專輯:Lover 情人
Taylor Swift - Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince (Official Audio)
You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you
你明知我仰慕你良久 我對你的感情愈發深篤
Than I was at 16, lost in a film scene
比懵懂的十六歲深情 那時我在片場迷路
Waving homecoming queens, marching band playing
只顧著崇拜返校舞后 揮舞著雙手尖叫 遊行樂隊奏響樂曲
I'm lost in the lights
American glory faded before me
那耀眼的美利堅榮光 於我跟前黯淡
Now I'm feeling hopeless, ripped up my prom dress
而今我只覺絕望無援 奮力扯破我的禮服 提前離開舞會
Running through rose thorns, I saw the scoreboard
踩過玫瑰尖刺 顧不得腳底滲血 我一仰望便瞥見記分板
And ran for my life (Ah)
接著為保小命而逃竄 (啊)
No cameras catch my pageant smile
沒有照相機 能捕捉我選秀笑容多麼美
I counted days, I counted miles
我計數著時日 我盤算還需要跑多遠
To see you there, to see you there
才能看見遠方盡頭的你 得到你的救援
It's been a long time coming, but
儘管這樣的救援 似乎有些遲來 可
It's you and me, that's my whole world
只有你與我並肩作戰 人民組成了我的世界
They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" (Okay)
他們自以為的呢喃 迴盪在教室走廊 『她是個壞事的女孩』(好喔)
The whole school is rolling fake dice
看似偉岸莊嚴的學校 實則扔著虛妄的骨骰
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
參賽者玩什麼樣的遊戲 自然就贏得什麼樣的獎品
It's you and me, there's nothing like this
你和我特地盛裝赴宴 想必會是舉世前所未見
Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (Okay)
落落大方的美國小姐 與來自心碎國度的王儲 (好耶)
We're so sad, we paint the town blue
人民的萎靡不振 為城鎮刷上慘澹的色彩
Voted most likely to run away with you
最終的票選結果 多半會是我和你起身反叛
My team is losing, battered and bruising
眼看我的部隊就要敗下陣 傷兵掛彩倒地不起
I see the high fives between the bad guys
只能放任窮凶惡極的壞蛋擊掌喝采 為勝利慶祝
Leave with my head hung, you are the only one
徒留我垂頭喪氣 士氣無比消沉 貌似整支部隊只有你
Who seems to care
American stories burning before me
美利堅帝國的歷史篇章 於我跟前遭焚毀
I'm feeling helpless, the damsels are depressed
而我只覺無助徬徨 落難女子怨嘆沒有勇者願意前來
Boys will be boys then, where are the wise men?
男人終究是長不大的男孩 義勇雙全的都到哪兒去了?
Darling, I'm scared (Ah)
親愛的 人家我不勝惶恐 (啊)
No cameras catch my muffled cries
沒有照相機 能如實捕捉我的悶哼啜泣
I counted days, I counted miles
我計數著時日 我指望走過迢迢千哩
To see you there, to see you there
就能看見你前來援助 安定動搖的民心
And now the storm is coming, but
而眼看遠方的暴風雨即將來襲 不過
It's you and me, that's my whole world
只有你與我兩人並肩作戰 必須對抗全世界
They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" (Okay)
他們自以為的呢喃 迴盪在教室走廊 『她其實是個壞女孩』(好喔)
The whole school is rolling fake dice
看似偉岸莊嚴的學校 實則扔著虛妄的骨骰
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
參賽者玩什麼樣的遊戲 自然就贏得什麼樣的獎品
It's you and me, there's nothing like this
你和我特地盛裝赴宴 想必會是舉世前所未見
Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (Okay)
落落大方的美國小姐 與來自心碎國度的王儲 (好耶)
We're so sad, we paint the town blue
人民的萎靡不振 為城鎮刷上慘澹的色彩
Voted most likely to run away with you
最終的票選結果 多半會是我和你起身反叛
And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight)
而我實在不忍心目送你 (離開) 這場戰爭我希望能避免則 (避免)
'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), I think you should come home
因為到頭來雙方沒有人是 (贏家) 你有必要回家投下神聖的一票
And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight)
而我萬般不願意目送你 (離開) 坦白說 我並不希望發動 (爭戰)
'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), I think you should come home
因為結果為何 都將是 (兩敗俱傷) 這關鍵的一票你非回家投不可
And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight)
而我真不希望你就這麼離開 (我) 我真不希望非發動戰爭 (不可)
'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), just thought you should know
因為不論勝負為何 沒有人會 (獲勝) 這句話我希望能親口告訴你
And I'll never let you (Go) 'cause I know this is a (Fight)
而我永遠也不會鬆開你的 (手) 因為這場戰役絕對 (勢在必行)
That someday we're gonna (Win)
而只要我們撐下去 就能取得 (勝利)
It's you and me, that's my whole world
只有你與我兩人並肩作戰 必須對抗全世界
They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl"
他們自以為的呢喃 迴盪在教室走廊 『她這愛攪局的壞女孩』
Oh, I just thought you should know (You should know)
噢 我只希望你也能用我的心情去體會 (你應該明白才對)
It's you and me, there's nothing like this (Like this)
得勝的關鍵就是你和我 屆時人們一定吃驚不已 (詫異)
Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (Okay)
落落大方的美國小姐 與來自心碎國度的王儲 (好耶)
We're so sad, we paint the town blue (Paint it blue)
人民的萎靡不振 為城鎮刷上悲慘的色彩 (漆上慘澹的藍)
Voted most likely to run away with you
最終的票選結果 多半會是靠你我起身反叛
And I don't want you to (Go), I don't really wanna (Fight)
而我萬般不願意目送你 (離開) 坦白說 我並不希望發動 (爭戰)
'Cause nobody's gonna (Win), I think you should come home
因為結果為何 都將是 (兩敗俱傷) 這關鍵的一票你非回家投不可
And I'll never let you (Go) 'cause I know this is a (Fight)
而我永遠也不會鬆開你的 (手) 因為這場戰役想必 (勢在必行)
That someday we're gonna (Win), just thought you should know
終有一天 我們也能取得空前 (勝利) 我只希望你也能用這心情去體會
It's you and me, that's my whole world
只有你我攜手作戰 這個世界就由人民組成
They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl"
他們無比清晰的聲音 從走廊傳來 『這女孩真是壞透了』
"She's a bad, bad girl"