
專輯:25 二十五歲


River Lea


Everybody tells me it's 'bout time that I moved on

人們無不告訴我 是時候揮別過去 擁抱全新未來

That I need to learn to lighten up and learn how to be young

得學著慢下步調 別那麼緊繃 並學會讓自己活得年輕些

But my heart is a valley, it's so shallow and manmade

但我這破損的心是惟谷 如此虛浮庸俗 又典型如一

I'm scared to death if I let you in that you'll see I'm just a fake

若對你揭露真實面貌 卻讓你幻想化為泡影 我就怕得要命


Sometimes I feel lonely in the arms of your touch

有時就連枕在你可靠的臂彎 我也不免感到孤寂

But I know that's just me 'cause nothing ever is enough

但我確信問題出於自己 因為無論如何 我都難以滿足

When I was a child I grew up by the River Lea

當年我在利河旁出生長大 懂得了人情世故

There was something in the water, now that something's in me

近乎鄉愁的愛戀在水中蕩漾 但昔日那份情感已常存我心


Oh, I can't go back, but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips

噢 我無法重返家園 但執拗而堅毅的蘆葦 攀附我的指尖蔓延

I can't go back to the river



But, it's in my roots, in my veins

但 那已根植在我心 在血管汩汩流淌

In my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

流竄在我血液 而我玷汙了每顆真心 只為療癒童年受的傷

Oh, it's in my roots, in my veins

噢 那已根植在我心 在血管汩汩流淌

In my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

流竄在我血液 而我玷汙了每顆真心 只為療癒童年受的傷

So, I blame it on the River Lea

於是 我只得將罪歸咎於利河

Yeah, I blame it on the River Lea

沒錯 我將這宗罪過歸咎於利河


I should probably tell you now before it's way too late

在一切為時太晚以前 我或許還是該對你據實以告

That I never meant to hurt you or lie straight to your face

將傷害加諸於你 或當著你的面撒謊 絕非出於我心照

Consider this my apology, I know it's years in advance

把這句話當作我的道歉啟事 我知道大概有多年之早

But, I would rather say it now in case I never get the chance

但 我寧可現在把話挑明 以免日後失去機會 對你坦承相報


Oh, I can't go back, but the reeds are growing out of my fingertips

噢 我無法重返家園 但執拗而堅毅的蘆葦 攀附我的指尖蔓延

I can't go back to the river



But, it's in my roots, in my veins

但 那已根植在我心 在血管汩汩流淌

In my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

流竄在我血液 而我玷汙了每顆真心 只為療癒童年受的傷

Oh, it's in my roots, in my veins

噢 那已根植在我心 在血管汩汩流淌

In my blood and I stain every heart that I use to heal the pain

流竄在我血液 而我玷汙了每顆真心 只為療癒童年受的傷

So, I blame it on the River Lea

於是 我只得將罪歸咎於利河

Yeah, I blame it on the River Lea

沒錯 我將這宗罪過歸咎於利河

So, I blame it on the River Lea

於是 我只得將罪歸咎於利河

Yeah, I blame it on the River Lea

沒錯 我將這宗罪過歸咎於利河


River Lea


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