Taylor Swift - You Are In Love

專輯:1989 (Taylor’s Version)


You Are In Love

Taylor Swift - You Are In Love (1989 World Tour)

[Remastered 4K] You Are in Love - Taylor Swift - 1989 World Tour 2015 - EAS Channel

Taylor Swift - You Are In Love (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


One look, dark room

交換眼神 房內熄了燈

Meant just for you


Time moved too fast, you play it back

時間消逝地太過迅速 你便按暫停鍵回溯

Buttons on a coat, lighthearted joke

數顆鈕扣縫在大衣上 一個溫暖窩心的笑話

No proof, not much, but you saw enough

沒有證據 明明才剛認識 你的好感卻已不在話下


Small talk, he drives

隨興小聊 他駕駛夜車

Coffee at midnight


The light reflects the chain on your neck

掛在你頸上的那條項鍊 反射刺眼醒目的光輝

He says, "Look up"

他興奮地說 『往上看一下』

And your shoulders brush


No proof, one touch, but you felt enough

毫無跡象 不過一次的碰觸 你卻已經無法自拔


You can hear it in the silence (Silence), you

哪怕在孤寂裡 你也聽得見這樣的聲音 (孤寂) 你呀

You can feel it on the way home (Way home), you

哪怕在回家的路上 你也感覺得到 (回家的路上) 你呀

You can see it with the lights out (Lights out)

哪怕燈光熄滅 你也看得見這感情的模樣 (燈光熄滅)

You are in love, true love

你戀愛了 還是獨一無二的真愛

You are in love



Morning, his place

翌日清晨 在他公寓內

Burnt toast, Sunday

吐司烤焦 是平凡的星期天

You keep his shirt, he keeps his word

你收著他上回過夜的上衣 而他從不食言

And for once, you let go

而這是有史以來 你放手一搏

Of your fears and your ghosts

不再受恐懼擺佈 拋下對過往的惶恐

One step, not much, but it said enough

至少踏出第一步 儘管步伐不大 但那證明了一切


You kiss on sidewalks


You fight and you talk

也開始會冷戰 然後把話說開

One night, he wakes

接著有一晚 他忽然醒來

Strange look on his face

有股奇怪的神情 寫滿他的臉

Pauses, then says "You're my best friend"

動也不動 然後才開口說『原來你就是我最好的朋友』

And you knew what it was, he is in love

而你隨即知曉發生了什麼事 他已經戀愛了


You can hear it in the silence (Silence), you

哪怕在孤寂裡 你也聽得見這樣的聲音 (孤寂) 你呀

You can feel it on the way home (Way home), you

哪怕在回家的路上 你也感覺得到 (回家的路上) 你呀

You can see it with the lights out (Lights out)

哪怕燈光熄滅 你也看得見這感情的模樣 (燈光熄滅)

You are in love, true love

你戀愛了 還是獨一無二的真愛

You are in love



And so it goes


You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round

你倆恩愛地共舞的身影 就在雪花球轉呀轉個不停 形影不離

And he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown

而他市中心辦公桌上的相框 特地擺了和你擁在一塊的合影

And you understand now


Why they lost their minds and fought the wars

難怪人們會為此喪失理智 甘願成為這場戰爭的俘虜

And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words

而這便是為何 我花上大半輩子 也要找出最適切的話語形容這感情


'Cause you can hear it in the silence

因為就連死寂時 你也聽得見這感情呼喚著你

You can feel it on the way home

就連回家路途 你也感應得到這悸動

You can see it with the lights out

就算路上連一盞燈也沒亮 你也看得清楚不過

You are in love, true love

你戀愛了 這獨一無二的真愛

You are in love



You can hear it in the silence (Silence), you

哪怕在孤寂裡 你也聽得見這樣的聲音 (孤寂) 你呀

You can feel it on the way home (Way home), you

哪怕在回家的路上 你也感覺得到 (回家的路上) 你呀

You can see it with the lights out (Lights out)

哪怕燈光熄滅 你也看得見這感情的模樣 (燈光熄滅)

You are in love, true love

你戀愛了 還是獨一無二的真愛

You are in love


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