噢 噢

Let's go, oh, oh

那就來吧 噢 噢


Now we're standing in the ring

現在 你我就站在擂台的兩端

Breaking everything that we've been building up so long

將我們這些年來 辛辛苦苦用心經營的感情 全部瓦解

And I don't wanna do this, break it up

我真的不忍心這麼做 你快一點走開

But you're not who I thought you were

但看來你 終究不是我所想的那個人

And this is looking more like a war

而這份感覺 更像一場殘酷的戰爭

Looks like we're going to war



And I used to be on your side


Now it's looking like we're going to battle

但看這個情況 我們似乎免不了決一死戰

And I'm trying not to break down crying

而我試著平復心情 在你面前絕不崩潰

No one's gonna give you a medal

就算贏得再精彩 也沒人會頒發獎牌


And I never wanna hurt you

要我去傷害你 絕非我本意

But I'm tired of taking all these blows

但我受夠了 像這樣一直被你壓著打

And so I'd rather be on your side

而我寧願站在你那邊 也不反擊

I'd rather be on your side

我寧可不還手 任你打罵

But if you wanna fight


Baby, let's go, oh, oh

寶貝 那就來吧 噢 噢

Looks like we're going to war

看來決鬥就要展開 一較高下

Oh, oh

噢 噢


The first shot's fired, everybody's gathered around

作為宣戰的第一槍已鳴響 觀眾均目不轉睛盯著

You're looking at me like I tried to take you down

你殺紅了眼 死死盯著我看 就好像我是你死對頭

No, no, but if you wanna fight, baby, let's go

不 不 但假如你鐵了心 寶貝 那就來絕一死鬥

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