
專輯:25 二十五歲


Million Years Ago


I only wanted to have fun

我當時 滿腦子只想著玩

Learning to fly, learning to run

才剛學會起步 就想著學高飛

I let my heart decide the way

至於將來的安排 就由心定奪

When I was young

年幼的我 就是這麼想的


Deep down, I must have always known

其實 說不定我一直以來 都有某種預感

That this would be inevitable

童年結束的一天 遲早會到來

To earn my stripes, I'd have to pay

為掙來更響亮頭銜 我就得犧牲奉獻

And bare my soul

付出一切 不再隱瞞


I know I'm not the only one

我知道這麼想的 不只我一個

Who regrets the things they've done


Sometimes, I just feel it's only me

有的時候 我又覺得世上只有我一人

Who can't stand the reflection that they see

會忍受不了 鏡中倒映的這個沒用的自己


I wish I could live a little more

我感嘆 我當時沒能活得更精彩

Look up to the sky, not just the floor

總是低頭俯視地板 卻忘了仰望藍天

I feel like my life is flashing by

我感覺 就好像人生在眼前閃過

And all I can do is watch and cry

我卻除了呆望痛哭 什麼也不能做


I miss the air, I miss my friends

我想念空氣的芬芳 也想念友人

I miss my mother, I miss it when

我想念家鄉的母親 也想念當初

Life was a party to be thrown

人生 不過是一場必散的筵席

But that was a million years ago



When I walk around all of the streets


Where I grew up and found my feet

那是伴我長大 並站穩腳跟的地方 

They can't look me in the eye

父老鄉親 甚至不敢直視我雙眼

It's like they're scared of me



I try to think of things to say

我試著想出話題 向他們攀談

Like a joke or a memory


But they don't recognize me now

但從反應看來 他們早已認不出我是誰

In the light of day



I know I'm not the only one

我知道這麼想的 不只我一個

Who regrets the things they've done

會用盡餘生 為從前犯下的錯悔過

Sometimes, I just feel it's only me

有的時候 我又覺得世上只有我一人

Who never became who they thought they'd be

沒能實現小時候的夢想 成為理想中的大人


I wish I could live a little more

我真遺憾 當時沒能活得更精彩

Look up to the sky, not just the floor

總是垂頭俯視地板 卻忘了仰望藍天

I feel like my life is flashing by

我感覺 就好像人生在眼前閃過

And all I can do is watch and cry

我卻除了呆望痛哭 什麼也不能做


I miss the air, I miss my friends

我想念空氣的芬芳 也想念友人

I miss my mother, I miss it when

我想念家鄉的母親 也想念當初

Life was a party to be thrown

人生 不過是一場必散的筵席

But that was a million years ago



A million years ago


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