專輯:Prism 超炫光
Katy Perry - Love Me (Music Video)
I lost myself in fear of losing you
因為失去你的恐懼 我迷失了我自己
I wish I didn't do, but I did
雖然後悔 但我終究是這麼做了
I lost my own, my own identity
我忘卻了自己的身份 也拋棄了自尊
Forgot that you picked me for me
卻忘了你是因為我不作假 才和我在一起
But now, I don't negotiate with insecurities
但現在 我不願再與單薄又窒息的不安全感交涉
They always seem to get the best of me
它們似乎永遠都能找出適當的方式 去壓垮我
I found I had to love myself the way I wanted you to
我意識到 假如我希望你能夠重新愛上我 就得先學會如何
Love me
No more second-guessing
No, there's no more questioning
對他人的碎語閒話 我沒必要回答
I'll be the one defining who I'm gonna be
從今以後我的價值內涵 註解定義就由我來下
No concealing feelings
Or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me
我要你看見我重新愛上自己 於是回到我身邊 與我重新開始
Sometimes I wish my skin was a costume
有時我真希望臉上掛的笑容 不過是張假面具
That I could just unzip and strip
這樣一來 我就能快速撕下來 簡單了事
But who I am is who I'm meant to be
但我將來的身份 完全取決於我的人格特質
And it's who you are in love, in love with
以後你才不會誤愛了我的假面 而是我的真實
So now, I don't negotiate with insecurities
於是我決定好 再也不會被內心充斥的不安左右
They're going to have to take a back seat
我要他們繫上安全帶坐好 別再在腦內隨意走動
I know I have to love myself the way I want you to
我深深知道 我必須先學會愛上最真實的我 才能夠讓你
Love me
No more second-guessing
No, there's no more questioning
也不再懼怕人們臆測 判斷全由我評定
I’ll be the one defining who I'm gonna be
無論是我的自我價值與定義 都該依我來決議
No concealing feelings
Or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me
我要你愛上的我 是那個最為真實且不去加以掩飾的自己
No more standing in my own way (Let's go deeper, let's get closer)
不再成為自己的心魔 擋在自己面前 (再進一步瞭解自己 認識自己多一些)
No more standing in my own way (The way I want you to love me)
不能再重蹈覆轍 該學習如何去愛 (你也要用我愛自己的方式來回應)
No more standing in my own way (Let's go deeper, let's get closer)
絕不能再重蹈覆轍 學學如何愛自己 (更進一步瞭解自己 認識自己多一些)
No more standing in my own way (The way I want you to love me)
絕不能再放任心魔擋在自己面前 (你也要用同樣的方式來愛我)
No more second-guessing
No, there's no more questioning
對他人的碎語閒話 我沒必要回答
I'll be the one defining who I'm gonna be
從今以後我的價值內涵 註解定義就由我來下
No concealing feelings
Or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me
我要你看見我重新愛上自己 於是回到我身邊 與我重新開始
No more second-guessing
No, there's no more questioning
也不再懼怕人們臆測 判斷全由我評定
I’ll be the one defining who I'm gonna be
無論是我的自我價值與定義 都該依我來決議
No concealing feelings
Or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me
我要你愛上的我 是那個最為真實且不去加以掩飾的自己