
專輯:Fearless (Taylor’s Version) 無懼的愛 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift ft. Maren Morris - You All Over Me (From The Vault) (Official Lyric Video)



Once the last drop of rain has dried off the pavement

昨晚下的大雨傾盆 要是今天一早 從人行道上乾掉

Shouldn't I find a stain, but I never do

應該找得到雨漬才對 但我卻找不著

The way the tires turn stones on old county roads

輪胎高速轉動 急急駛過老城路 濺起飛石黃塵

They leave 'em muddy underneath, reminds me of you

滿滿的泥沙覆在輪胎的深刻紋路 不禁讓我想起了你


You find graffiti on the walls of old bathroom stalls

你在老舊斑駁的廁所隔間 發現了別人留下的塗鴉

You know, you can scratch it right off, it's how it used to be

只要指甲稍微刮一下 漆便輕易落下 一切又再度恢復原狀

But like the dollar in your pocket, it's been spent and traded in

但就像塞在你口袋的那枚硬幣 一旦用掉了 也就折舊換新

You can't change where it's been, reminds me of me

你沒辦法賦予它原來的價值 再次讓我想起了你


I lived, and I learned, had you, got burned

我愛過 開始懂了 擁有過你 也被傷透了心

Held out, and held on

為你守候 也堅持到底

God knows, too long, and wasted time

天曉得 再折磨下去 也只是浪費時間

Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here

流掉多少淚 發誓絕不再讓自己掉眼淚

But no amount of freedom gets you clean

但擁有再久的自由身 也洗不去這段回憶

I've still got you all over me

直到現在 我還是忘不了你


The best and worst day of June


Was the one that I met you


With your hands in your pockets

記得你 帥氣地將雙手插進口袋

And your "Don't you wish you had me?" grin

彷彿說著『怎麼樣 想我了沒?』 朝我咧咧嘴


Well I did, so I smiled

當然想呀 於是我微笑

And I melted like a child

接著我融化 像孩子的雪糕

Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then

現在只要我稍微輕舉妄動 就會回想起那刻的美好


I lived, and I learned, had you, got burned

我愛過 逐漸懂了 擁有過你 也被傷透了心

Held out, and held on

為你守候 也堅持到底

God knows, too long, and wasted time

天曉得 再折磨下去 也只是浪費時間

Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here

流掉多少淚 發誓絕不再讓自己掉眼淚

But no amount of freedom gets you clean

但擁有再久的自由身 也洗不去這段回憶

I've still got you all over me

直到現在 我還是忘不了你


[Instrumental Break]


I lived, and I learned

我愛過 也終於懂了

And found out what it was to turn around

直到我背對你 終於發現 必須學會往前走

And see that we

這才認清 原來我們

Were never really meant to be


So I lied, and I cried

於是我騙了我 也哭了

And I watched a part of myself die

眼睜睜看著我的心 一點一點碎了

'Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean

因為擁有再久的自由身 也洗不去這段回憶

I've still got you all over me

直到現在 我還是忘不了你


I've still got you all over me

都過了這麼久 我還是忘不了你

Still got you all over me

直到現在 還是忘不了你



Once the last drop of rain has dried off the pavement

昨夜下了一整天的雨 待蔭乾後本該留下水漬

Shouldn't I find a stain, but I never do

可過去卻不著痕跡 彷彿不曾存在過

The way the tires turn stones on old county roads

當休旅車行經道路時 濺起了水花與泥濘

They leave 'em muddy underneath, reminds me of you

留下無可抹滅的胎痕 不禁讓我想起了你

You find graffiti on the walls of old bathroom stalls

那天我們經過廢棄房舍時 斑駁牆上充滿著塗鴉

You know, you can scratch it right off, it's how it used to be

你說『只要用指甲輕輕一刮 就跟全新的一樣啦』

But like the dollar in your pocket, it's been spent and traded in

可現實往往不如理想 就像口袋硬幣掉進水溝 便再也回不到手中

You can't change where it's been, reminds me of me

『事情一旦發生過 便回不去從前的美好』不免使我聯想到自己


I lived, and I learned, had you, got burned

我曾被愛過 也曾被傷過 曾被擁進懷 也曾被推落

Held out, and held on

曾挽回過你 也曾被挽回

God knows, too long, and wasted time

可我卻比誰都清楚 歹戲拖棚 不過是相互折磨

Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here

我也曾下定決心 這次非要離開你

But no amount of freedom gets you clean

到頭來 無論流了多少淚 也回不到原來那個我

I've still got you all over me

因為你的影子 還是緊跟著我不放


The best and worst day of June

沒想到 六月最難忘的日子

Was the one that I met you


With your hands in your pockets

那時的你 將雙手插進口袋

And your "Don't you wish you had me?" grin

揚起一抹得意的笑 好似你我之間還有可能

Well I did, so I smiled

深有同感的我 對你投以微笑

And I melted like a child

我那冰冷的心 為你徹底溶解

Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then

而今週遭的一動一靜 都致使我回想起那個當下


I lived, and I learned, had you, got burned

我曾被愛過 也曾被傷過 曾被擁進懷 也曾被推落

Held out, and held on

曾挽回過你 也曾被挽回

God knows, too long, and wasted time

可我卻比誰都清楚 歹戲拖棚 不過是互相折磨

Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here

泣不成聲的我 也曾下定決心 這次非要離開你

But no amount of freedom gets you clean

到頭來流了多少淚水 還是回不到原來那個我

I've still got you all over me

只因你過去的影子 仍左右著我


[Instrumental Break]


I lived, and I learned


And found out what it was to turn around

回過頭來 我才發現一切有多麼不值得

And see that we

原來 你和我

Were never really meant to be


So I lied, and I cried

對自己撒了謊的我 只能頻頻掉淚

And I watched a part of myself die

然後眼睜睜 看著現實灼傷形骸

'Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean

無論外表變得再成熟 歲月終究不曾抹殺你的存在

I've still got you all over me

你的影子 還是緊跟著我不放


I've still got you all over me

我終究 還是被回憶糾纏不放

Still got you all over me

你的影子 還是停留在我身上

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