
專輯:Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version) 出道同名專輯 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - Tim McGraw

Hidden message: Can’t tell me nothin’ 不用告訴我


He said the way my blue eyes shined

他告訴我 我藍眼珠散發的耀眼光澤

Put those Georgia stars to shame that night

就連喬治亞州的繁星見了 都要相形失色

I said, "That's a lie"



Just a boy in a Chevy truck


That had a tendency of gettin' stuck

那輛車 有三不五時拋錨的老毛病

On backroads at night


And I was right there beside him all summer long

而我那年暑假的每一天 就陪伴在他身邊渡過

And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone

一直到那天 你我從睡夢中驚醒 這才發覺夏日已遠走


But when you think Tim McGraw

但如果將來 你也想起提姆麥克羅

I hope you think my favorite song

希望勾起你回憶的 是我最喜歡的歌

The one we danced to all night long


The moon like a spotlight on the lake

月光就像探照燈 映照在銀白的湖泊


When you think happiness


I hope you think that little black dress

希望勾起你回憶的 是我黑色小洋裝

Think of my head on your chest

回憶多少夜晚 我依偎在你胸膛

And my old faded blue jeans


When you think Tim McGraw

如果將來 你想起提姆麥克羅

I hope you think of me



September saw a month of tears

九月的生活 就在淚水之中渡過

And thankin' God that you weren't here

還真得感謝老天 能及時將你帶離我

To see me like that



But in a box beneath my bed

但在我的床底下 藏了枚盒子

Is a letter that you never read


From three summers back


It's hard not to find it all a little bittersweet

等你一拆開這封信 很難不覺得五味雜陳

And lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe

如今回首看那段曾經 與其忘記 不如選擇去相信


When you think Tim McGraw

將來哪天 你想起提姆麥克羅

I hope you think my favorite song

希望勾起你回憶的 是我最喜歡的歌

The one we danced to all night long


The moon like a spotlight on the lake

月光就像探照燈 映照在銀白的湖泊


When you think happiness


I hope you think that little black dress

希望勾起你回憶的 是我黑色小洋裝

Think of my head on your chest

回憶多少夜晚 我依偎在你胸膛

And my old faded blue jeans


When you think Tim McGraw

如果將來 你想起提姆麥克羅

I hope you think of me



And I'm back for the first time since then

而我終於鼓起勇氣走到這裡 自從那天

I'm standin' on your street


And there's a letter left on your doorstep

等你一打開門 有封信就放在你家門階

And the first thing that you'll read



Is, "When you think Tim McGraw

『要是將來 你也想起提姆麥克羅

I hope you think my favorite song

希望勾起你回憶的 是我最喜歡的歌

Someday you'll turn your radio on

若哪天你打開廣播 聽見了這首歌

I hope it takes you back to that place"



When you think happiness


I hope you think that little black dress

希望勾起你回憶的 是我黑色小洋裝

Think of my head on your chest

回憶多少夜晚 我依偎在你胸膛

And my old faded blue jeans


When you think Tim McGraw

如果將來 你想起提姆麥克羅

I hope you think of me



Oh, think of me, mmm

噢 也會想起我來 嗯

He said the way my blue eyes shined

告訴我 我藍眼珠散發的耀眼光澤

Put those Georgia stars to shame that night

就連喬治亞州的繁星見了 都要相形失色

I said, "That's a lie"



He said the way my blue eyes shined

他凝視著我 並說『你那對藍眼珠的美

Put those Georgia stars to shame that night

是喬治亞州的漫天眾星 所望塵莫及的』

I said, "That's a lie"

而我兀自垂著眼眸 彷彿說著『才不呢』

Just a boy in a Chevy truck

當時的你 仍只是開貨車賺外快的男孩

That had a tendency of gettin' stuck

半夜不走快速道路 故意挑偏僻小徑

On backroads at night

結果拋了錨 一臉無助地望著我瞧

And I was right there beside him all summer long

而那年盛夏的我呀 每晚都依偎在他胸前入睡

And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone

直到翌日破曉 這才驚覺秋風已不知不覺到來


But when you think Tim McGraw

可要是哪天 你想起了提姆麥克羅

I hope you think my favorite song

我希望 你也會想起那首我們的歌

The one we danced to all night long

那晚你我伴著樂聲 搖曳到天明

The moon like a spotlight on the lake

映在湖面的月亮 宛如天空灑下的亮粉

When you think happiness


I hope you think that little black dress

我只盼望 你也能不經意想起那件黑色小洋裝

Think of my head on your chest


And my old faded blue jeans


When you think Tim McGraw


I hope you think of me

我希望你想的那個人 會是我


September saw a month of tears

見不到你的那個九月 無不以淚洗面

And thankin' God that you weren't here

不得不說 我還真慶幸你不在我身邊

To see me like that


But in a box beneath my bed

都忘了提醒你 我床底下的鞋盒

Is a letter that you never read

裡頭夾層藏了張 三年前含淚寫下

From three summers back


It's hard not to find it all a little bittersweet

現在想起來 不難想像當初提筆時喜憂摻半的心情

And lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe

如今得知你我一切安好 各過各的生活 應該也算是了斷


But when you think Tim McGraw

不過要是哪天 你想起了提姆麥克羅

I hope you think my favorite song

我希望 你也會想起那首我們的歌

The one we danced to all night long

那晚你我伴著樂聲 搖曳到天明

The moon like a spotlight on the lake

映在湖面的月亮 宛如天空灑下的亮粉

When you think happiness


I hope you think that little black dress

我只盼望 你也能不經意想起那件黑色小洋裝

Think of my head on your chest


And my old faded blue jeans


When you think Tim McGraw


I hope you think of me

我希望你想的那個人 會是我


And I'm back for the first time since then

自從分開那天起 這還是我第一次回到這兒

I'm standin' on your street

我人就站在你家那條街上 捉著被眼淚浸濕的信紙

And there's a letter left on your doorstep

而我將那封信留在門階前 依依不捨地離去

And the first thing that you'll read is:

要是你拆開那封信 你會看見的第一行會是:

"When you think Tim McGraw

『假如 你還會聽提姆麥克羅的話

I hope you think my favorite song

我希望 你也會想起那首我們的歌

Someday you'll turn your radio on

當他的歌聲 從收音機緩緩流淌時

I hope it takes you back to that place"

我只盼望 你也能重溫我們熟悉的美好』


When you think happiness


I hope you think that little black dress

我只盼望 你也能不經意想起那件黑色小洋裝

Think of my head on your chest


And my old faded blue jeans


When you think Tim McGraw


I hope you think of me

我希望你想的人 會是我

Oh, think of me

噢 想起我


He said the way my blue eyes shined

他拂去我髮絲 悄聲呢喃道『你那對藍眼珠的美

Put those Georgia stars to shame that night

是喬治亞州的漫天星辰 所望塵莫及的』

I said, "That's a lie"

而我垂下眼眸 心中若有所思



* 提姆麥克羅的那首歌是"Can't Tell Me Nothing",收錄在2004年的專輯Live Like You Were Dying。

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