專輯:Reaility Bites - Soundtrack 四個畢業生 - 電影原聲帶
Lisa Loeb "Stay (I Missed You)" Music Video
Reality Bites • Stay (I Missed You) • Lisa Loeb
You say I only hear what I want to
你老是念我 說我只聽得進自己想聽的話
You say I talk so all the time. So?
你還罵我自顧自地講個沒完 但這又有什麼?
And I thought what I felt was simple
那時我自覺沒什麼大不了 不愛了很簡單
And I thought that I don't belong
以為感情若沒了我容身之地 就默默離開
And now that I am leaving
而我現在 碰上真要別離的時候
Now I know that I did something wrong 'cause I missed you
我這才回過神來 驚覺自己鑄下了大錯 因為如今我是多麼地思念你
Yeah, I missed you
是呀 我是真的想你了
And you say I only hear what I want to
你罵我倔強 總是選擇性過濾自己想聽的話
I don't listen hard
I don't pay attention to the distance that you're running
指責我完全不在乎 習慣用對別人的冷淡拉開我倆之間的距離
Or to anyone, anywhere
對周遭任何事物 總是漠不關心
I don't understand if you really care
若你真想知道 其實我不明白你想表達什麼
I'm only hearing negative, no, no, no (Bad)
我從來只聽得進一時衝動 對彼此叫囂的難聽字眼
And so I, I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up
於是我別過頭 憤而打開收音機 轉動旋鈕將音量調至最大聲
And this woman was singin' my song
而廣播電台的女歌手 正唱著我過去寫的歌
The lover's in love and the other's run away
歌曲當中的一方為情所苦 但另一方卻跑得不見人影
The lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay
還困在愛的那方忍不住落淚 因為她的情人選擇了離開
Some of us hover when we weep for the other who was
有的人選擇徘徊流連在走不出的過去 甘願為了那人心碎流淚
Dying since the day they were born
儘管從破羊水那刻起 生命便岌岌可危
Well, well, this is not that
這樣說吧 我們的愛沒那麼偉大
I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown
我還以為我甩了你 實際上卻是被你惡狠狠拋下
And I thought I'd live forever, but now I'm not so sure
我還一度以為自己還有大半輩子可活 但現在我似乎沒那麼確定了
You try to tell me that I'm clever
你好幾次試圖用你的方式 去告訴我別因衝動犯錯
But that won't take my anyhow, or anywhere with you
但現在才這麼說已為時太晚 對瀕於破碎的感情也於事無補了
You said that I was naive
And I thought that I was strong
而我還自嘲 自己跟你相比勇敢得多
I thought, "Hey, I can leave, I can leave"
我還傻傻地想 『嘿 沒那麼難嘛 不愛了我就瀟灑地走』
Oh, but now I know that I was wrong 'cause I missed you
噢 我忽然意識到 自己可真是大錯特錯 那是因為我想你了
Yeah, I missed you
是呀 我是真的想你了
You said you caught me ‘cause you want me
你說你之所以會喜歡我 不過是一時興起的念頭
And one day you’d let me go
等哪天想通了 自然會放我走
You try to give away a keeper but keep me
你試著拋下也許能互許終生的她 轉而選擇了我
'Cause you know you're just so scared to lose
因為你不過是個膽小鬼 寧願在愛裡受傷害也不願勇敢
And you say, "Stay"
而這次你開口說 『留下來吧』
And you say I only hear what I want to
你又喃喃地說 『你從來只聽得進自己想聽的話』