


Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out


Regrets collect like old friends

悔意不斷累加 好似舊時好友

Here to relive your darkest moments

就此重溫過去 回訪你最黑暗的時刻

I can see no way, I can see no way

我消失在黑暗 我從此迷失了自我

And all of the ghouls come out to play

而蟄伏在地的食屍鬼 出來嬉遊玩樂

And every demon wants his pound of flesh

而窮惡凶魔渴望的 是祂聖潔之軀的血肉

But I like to keep some things to myself

但我待人處事的原則 向來是有所保留

I like to keep my issues drawn

我的私事 別人從來管不著

It's always darkest before the dawn

在那黎明破曉前 總有夜幕籠罩


And I've been a fool and I've been blind

而我既是無知之人 對事亦如此目盲

I can never leave the past behind


I can see no way, I can see no way

我不知如何是好 我尋不著方向

I'm always dragging that horse around

我似乎老是牽抓著那匹馬 原地兜繞

All of his questions, such a mournful sound

祂提出的那些問題 該是多麼哀戚的聲調

Tonight, I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground

今晚 我要將那匹馬安葬入土 與過去言歸於好

'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn

只因我的私人事宜 別人從來管不著

But it's always darkest before the dawn

只可惜在那黎明破曉前 總有夜幕籠罩


Shake it out


And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back

如若惡魔盤據你心 致使你難以行動或脫逃

So shake him off, oh-woah

不如擺脫其苦擾 噢-喔噢


And I am done with my graceless heart

而我實在受夠了 我那庸俗粗鄙的心

So tonight, I'm gonna cut it out and then restart

所以今晚 我要切斷與過去的連結 汰舊換新

'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn

只因我的家務私事 別人從來管不著

It's always darkest before the dawn

在那黎明破曉前 總有夜幕籠罩


Shake it out


And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back

如若惡魔盤據你心 致使你難以行動或脫逃

So shake him off, oh-woah

不如擺脫其苦擾 噢-喔噢


And it's hard to dance


With a devil on your back


And given half the chance


Would I take any of it back?


It's a fine romance


But it's left me so undone

但事後 我卻覺惆悵不已

It's always darkest before the dawn

總要捱過漫漫長夜 才能迎來黎明


And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't

但不論我決定做還是不做 都注定要邁向毀滅

So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope

不如在這條繩索絞死我以前 向無盡黑夜敬一杯

And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope

我準備受痛苦折磨 而我期望也祂施予慈悲

It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat

這無比渺茫的機會 瞄準的是我脆弱的喉頭

'Cause looking for Heaven, found the devil in me

只因找尋天堂的途中 遇見了心中難纏的惡魔

Looking for Heaven, found the devil in me

尋求著天堂般的際遇 終究擊潰不了心魔

But, what the hell, I'm gonna let it happen to me, yeah

不過 管他那麼多 反正遲早要來 不如任其發生 耶


Shake it out


And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back

如若惡魔盤據你心 致使你難以行動或脫逃

So shake him off, oh-woah

不如擺脫其苦擾 噢-喔噢


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