
專輯:25 二十五歲


Water Under the Bridge


If you're not the one for me


Then how come I can bring you to your knees?

那我又哪裡有本事 讓你拜倒在我的石榴裙?

If you're not the one for me


Why do I hate the idea of being free?



And if I'm not the one for you

那要是說 我不是你對的人

You've gotta stop holding me the way you do

你就得停止這充滿愛意的撫觸 別再接近

Oh honey, if I’m not the one for you

噢 親愛的 若我不是最適合你的人

Why have we been through what we have been through?

那我們又何必挺過這些磨難 歷經不必要的風風雨雨?


It's so cold out here in your wilderness

外頭氣溫可真冷 待在你遍地的荒蕪

I want you to be my keeper


But not if you are so reckless

但若你回絕了我 你可真絕情


If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

假如你想說的話 會讓我失望 就請你委婉地說

Don't pretend that you don't want me

可別故作逞強 裝做是你不要我了

Our love ain't water under the bridge

我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

假如你想說的話 會讓我失望 就請你委婉地說

Don't pretend that you don't want me

可別故作逞強 裝做是你不要我了

Our love ain't water under the bridge

我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


Say that our love ain't water under the bridge

請告訴我 我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


What are you waiting for?

都這時候了 你還在等什麼?

You never seem to make it through the door

你這樣 要等什麼時候 才跨得過那扇門呢

And who are you hiding from?

那你這個樣子 又是想瞞誰呢?

It ain't no life to live like you're on the run

終日在人生路上奔波 所剩的日子也不多

Have I ever asked for much?


The only thing that I want is your love

我畢生唯一的請託 不就是要你愛我


If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

假如你想說的話 會讓我失望 就請你委婉地說

Don't pretend that you don't want me

可別故作逞強 裝做是你不要我了

Our love ain't water under the bridge

我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

假如你想說的話 會讓我失望 就請你委婉地說

Don't pretend that you don't want me

可別故作逞強 裝做是你不要我了

Our love ain't water under the bridge

我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


Say that our love ain't water under the bridge

請告訴我 我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


It's so cold out here in your wilderness

外頭氣溫可真冷 待在你遍地的荒蕪

I want you to be my keeper


But not if you are so reckless

但若你回絕了我 你可真絕情


If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

假如你想說的話 會讓我失望 就請你委婉地說

Don't pretend that you don't want me

可別故作逞強 裝做是你不要我了

Our love ain't water under the bridge

我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

假如你想說的話 會讓我失望 就請你委婉地說

Don't pretend that you don't want me

可別故作逞強 裝做是你不要我了

Our love ain't water under the bridge

我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕


Say it ain't so, say it ain't so

若不是 就直截了當告訴我

Say that our love ain't water under the bridge

請告訴我 我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕

Say it ain't so, say it ain't so

若不是 就直截了當告訴我

Say that our love ain't water under the bridge

請告訴我 我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕

Say it ain't so, say it ain't so

若不是 就直截了當告訴我

Say that our love ain't water under the bridge

請告訴我 我們的愛絕非一過 就船過水無痕

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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