
專輯:Prism 超炫光


Katy Perry - Birthday (Official)

Katy Perry - Birthday (Lyric Video)


I heard you're feeling nothing's going right

我聽說你最近過得不順遂又悲慘 凡事都不對勁

Why don't you let me stop by?

不如讓我端蛋糕登門 關心關心你?

The clock is ticking, running out of time

時鐘滴答滴答響著 看來時間就快要不夠了

So we should party all night

我有個提議 來場狂歡轟趴你意下如何


So cover your eyes, I have a surprise

乖乖閉上眼睛別偷看 我準備了個驚喜喔

I hope you got a healthy appetite

我希望你沒先吃東西 還有胃口能享用

If you wanna dance, if you want it all

要是你不盡興還想跳舞 或者是其他念頭

You know that I'm the girl that you should call (Come on)

記得有什麼不方便開口的額外需求 你都能加碼洽詢我 (快來吧)


Boy, when you're with me, I'll give you a taste

親愛的 只要你和我在一塊兒 我保證讓你食指大動

Make it like your birthday every day

每天都像過生日 煮了香噴噴好料供你享用

I know you like it sweet, so you can have your cake

我知道你是甜滋滋的螞蟻人 所以特地現烤這粒大蛋糕

Give you something good to celebrate

逗你歡笑 慶祝特別的日子一定要吃飽飽


So make (So make) a wish (A wish)

趕緊吹熄每根蠟燭 許下你今天的心願

I'll make it like your birthday every day

我會繼續努力下去 只為讓你快樂渡過每一天

I'll be (I'll be) your gift (Your gift)

假如你不嫌棄 那就由我來當你的禮物

Give you something good to celebrate

最為特別的一天 絕對值得送你實用品慶祝


Pop your confetti, pop your Pérignon

拉開你的派對禮炮 啵的一聲扳開香檳王

So hot and heavy 'til dawn

繼續氣氛炒熱 直到看見明日曙光

I got you spinning like a disco ball

把你搖得天旋地轉 就像閃亮亮迪斯可球

All night they're playing your song

勁歌熱舞一整晚  聽嘉賓人客歡唱你的歌


We're living the life, we're doing it right (Right)

我們這才叫享受人生 苦日子就該這麼過才對嘛 (沒錯吧)

You're never gonna be unsatisfied


If you wanna dance, if you want it all (All)

假如你臨時起意想跳舞 還是想來點濕背秀 (特別一點的)

You know that I'm the girl that you should call, yeah

你應該還記得我的聯絡方式 有那方面的需求就打給我 耶


Boy, when you're with me, I'll give you a taste

親愛的 只要和我一起過 我保證給你永生難忘的體驗

Make it like your birthday every day

從營造氛圍到佈置全都一手包辦 讓你幸福每一天

I know you like it sweet, so you can have your cake

我記得你最愛吃甜點 不如品嚐我為你特製的生日蛋糕

Give you something good to celebrate

馳騁舌尖的頂級享受 讓味蕾爽到最高潮


So make (So make) a wish (A wish)

趕緊吹熄每根蠟燭 許下你今天的心願

I'll make it like your birthday every day

我會繼續努力下去 只為讓你快樂渡過每一天

I'll be (I'll be) your gift (Your gift)

就由我親自出馬 來當你這次的獨家大禮

Give you something good to celebrate

值回票價的貴賓待遇 包準讓你玩得盡興


Happy birthday



So let me get you in your birthday suit

就讓我幫你一把 好讓你擠進那身生日裝扮

It's time to bring out the big balloons (Woo!)

是時候從後台搬出壓軸氣球 讓氣氛嗨到最高點 (嗚!)

So let me get you in your birthday suit

看來得逼我出手 才能把你擠進生日禮服呢

It's time to bring out the big, big, big, big, big, big balloons



Boy, when you're with me, I'll give you a taste (Oh, baby)

親愛的 只要你和我在一塊兒 我保證讓你食指大動 (噢 寶貝)

Make it like your birthday every day

每天都像過生日 煮了香噴噴好料供你享用

I know you like it sweet, so you can have your cake

我知道你是甜滋滋的螞蟻人 所以特地現烤這粒大蛋糕

Give you something good to celebrate (Celebrate now)

逗你歡笑 慶祝特別的日子一定要吃飽飽 (是時候慶祝了吧)


Boy, when you're with me, I'll give you a taste (Celebrate now)

親愛的 只要和我一起過 我保證給你永生難忘的體驗 (是時候慶祝了吧)

Make it like your birthday every day (Woo!)

從營造氛圍到佈置全都一手包辦 讓你幸福每一天 (嗚!)

I know you like it sweet, so you can have your cake

我記得你最愛吃甜點 不如品嚐我為你特製的生日蛋糕

Give you something good to celebrate

馳騁舌尖的頂級享受 讓味蕾爽到最高潮


So make (So make) a wish (A wish)

趕緊吹熄每根蠟燭 許下你今天的心願

I'll make it like your birthday every day

我會繼續努力下去 只為讓你快樂渡過每一天

I'll be (I'll be) your gift (Your gift)

就由我親自出馬 來當你這次的獨家大禮

Give you something good to celebrate

值回票價的貴賓待遇 包準讓你玩得盡興


Happy birthday



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