
專輯:Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯頓同名專輯


Whitney Houston - Saving All My Love For You (Official HD Video)


A few stolen moments is all that we shared

從寶貴的時光偷取一晌 來中飽我們的私囊

You've got your family and they need you there

你有餬口養家的任務在身 不得不趕赴妻小身旁

Though I try to resist being last on your list

我是多麼努力抗拒這感情 不讓你替我操心

But no other man's gonna do

可這世上 又哪裡有男人願為我傾真心

So I'm saving all my love for you

我願將餘生的愛 全數保留獻予你


It's not very easy living all alone

獨自照料生活起居 並沒有來得那樣輕鬆

My friends try and tell me find a man of my own

好友約略知情後 無不建議我趕緊找個好人嫁了

But each time I try, I just break down and cry

縱然我試了又試 卻只得抱頭痛哭 垂淚到天明

'Cause I'd rather be home feeling blue

因為我寧可打車返家 沉浸於哀慟陰鬱

So I'm saving all my love for you

我要將愛的精華 一滴不剩地奉獻給你


You used to tell me we'd run away together

你曾相約與我一同私奔 共赴遠方長相廝守

Love gives you the right to be free


You said, "Be patient, just wait a little longer."

你安慰我 『可別操之過急了 只需耐心為我守候』

But that's just an old fantasy

可那全成了時光洪流下 供人緬懷的往昔


I've got to get ready, just a few minutes more

我可得加緊腳步 不出一會兒 方能見得心上人

Gonna get that old feeling when you walk through that door

待你推開那扇門 踏進屋內 懷舊又復古的情懷 定湧上心頭

'Cause tonight is the night for a feeling alright

就在今夜 情人就要重逢 泯除內心憂愁傷痛

We'll be making love the whole night through

天雷終將勾動地火 你我就要縱情雲雨到天明

So I'm saving all my love

所以說 我非要留守我的愛不可

Yes, I'm saving all my love

沒錯 我要看顧我餘下的愛情

Yes, I'm saving all my love for you

是的 我要留守我今生的愛情 僅為你一人


No other woman is gonna love you more

人間再溫婉動人的女子 又怎能如我這般愛你呢

'Cause tonight is the night that I'm feeling alright

只消捱過今夜 我便能與情人重逢 一解相思的渴

We'll be making love the whole night through

我們就要共渡良宵 耽溺溫柔鄉 縱情雲雨到天明

So I'm saving all my love

所以我要保留我的愛 待那人到來

Yeah, I'm saving all my loving

沒錯 我要為愛人獻予我款款深情

Yes, I'm saving all my love for you

是的 今夜我要將畢生愛情奉獻給你

For you, for you

祇為你一人 僅為你一人 


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