Taylor Swift - Bad Blood (Tayl

專輯:1989 (Taylor’s Version)


Bad Blood

Taylor Swift - Bad Blood (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood

事已至此 你我勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love

曾經的我們 也是愛得死去活來

So take a look what you've done

給我睜大眼睛看好 你都幹了什麼好事

'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

親愛的 現在的我們成了彼此的宿敵 嘿!

Now we've got problems


And I don't think we can solve 'em


You made a really deep cut

那時的你 實在傷我不輕

And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

而現在你到死都是我的敵人 嘿!


Did you have to do this?


I was thinking that you could be trusted


Did you have to ruin what was shiny?


Now it's all rusted


Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?

為什麼 你要非得要往死裡打?

Baby, I couldn't breathe


And rub it in so deep

而你 非得在傷口撒鹽

Salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me

倒地不起的我 只聽得見你那刺耳的嗤笑聲


Oh, it's so sad to

噢 如今光是回想

Think about the good times


You and I



'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood

事已至此 你我勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love

曾經的我們 也是愛得死去活來

So take a look what you've done

給我睜大眼睛看好 你都幹了什麼好事

'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

親愛的 現在的我們成了彼此的宿敵 嘿!

Now we've got problems


And I don't think we can solve 'em


You made a really deep cut

那時的你 實在傷我不輕

And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

而現在你到死都是我的敵人 嘿!


Did you think we'd be fine?


Still got scars in my back from your knives


So don't think it's in the past

別以為船走過 流水便不著痕跡

These kinds of wounds they last and they last

這種見不得人的勾當 從來沒有保存期限

Now, did you think it all through?

現在 你還敢說『我們沒事』了嗎?

All these things will catch up to you

這苦不堪言的痛楚 將縈繞在你心頭

And time can heal, but this won't

也別天真地以為 時間能治癒傷口

So if you're coming my way

所以說 如果你哪天在路上看見我

Just don't

拜託你有多遠 滾多遠


Oh, it's so sad to

噢 光是想到這些

Think about the good times


You and I



'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood

事已至此 你我勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love

曾經的我們 也是愛得死去活來

So take a look what you've done

給我睜大眼睛看好 你都幹了什麼好事

'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

親愛的 現在的我們成了彼此的宿敵 嘿!

Now we've got problems


And I don't think we can solve 'em


You made a really deep cut

那時的你 實在傷我不輕

And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

而現在 你到死都是我的敵人 嘿!


Band-aids don't fix bullet holes

再多根手指 也堵不住潰堤的水壩

You say sorry just for show

你嘴裡掛著的道歉 實在太過虛偽

If you live like that, you live with ghosts

假如你問心無愧 不過是在自欺欺人

Band-aids don't fix bullet holes

無論補了多少木樁 也無法救回死去羊羔

You say sorry just for show

出自你肺腑的悔過之言 如今聽來格外做作

If you live like that, you live with ghosts

假如你不會良心不安 那你心裡肯定有鬼

If you love like that, blood runs cold!

若你夜裡也能睡得安穩 那你可真夠不要臉!


'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood

事已至此 你我勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love

曾經的我們 也是愛得死去活來

So take a look what you've done

給我睜大眼睛看好 你都幹了什麼好事

'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

親愛的 現在的我們成了彼此的宿敵 嘿!

Now we've got problems


And I don't think we can solve 'em


You made a really deep cut

那時的你 實在傷我不輕

And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

而現在你到死都是我的敵人 嘿!


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