Taylor Swift - Wonderland (Tay

專輯:1989 (Taylor’s Version)



Taylor Swift - Wonderland (Live on The 1989 World Tour)

Taylor Swift - Wonderland (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


Flashing lights, and we

耀眼光彩如此誘人 而我們

Took a wrong turn, and we

稍不留神便拐錯了彎 而我們

Fell down a rabbit hole



You held on tight to me

你死死抓著我 只為了活命

'Cause nothing's as it seems

因為在這裡 眼見並不一定為憑

And spinning out of control



Didn't they tell us "Don't rush into things"?

難道世人沒有事先告知我們 『可別操之過急?』

Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?

難道你綠眸沒閃現不懷好意的眼神 引起我注意?

Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?

難不成你沒聽說過 好奇心太過強烈 可是能殺死小貓咪?


Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting?

噢 面對新鮮事 豈不是很感到新奇又很興奮?

I felt your arms twistin' around me

我可以感覺得到 你雙手正交叉環抱我

I should have slept with one eye open at night

我真應該提高警戒 睜著一隻眼睡覺 以免遭逢災禍


We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

你和我發現了奇幻仙境 一不小心就掉入童話世界

And we pretended it could last forever (Eh, eh)

明知故事終會迎來大結局 我們還佯裝不知情 (耶 耶)

We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

我們掉進兔子洞裡面 一醒來就發現被困著出不去了

And life was never worse, but never better (Eh, eh)

而這趟奇遇雖然糟糕透了頂 但也沒好過就是了 (耶 耶)


Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

耶 耶 耶 耶 耶 耶

In Wonderland



So, we went on our way

於是 我們從此分道揚鑣

Too in love to think straight

只怪太愛了 才會分不清壞與好

All alone, or so it seemed

獨自寂寞 或至少看起來是這樣


But there were strangers watchin'

但身邊環伺的陌生人 正在偷窺著我們

And whispers turned to talkin'

原先的竊竊私語 也轉為正常話音

And talking turned to screams, oh

最後甚至連正常話音 也震耳欲聾 噢


Didn't they tell us "Don't rush into things"?

難道世人沒有事先告知我們 『可別操之過急?』

Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?

難道你綠眸沒閃現不懷好意的眼神 引起我注意?

Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile?

難不成你不曾以柴郡貓那一抹邪佞的笑容 來安撫我的心?


Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting?

噢 面對新鮮事 豈不是很感到新奇又很興奮?

I felt your arms twistin' around me

我可以感覺得到 你雙手正交叉環抱我

It's all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind

原先還愉快的遊戲體驗 一旦有人先暈船 那可就不好玩了

But darling



We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

我們陰錯陽差之下 找到奇幻仙境 你和我迷失在其中

And we pretended it could last forever (Eh, eh)

而我們還天真地以為 這樣的幸福能持續到永久 (耶 耶)

We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

我們找到了奇幻仙境 你我顧著流連美好 卻失去自我

And life was never worse, but never better (Eh, eh)

而我這輩子感覺從未這麼糟過 卻也從來沒好受過 (耶 耶)


Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

耶 耶 耶 耶 耶 耶

In Wonderland


Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, woah

耶 耶 耶 耶 耶 耶 噢喔

In Wonderland



I reached for you, but you were gone

我緩緩將手探向你 但你卻早已不在原處

I knew I had to go back home

我知道天色已晚 你不回家可不行

You searched the world for somethin' else

你在這世界尋覓老半天 只為找尋最為特別的人

To make you feel like what we had


And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad

但翻開故事的最後一頁 在那座奇幻仙境 我們都發了瘋



We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

一不小心就掉入童話世界 你和我發現了奇幻仙境

And we pretended it could last forever (Eh, eh)

明知故事終會迎來大結局 我們還佯裝不知情 (耶 耶)

We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

我們掉進兔子洞裡面 一醒來就發現被困著出不去了

And life was never worse, but never better (Eh, eh)

而這趟奇遇雖然糟糕透了頂 但也沒好過就是了 (耶 耶)


We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

我們陰錯陽差之下 找到奇幻仙境 你和我迷失在其中

And we pretended it could last forever (Eh, eh)

而我們還天真地以為 這樣的幸福能持續到永久 (耶 耶)

We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it

我們找到了奇幻仙境 你我顧著流連美好 卻失去自我

And life was never worse, but never better (Eh, eh)

而我這輩子感覺從未這麼糟過 卻也從來沒好受過 (耶 耶)

In Wonderland


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