


Ella Eyre - We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off

The Voice 2015 Blind Audition Ellie Lawrence We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off

Jermaine Stewart - We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off (Official Music Video)


Not a word, from your lips

你的話音 不曾自唇瓣滑落

You just took for granted that I want to skinny dip, oh

你卻一口咬定 堅信我心渴望 便是輕解羅裳 噢

A quick hit, that's your game

高招過招 逢場作戲 看來你也就這點把戲

But I'm not a piece of meat, stimulate my brain, no

但我一點也不隨便 而是具有自主意識 活生生血淋淋的肉體

The night is young, so are we

夜未央 而你我不也是一樣?

Let's just get to know each other, slow and easily, oh

不妨與我坐下 自在暢談近況過往 噢

Take my hand, let's hit the floor

謙沐有禮一點 像個紳士牽我進舞池 揮灑汗水

Shake our bodies to the music

隨著音樂搖擺舞動 直到全身痠痛疲憊

Maybe then you'll score, mmm

說不定 你就能有機會抱得美人歸


So come on baby, won't you show some class?

別這樣親愛的 何必當個急性子 執著於一夜瘋狂?

Why do you have to move so fast?

像這樣把酒言歡 享受微醺氛圍 不也挺好?


We don't have to take our clothes off

我們不必急著褪下衣著 裸逞相見 

To have a good time, oh no

也能過得盡興愉快 共渡美好時光

And we could dance and party all night

不妨讓音樂滲入每一顆細胞 徹夜尋歡作樂

And drink some cherry wine, oh-oh

準備就寢前 再來杯櫻桃香甜酒助眠 噢-噢


Just slow down if you want me

要是你真心要我 那就別心急

A man wants to be approached cool and romantically, oh-oh

男人不就該裝酷擺架子 偶爾耍些浪漫情懷 噢-噢

I've got needs, I'm just like you

我也是人 自然也有那方面的需求

If the conversation's good vibrations through and through, oh-ha

前提是約會過程 必須建立於良好對話基礎 圍繞在美妙氛圍


So come on baby, won't you show some class?

能不能成熟點 親愛的 稍微有點紳士般的品味?

Why do you have to move so fast?

何必因一時衝動 任憑慾望凌駕於大腦之上?


We don't have to take our clothes off

我們不必急著褪下衣著 裸逞相見 

To have a good time, oh no

也能過得盡興愉快 共渡美好時光

And we could dance and party all night

不妨讓音樂滲入每一顆細胞 徹夜尋歡作樂

And drink some cherry wine, oh-oh

準備就寢前 再來杯櫻桃香甜酒助眠 噢-噢




We don't have to take our clothes off

我們不必急著褪下衣著 裸逞相見 

To have a good time, oh no

也能過得盡興愉快 共渡美好時光

And we could dance and party all night

不妨讓音樂滲入每一顆細胞 徹夜尋歡作樂

And drink some cherry wine, oh-oh

準備就寢前 再來杯櫻桃香甜酒助眠 噢-噢



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