Taylor Swift - You're On Your

專輯:Midnights 午夜


You're On Your Own, Kid

Taylor Swift - You're On Your Own, Kid (Official Lyric Video)

2024/3/16 全曲重譯


Summer went away, still, the yearning stays

現的夏日已遠颺 仍舊的 是舊日的渴想

I play it cool with the best of them


I wait patiently, he's gonna notice me

我靜待佳音 他將來總要記起我的

It's okay, we're the best of friends

不要緊的 我們倆可親暱的很




I hear it in your voice, you're smoking with your boys

他濃濁的嗓音是無情的證明 和損友抽了烟那是一定

I touch my phone as if it's your face


I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out

待在小鎮並非出於我原意 夢想那天逃離此地

There's just one who could make me stay

使我留下的惟一的動機 就祇有你呀

All my days



From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes

走過繽紛的歲月 消耗青春的無辜的臉孔

I waited ages to see you there

我徘徊在原地 顧盼你的到來

I search the party of better bodies


Just to learn that you never cared

祇發現:我一片真情 你看也不看


You're on your own, kid

你只能仰仗自己了 孩子

You always have been



I see the great escape, so long, Daisy May

我看淡初戀的情衷 再會 天真的傷心人

I picked the petals, he loves me not

我心兒的花撮了又撮 他究竟不愛我

Something different bloomed, writing in my room

裏頭綻放的色彩 很有點不同了 開始在房裏創作

I play my songs in the parking lot

我在停車場裏 為我的生命謳歌

I'll run away



From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes

走遍青春的精彩 一步步踏入晦暗的年代

I called a taxi to take me there

我攔部計程車 祇為探個究竟

I search the party of better bodies


Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare



You're on your own, kid

你只能仰仗自己了 孩子

You always have been



[Instrumental Break]


From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes


I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this

是我犧牲多少血汗淚 所掙來的剎那絢爛

I hosted parties and starved my body

我的宴會不假他手 然而餓著了自己

Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss

彷彿一顆真愛之吻 將免我於難

The jokes weren't funny, I took the money

致敬的笑話一向枯燥 錢一到手我便脫逃

My friends from home don't know what to say

我的親友不遠千里而來 見了我欲勸已忘言

I looked around in a blood-soaked gown

我在這血淋淋的一身衣裳 放眼望去

And I saw something they can't take away

我此刻的見識 是他人再奪不去的了悟


'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned

祇因燒卻的不可還原的後路 都將為歷史所見證

Everything you lose is a step you take

每一次失去的背後 是你跨出的每一步

So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it

不如取一粒粒如數家珍的記憶 串起你可貴的友誼 品味再至

You've got no reason to be afraid

你能一路走到今天 已無須恐懼


You're on your own, kid

你只能仰仗自己了 孩子

Yeah, you can face this

會挺過去的 要相信自己

You're on your own, kid

你只能仰仗自己了 孩子

You always have been



Summer went away, still, the yearning stays

夏日雖已遠走高飛 實不相瞞 愛你的心依然健在

I play it cool with the best of them

我故作豪邁灑脫 才不致受其侵擾妨害

I wait patiently, he's gonna notice me

我靜候他捎來佳音 說不定哪天他會留意到我

It's okay, we're the best of friends

並寬慰自己 我倆比任何人還來得要好




I hear it in your voice, you're smoking with your boys

我旋即察覺你嗓音間的不對勁 看來你又和狐朋狗友抽過菸

I touch my phone as if it's your face

我碰觸手機螢幕 好似你冰冷的臉 以此得到慰藉

I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out

我選擇留在小鎮是出於下策 我發誓將來一定逃離這兒

There's just one who could make me stay

眾多因素迫使我離開 惟有你能讓我排除萬難留下來

All my days



From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes

冬來秋去 關閉屋外灑水器 開始清掃壁爐餘燼

I waited ages to see you there

我盼了又盼 蹉跎光陰只望與你重逢

I search the party of better bodies

我將派對掃視一遍 卻發現你和他人廝混

Just to learn that you never cared

倏地意識到你壓根沒在乎過我 這才幡然醒悟


You're on your own, kid

你只能仰仗自己了 孩子

You always have been



I see the great escape, so long, Daisy May

我在情關前敗下陣來 形單影隻 圓滿不了單相思

I picked the petals, he loves me not

我摘下一片片花瓣 看來他不愛我的樣子

Something different bloomed, writing in my room

一成不變的生活倒是起了變化 開始埋首於房間內寫作

I play my songs in the parking lot

我停靠停車場播自己寫的歌 震耳欲聾

I'll run away

我願拋下一切 掉頭就走


From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes

秋去冬又來 暫且擱置灑水器 轉而清掃火爐餘燼

I called a taxi to take me there

那晚我攔輛計程車 請運將載我到目的地

I search the party of better bodies

我環顧派對四周 清一色是綽約有為的青年

Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare

才發覺與我志趣相仿的人 其實不算稀少罕見


You're on your own, kid

你可得把握是次機會 孩子

You always have been



[Instrumental Break]


From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes

秋去冬又來 關閉灑水器 將火爐餘燼清理乾淨

I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this

我付出多少辛酸血淚 才爭取到今日的地位身份

I hosted parties and starved my body*

我總算有能力辦派對邀人參與 卻餓著了自己

Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss

彷彿隨時都會昏厥 需要真愛之吻喚醒


The jokes weren't funny, I took the money

臨場笑話取悅不了任何人 於是我領了酬勞就走

My friends from home don't know what to say

從家鄉遠道而來看秀的朋友 頓時噤聲而不知所措

I looked around in a blood-soaked gown

我錯愕地環視周圍 大量鮮血從晚禮服滲出

And I saw something they can't take away

可這些年來我的變化所見 是世人奪不走的勇氣


'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned

因為若是想揮別過去 便意味著你必須捨棄曾經珍視過的事物

Everything you lose is a step you take

背後每少一條退路 就代表你又往前跨出了一步

So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it

那麼 就串起你和他之間的友情手鐲 把握相處時的當下並細細回味餘韻

You've got no reason to be afraid

你無路可退 不如拋開恐懼向前邁進


You're on your own, kid

親愛的孩子 你一定辦得到的

Yeah, you can face this

沒錯 你要相信自己可以的

You're on your own, kid

你只能仰仗自己了 孩子

You always have been




* 泰勒於Miss Americana紀錄片中曾提及,自己有飲食失調的症狀。



"The scary news is, you're on your own now.

But the cool news is, you're on your own now!" -- Taylor Swift on NYU Class of 22 commencement speech


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