專輯:Teenage Dream 花漾年華
I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock
Your peacock-cock
Your peacock-cock-cock
Your peacock
Word on the street, you got somethin' to show me, me
好康厝邊道相報 消息傳千里 聽說你有什麼好東西給我看看
Magical, colorful, Mr. Mystery
就愛搞魔術這套 你這個性鮮明 又作風神秘的古怪男人
I'm intrigued for a peek, heard it's fascinating
我可真好奇地想瞥一眼 聽說你擁有的那玩意兒 可引人入勝了
(C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath)
(你別藏了 親愛的 趕緊讓我瞧瞧你風衣下藏了些什麼好樣的)
What's up your sleeve?
Such a tease
Wanna see the show in 3D, a movie
真想進戲院戴上紅藍眼鏡 瞧瞧它是圓是扁
Heard it's beautiful
Be the judge and my girls gonna take a vote
不如由我來當裁判定奪 且看姊妹們和我投票結果如何
(C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath)
(來嘛 別遮遮掩掩的 親愛的 快掀開紅布讓我們開開眼界)
I want the jaw-dropping, eye-popping
我渴望的是令人歎為觀止 眼珠子都要掉下來
Head-turning, body-shocking
腦袋歪一邊 連身體都忍不住倒退三步的壯觀
(Oh-oh-ayo, oh-oh, ayo)
I want my heart throbbing, ground shaking
我也希望能目睹心臟幾乎停止跳動 又震撼人心
Show stopping, amazing
壓軸強檔好戲 令人拍案叫絕的美景
(Oh-oh-ayo, oh-oh, ayo)
Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
你有足夠膽量揭開序幕 讓我見識見識你的大雞雞嗎?
Don't be a chicken, boy, stop acting like a bi-otch
別當個膽小鬼 你這傢伙 少在那裝得像個嘰嘰歪歪的小婊砸
I'ma peace out if you don't give me the payoff
要是你不趕緊用重金禮聘賄賂我 我可要開門請你出去了
C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath
別假矜持害羞 親愛的 快點讓我瞧瞧你褲子裏究竟藏了些什麼
Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
你認為你有足夠勇氣 能當著眾人的面 揭開你紅布面紗嗎?
Whatcha waiting for, it's time for you to show it off
你還在等什麼鬼 時辰到來 該是時候展現你驚人的長處啦
Don't be a shy kind of guy, I bet it's beautiful
別扭扭捏捏 拿出你的男子氣概 我敢說你那裏一定很壯觀
C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath
拜託嘛 親愛的 至少讓我瞧瞧你下面那頭珍獸到底有多美
I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock
Your peacock-cock
Your peacock-cock-cock
Your peacock
I wanna see your…
Skip the talk, heard it all, time to walk the walk
少囉嗦 什麼廢話我沒聽過 有多少本錢就給老娘拿出來
Break me off, if you bad, show me who's the boss
別浪費老娘時間 要是你真有那麼壞 不如教教我該怎麼辦
Need some goose, to get loose, come on take a shot
需要你的龜鵝子消消火 好讓我放鬆 若放不進去 試試也無傷大雅
(C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath)
(來嘛 別遮遮掩掩的 親愛的 快掀開紅布讓我們開開眼界)
I want the jaw-dropping, eye-popping
我渴望的是令人歎為觀止 眼珠子都要掉下來
Head-turning, body-shocking
腦袋歪一邊 連身體都忍不住倒退三步的壯觀
(Oh-oh-ayo, oh-oh, ayo)
I want my heart throbbing, ground shaking
我也希望能目睹心臟幾乎停止跳動 又震撼人心
Show stopping, amazing
壓軸強檔好戲 令人拍案叫絕的美景
(Oh-oh-ayo, oh-oh, ayo)
Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
你有足夠膽量揭開序幕 讓我見識見識你的大雞雞嗎?
Don't be a chicken, boy, stop acting like a bi-otch
別當個膽小鬼 你這傢伙 少在那裝得像個嘰嘰歪歪的小婊砸
I'ma peace out if you don't give me the payoff
要是你不趕緊用重金禮聘賄賂我 我可要開門請你出去了
C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath
別假矜持害羞 親愛的 快點讓我瞧瞧你褲子裏究竟藏了些什麼
Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
你認為你有足夠勇氣 能當著眾人的面 揭開你紅布面紗嗎?
Whatcha waiting for, it's time for you to show it off
你還在等什麼鬼 時辰到來 該是時候展現你驚人的長處啦
Don't be a shy kind of guy, I bet it's beautiful
別扭扭捏捏 拿出你的男子氣概 我敢說你那裏一定很壯觀
C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath
拜託嘛 親愛的 至少讓我瞧瞧你下面那頭珍獸到底有多美
Oh my god, no exaggeration
我的媽呀 這可不是誇張就能形容得了
Boy, all this time was worth the waiting
跟你說 這一刻讓我等上這麼久 可算是值得了
I just shed a tear, I am so unprepared
我好像情不自禁落了淚 這可真是出乎我意料
You got the finest architecture
你所收藏的藝術品 具有幾乎最為完美的黃金比例
End of the rainbow-looking treasure
穠纖合度 應該被納入博物館珍藏的國家的世界驚奇
Such a sight to see
And it's all for me
更棒的是 還輪得到我獨佔
Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock? (Ha)
你有足夠膽量揭開序幕 讓我見識見識你的大雞雞嗎? (哈)
Don't be a chicken, boy, stop acting like a bi-otch
別當個膽小鬼 你這傢伙 少在那裝得像個嘰嘰歪歪的小婊砸
I'ma peace out if you don't give me the payoff
要是你不趕緊用重金禮聘賄賂我 我可要開門請你出去了
C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath
別假矜持害羞 親愛的 快點讓我瞧瞧你褲子裏究竟藏了些什麼
Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
你認為你有足夠勇氣 能當著眾人的面 揭開你紅布面紗嗎?
Whatcha waiting for, it's time for you to show it off
你還在等什麼鬼 時辰到來 該是時候展現你驚人的長處啦
Don't be a shy kind of guy, I bet it's beautiful
別扭扭捏捏 拿出你的男子氣概 我敢說你那裏一定很壯觀
C'mon, baby, let me see
拜託嘛 親愛的 讓我瞧瞧你下面
(C'mon, baby, let me see what you hiding underneath)
(來嘛 別遮遮掩掩的 親愛的 快脫下褲子讓我開開眼界)