專輯:PRISM 超炫光
Katy Perry - Legendary Lovers (Lyric Video)
Under a silver moon, tropical temperature
在那一彎銀白皎潔新月下 縱情潮濕叢林一帶
I feel my lotus bloom
我心畝那株愛蓮 蓮瓣逐開
Come closer
I want your energy, I want your aura
我渴望你水晶般的能量 環繞在你那氣旋
You are my destiny, my mantra
你是我今生必然宿命 靈驗古老咒術
I never knew I could see something so clearly looking through my third eye
我未曾知曉 我可使出第三隻眼 以如此清澈明晰的名目 去參透這汙濁晦暗的世間
Never knew karma could be so rewarding and bring me to your light
亦未曾知曉報應竟是如此甘甜鮮美 得以一償宿願 承蒙你偌大光輝寵愛
Maybe this is the beginning of something so magical tonight
興許目睹這奇蹟 意味著今夜那高深莫測又魔幻的際遇 快將展開
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Take me down to the river
Underneath the blood-orange sun
Say my name like a scripture
虔誠地默念我姓名 好似聖經譯文
Keep my heart beating like a drum
持續我心不住顫動 如同擊響暮鼓晨鐘
Legendary lovers
We could be legendary (La la la la la)
我們必能成就非凡 建業立功
Legendary lovers
We should be legendary (La la la la la)
我們天生就該成就非凡 建業立功
Go down in history, go down together
你我必能名留青史 成為時間洪流下的偉人
Into infinity, forever
橫亙時空無窮 化為永恆
Your Cleopatra, your blushing Juliet
我便是你的埃及豔后 嬌羞矜持的茱麗葉
Anything for your love, a ride or die
若是能求取你往後餘生愛情 死生均奉陪
I never knew I could see something so clearly looking through my third eye
我未曾知曉 我可使出第三隻眼 以如此清澈明晰的名目 去參透這汙濁晦暗的世間
Never knew karma could be so rewarding and bring me to your light
亦未曾知曉報應 竟是如此甘甜鮮美 得以一償宿願 承蒙你偌大光輝寵愛
Maybe this is the beginning of something so magical tonight
興許目睹這奇蹟 意味著今夜那高深莫測又魔幻的際遇 快將展開
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Take me down to the river
Underneath the blood-orange sun
Say my name like a scripture
虔誠地默念我姓名 好似聖經譯文
Keep my heart beating like a drum
持續我心不住顫動 如同擊響暮鼓晨鐘
Legendary lovers
We could be legendary (La la la la la)
我們必能成就非凡 建業立功
Legendary lovers
We should be legendary (La la la la la)
我們天生就該成就非凡 建業立功
Oh, take me down to the river
噢 領我溜下這條潺潺湍急聖河
Underneath the blood-orange sun
Say my name like a scripture
虔誠地默念我姓名 好似聖經譯文
Keep my heart beating like a drum
持續我心不住顫動 如同擊響暮鼓晨鐘
Legendary lovers
We could be legendary (La la la la la; Legendary lovers)
我們必能成就非凡 建業立功 (傳說中的戀人)
Legendary lovers
We should be legendary (La la la la la)
我們天生就該成就非凡 建業立功
Oh, take me down to the river
噢 領我溜下這條潺潺湍急聖河
Underneath the blood-orange sun (Underneath the sun)
Say my name like a scripture
虔誠地默念我姓名 好似聖經譯文
Keep my heart beating like a drum (Oh baby, legendary lovers)
持續我心不住顫動 如同擊響暮鼓晨鐘
Legendary lovers
We could be legendary (La la la la la)
我們必能成就非凡 建業立功
Legendary lovers
We should be legendary (La la la la la)
我們天生就該成就非凡 建業立功