專輯:Lover 情人
Taylor Swift - It’s Nice To Have A Friend (Official Audio)
School bell rings, walk me home
放學的鐘聲打了 回家路上有你相隨
Sidewalk chalk covered in snow
沿途人行道覆蓋著白雪 就像粉筆灰
Lost my gloves, you give me one
我的手套掉了 你便送給我新的一副
"Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun
『要不要一起出去玩?』好哇 聽起來很有趣
Video games, you pass me a note
打打電玩遊戲 你遞給我一張小紙條
Sleeping in tents
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
能交到這樣一個知心好友真好 (噢)
Light pink sky, up on the roof
淺粉色的天空 高高懸掛在屋頂
Sun sinks down, no curfew
夕陽沈進了黃昏 今天沒宵禁
20 questions, we tell the truth
二十題真心話大考驗 僅限實話喔
You've been stressed out lately, yeah, me too
你最近的課業壓力一定大得不得了 對呀 我也是呢
Something gave you the nerve
不知道發什麼神經 你鼓起了勇氣
To touch my hand
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
能交到這麼一個知心好友真好 (噢)
[Instrumental bridge]
Church bells ring, carry me home
教堂鐘聲響了 將我高舉扛過肩頭回家
Rice on the ground looks like snow
灑落一地的飯粒 就像白雪從天空飄下
Call my bluff, call you "Babe"
兌現我的諾言 喊你一聲『寶貝』
Have my back, yeah, every day
作我的靠山 耶 從今往後的每一天
Feels like home, stay in bed
家一般溫暖 無憂無慮躺在床上
The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
能交到這麼個知心好友真幸福 (噢)