
專輯:Lover 情人


Taylor Swift - Soon You’ll Get Better (Official Audio) ft. The Chicks


The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair

大衣外套的鈕扣 不小心纏上我整夜沒睡的蜷曲頭髮

In doctor's office lighting, I didn't tell you I was scared

陪你坐在診間的時候 有件事我不敢告訴你 其實我害怕得不得了

That was the first time we were there

自從你確診以後 我們就必須經常回訪那兒

Holy orange bottles, each night, I pray to you

梳妝台裡藏著橘色藥罐 每晚我都跪在床邊 為你禱告

Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too

據說主能聽見絕望者的祈禱 所以我也開始跟著其他人這麼做

And I say to you...



(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

『再過不久 你就會好起來了』

(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

『媽 你很快就會好起來了』

(Ooh-ah) You'll get better soon


(Ooh-ah) 'Cause you have to



I know delusion when I see it in the mirror

我分得清楚鏡中什麼才叫現實 什麼才叫幻覺

You like the nicer nurses, you make the best of a bad deal

護理師耐心地向我解釋 就算生了重病 你還是希望我要往好處想

I just pretend it isn't real

我只好拼命說服自己 這不是真的


I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky

我重漆廚房牆壁 點亮這天空 好讓自己不去想你生病的事

I know I'll never get it, there's not a day that I won't try

我知道自己永遠無法接受 但為了你的健康著想 我這才願意一試

And I say to you...



(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

『再過不久 她就會好起來了』

(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

『媽媽她 肯定很快就會好起來了』

(Ooh-ah) You'll get better soon


(Ooh-ah) 'Cause you have to

『再不然 我也不曉得該怎麼辦才好了』


And I hate to make this all about me

我不希望你是因為我的緣故 情非得已

But who am I supposed to talk to?

可往後沒有你的日子 我還能找誰傾訴?

What am I supposed to do

心中少了你的大洞 我又該怎麼填補

If there's no you?



This won't go back to normal, if it ever was


It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because

向上帝禱告也已經好些年了 之所以會繼續這麼說是因為呀

'Cause I have to



(Ooh-ah) You'll get better


(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

(呼-啊)『再過不久 你就會好起來的』

(Ooh-ah) You'll get better soon



(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

(呼-啊)『再過不久 你就會好起來了』

(Ooh-ah) Soon, you'll get better

(呼-啊)『媽 你很快就會好起來了』

(Ooh-ah) You'll get better soon


(Ooh-ah) 'Cause you have to


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