
專輯:Fifty Shades Of Grey (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)


Crazy In Love (Remix)

50 Shades of Grey - Crazy in love HQ | Hannah Rue

David Gomes - "Crazy in Love" | Provas Cegas | The Voice Portugal


Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no


You got me looking, so crazy my baby

你抹花我的妝容 讓我顯得狼狽凌亂

I'm not myself lately I'm foolish, I don't do this

最近我時常恍神 還會不自覺傻笑 簡直有違常態

I've been playing myself, baby I don't care

甚至來回搓弄愛撫自己 但坦白說 這感覺棒極了

Baby your love's got the best of me

與你縱情歡愛 總能讓我展露最佳狀態

Your love's got the best of me

不必小憩休戰 直接纏綿一整晚

Baby your love's got the best of me

親愛的 得到你寵幸的我 彷彿處於無敵狀態

Baby you're making a fool of me

親愛的 你掩面竊笑 可是存心讓我出糗難堪

You got me sprung and I don't care who sees

你令我春心蕩漾 而我不在乎會有誰看見這副模樣

Cause baby you got me, you got me, oh you got me, you got me

因為一看見雄赳氣昂的你 興致勃勃地杵著牆 便令我情緒高昂


I look and stare so deep in your eyes

我跨騎你身 用迷濛雙眼大膽勾引你

I touch on you more and more every time

每一回碰觸 只讓我愈來愈無法克制最原始的慾望

When you leave I'm begging you not to go

若你起身更衣 我便拽住你襯衫衣領 求你別離我而去

Call your name two or three times in a row

像頭奶貓撒嬌 直到你褪下衣著 重返溫柔鄉

Such a funny thing for me to try to explain

說來好笑 我大費周章才想出沒必要的藉口

How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame

而我大可怪到貪圖淫樂 恃寵而驕的你頭上

And I still don't understand


Just how your love could do what no one else can

為何像這種分外單純的易事 惟有你能輕鬆辦到 


Got me looking so crazy right now

你令我陷入瘋狂 臉部一片潮紅 雙腿不住顫抖

Your love's got me looking so crazy right now

眼角潮濕泛淚 就連呼吸也逐漸急促加速

Got me looking so crazy right now

更讓我瘋狂舔弄上唇 露出欲求不滿的神情

Your touch got me looking so crazy right now (your love)

你的手不安分地在我身上游移 只讓我更加渴望浸淫


Hoping you'll save me right now

多希望你的愛意 能滋養我那日漸乾涸的大地

Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now (your love)

唯有我倆雙唇交纏 才能為我解除折磨束縛

Looking so crazy in love


Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love

讓我渾身燥熱不已 香汗淋漓 等不及被你穿刺

Got me looking so crazy right now

被你壓在身下的我 得以拋開羞恥心 耽溺放縱

Your love's got me looking so crazy right now

你的瘋狂愛戀 讓我顯得格外偏執 踰矩不守道

Got me looking so crazy right now

任憑你恣意挑逗 滿足我的渴望 控制我的思緒行為

Your touch got me looking so crazy right now

當你那纖長手指探進我體內 我便因愉悅而不住嬌喘


Got me hoping you'll save me right now

希望你別再玩小把戲 將股間的熾熱穿進我臀瓣

Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now (your love)

唯有與你激情熱吻 能稍稍澆熄我體內鼓動的慾望

Looking so crazy in love

你那充滿支配性的權杖 令我為之瘋狂

Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love

唯有你的愛戀 能讓我變得荒淫無度 墮落沉淪


Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

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