
專輯:Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition) 午夜 (黎明加值版)



Taylor Swift - Karma (Official Lyric Video)


Taylor Swift ft. Ice Spice - Karma (Official Visualizer)

2022/11/27 第一次校正

2023/2/15 全曲重譯

2023/5/26 冰辣妹跨刀加譯

Karma is that girl, like



You're talking shit for the hell of it

你幹話滿天飛 老是在胡扯 只為逞威風

Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant

背後捅人一刀像上了癮 見鬼了 你怎麼還在這

You're terrified to look down

你一定是怕下地獄 見真章的時候

'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare

因為假如你有膽 你就敢直視那些人的雙眼

Of everyone you burned just to get there

他們可是被你邪惡勢力迫害 才會不得不淪陷

It's coming back around

別得意忘形 報應遲早會來


And I keep my side of the street clean

而我知道責任該怎麼寫 面對過錯 勇於承擔

You wouldn't know what I mean

像你這逃避責任的人 真的很不對


'Cause karma is my boyfriend

因為業力這玩意 是我的新好男人

Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

業力就像周末不經意吹過我髮絲 那樣的微風徐徐

Karma's a relaxing thought

業力這概念 是多麼令人慶幸

Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你聽了是不是很忌妒 想要趁機咬手帕洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

甜滋滋如蜂蜜 業力是卡哇伊小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為我就是牠愛的人

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

一隻小腳往上踢 施展必殺格鬥技

Me and karma vibe like that

我和業力 我們就是超級好麻吉


Karma is your checks by the bounce (Damn)

業力可是有本事讓你跳票 成了冤大頭 (該死)

Karma is the fire in your house (Grrah)

業力也是午夜燒掉你家那把無名火 (喔吼)

And she 'bout to pop up unannounced, like

而她也超級鬼靈精怪 隨時可能出現 神出鬼沒

And she never leavin' you alone (Damn)

而她也絕不讓你一個人 默默難過 (真該死)

Watch it put your opps on the throne

坐在那張閃亮亮寶座前 可得當心你的屁屁

Got you wavin' pretty white flags, fienin' for that cash

把你嚇得花容失色舉白旗 為賺進綠油油現金 你可是天良喪盡

Thinkin' it'll save ya', now you switchin' up your behaviour

還以為灑點小錢就能消災了事 女王威壓全場 看你還不檢討改進

It's okay baby, you ain't gotta worry, karma never gets lazy

沒事的 北鼻 你一點也不需要擔心 業力絕不懶惰 全年無休從不休息

So I keep my head up, my bread up, I won't let up (Never)

所以我要昂首挺胸 努力賺取現金 為達目的永不放棄 (絕不)

Promise you that you never endeavor with nothin' lesser, ever-ever

拍拍胸脯保證 你這些年來付出的心血努力 絕不會被辜負 絕不-絕不

I be draggin' that wagon, karma is a beauty

看我洪荒之力拖來坐駕 業力就是世紀大美人

Winning that pageant, grrah

拔得頭籌贏得選美冠軍 喔吼


'Cause karma is my boyfriend

因為業力這玩意 是我的新好男人

Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

業力就像周末不經意吹過我髮絲 那樣的微風徐徐

Karma's a relaxing thought

業力這概念 是多麼令人慶幸

Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你聽了是不是很忌妒 想要趁機咬手帕洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

甜滋滋如蜂蜜 業力是卡哇伊小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為我就是牠愛的人

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

一隻小腳往上踢 施展必殺格鬥技

Me and karma vibe like that

我和業力 我們就是超級好麻吉


Ask me what I learned from all those years

你看我從剛出道 闖蕩到現在 一路上成長了多少

Ask me what I earned from all those tears

你看我一共吞下多少眼淚 才爬得到今天這麼高

Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here

你看多少明星淡出螢光幕 但我地位始終屹立不搖

(I'm still here, I'm still here) 


'Cause karma is the thunder

因為業力 就像制裁惡人的雷電

Rattling your ground

震破地面 嚇破你的膽

Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter

業力還像資深賞金獵人 循著你滿身銅臭味追蹤

Karma's gonna track you down

業力背負使命 誓言他一定逮到人

Step by step, from town to town

一步接一步進逼 翻過一座又一座城


Sweet like justice, karma is a queen

遲來的正義般甜美 業力她就是天下母儀

Karma takes all my friends to the summit

業力還助我好友一臂之力 一同與我登峰造極

Karma is the guy on the screen

業力是螢幕上男人 盡情發揮演技

Coming straight home to me

下班回到小窩 做我的幕後情人


'Cause karma is my boyfriend

因為業力這玩意 是我的新好男人

Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

業力就像周末不經意吹過我髮絲 那樣的微風徐徐

Karma's a relaxing thought

業力這概念 是多麼令人慶幸

Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你聽了是不是很忌妒 想要趁機咬手帕洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

甜滋滋如蜂蜜 業力是卡哇伊小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為我就是牠愛的人

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

一隻小腳往上踢 施展必殺格鬥技

Me and karma vibe like that

我和業力 我們就是超級好麻吉


Karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god (Ah)

業力是神明大人 (啊)

Uh-huh, mm

嗯-嗯 嗯

Karma's a relaxing thought

有業力這概念 真是令人慶幸



You're talking shit for the hell of it

你拼命地講幹話 不過為逞一時口舌之快

Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant

成癮性地為非作歹 想不到你還沒被封殺公幹

You're terrified to look down

要是你真有料 倒是從高處往下看


'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare

可惜你實在沒膽 承擔不了雙眼的怒火射線

Of everyone you burned just to get there

被你過重業障活活燒死的人 等不及要拽你下來

It's coming back around

談到報仇 再久我都不嫌晚


And I keep my side of the street clean

而我有個好習慣 就是把門前雪掃得清潔溜溜

You wouldn't know what I mean

我說的話 想必你一個字也聽不懂


'Cause karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

還是週末出遊的時候 溫柔吹拂我一綹綹髮絲的微風

Karma's a relaxing thought


Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你是不是既羨慕又忌妒 想要咬手帕討拍洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

像蜂蜜香甜可口 業力也像頭小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為他只愛我不愛你

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

筋骨超軟Q 必殺特技實在卡哇伊

Me and karma vibe like that

我和我的業力 就是超級好麻吉


Spider boy, king of thieves

利用蜘蛛人超能力 成為偷天大聖

Weave your little webs of opacity

用絲編織陰謀詭計 觸感超薄又透明

My pennies made your crown

你偷我零角拼的王冠 簡直醜得要命


Trick me once, trick me twice

陷害我一次不甘願 給我來第二遍

Don't you know that cash ain't the only price?

難道你不知道除了鈔票 能衡量價值的單位還不少?

It's coming back around



And I keep my side of the street clean

待我登門拜訪後 我總會記得處理案發現場

You wouldn't know what I mean

結果你的好點子 通通動到歪腦筋上


'Cause karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

還是週末出遊的時候 溫柔吹拂我一綹綹髮絲的微風

Karma's a relaxing thought


Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你是不是既羨慕又忌妒 想要咬手帕討拍洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

像蜂蜜香甜可口 業力也像頭小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為他只愛我不愛你

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

筋骨超軟Q 必殺特技實在卡哇伊

Me and karma vibe like that

我和我的業力 就是超級好麻吉


Ask me what I learned from all those years

不妨問我被人汙衊栽贓這些年來 我究竟學到了什麼

Ask me what I earned from all those tears

不妨問我一路走來流下多少辛酸淚 我如何掙來資格 

Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here

不妨問我螢光幕前黯淡了多少人 我卻健在到底憑什麼

(I'm still here, I'm still here)

(我還在這兒 我可是哪兒也不去呢)


'Cause karma is the thunder


Rattling your ground

轟天雷鳴 包準你怕得要命

Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter

業力早就盯上你 就像賞金獵人依循味道要活捉

Karma's gonna track you down

業力使命必達 絕對要你不得好過


Step by step, from town to town

步步驚心 穿梭一個又一個城鎮捕抓

Sweet like justice, karma is a queen

正義般令人通體舒暢 業力就是女皇陛下

Karma takes all my friends to the summit

業力是一級棒的嚮導 準備攜手帶我友人攻頂

Karma is the guy on the screen


Coming straight home to me

準備今晚回家 乖乖成為我的人


'Cause karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

還是週末出遊的時候 溫柔吹拂我一綹綹髮絲的微風

Karma's a relaxing thought


Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你是不是既羨慕又忌妒 想要咬手帕討拍洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

像蜂蜜香甜可口 業力也像頭小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為他只愛我不愛你

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

筋骨超軟Q 必殺特技實在卡哇伊

Me and karma vibe like that

我和我的業力 就是超級好麻吉


Karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god (Ah)

業力大人還會保護我 (啊)

Karma is my bestie (Mmm)

業力就是我知心好友 (嗯)

Karma's a relaxing thought


Karma's gonna hold you down



You're talking shit for the hell of it

你幹話滿天飛 老是在胡扯 只為逞威風

Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant

背後捅人一刀像上了癮 見鬼了 你怎麼還在這

You're terrified to look down

你一定是怕下地獄 見真章的時候

'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare

因為假如你有膽 你就敢直視那些人的雙眼

Of everyone you burned just to get there

他們可是被你邪惡勢力迫害 才會不得不淪陷

It's coming back around

別得意忘形 報應遲早會來


And I keep my side of the street clean

而我知道責任該怎麼寫 面對過錯 勇於承擔

You wouldn't know what I mean

像你這逃避責任的人 真的很不對


'Cause karma is my boyfriend

因為業力這玩意 是我的新好男人

Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

業力就像周末不經意吹過我髮絲 那樣的微風徐徐

Karma's a relaxing thought

業力這概念 是多麼令人慶幸

Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你聽了是不是很忌妒 想要趁機咬手帕洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

甜滋滋如蜂蜜 業力是卡哇伊小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為我就是牠愛的人

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

一隻小腳往上踢 施展必殺格鬥技

Me and karma vibe like that

我和業力 我們就是超級好麻吉


Spiderboy, king of thieves

蜘蛛網中的男孩 盜賊的帝王

Weave your little webs of opacity

施展你看家本領 織資訊不透明的網

My pennies made your crown

從我這搶來的錢 足以讓你稱王

Trick me once, trick me twice

拐我一次不甘心 誆騙兩次好顯擺

Don't you know that cash ain't the only price?

難道你真有這麼低俗 廉價粗鄙 滿腦子只裝著錢?

It's coming back around

積多少陰德 遲早迴向回來


And I keep my side of the street clean

而我知道責任該怎麼寫 面對過錯 勇於承擔

You wouldn't know what I mean

像你這逃避責任的人 真的很不對


'Cause karma is my boyfriend

因為業力這玩意 是我的新好男人

Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

業力就像周末不經意吹過我髮絲 那樣的微風徐徐

Karma's a relaxing thought

業力這概念 是多麼令人慶幸

Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你聽了是不是很忌妒 想要趁機咬手帕洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

甜滋滋如蜂蜜 業力是卡哇伊小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為我就是牠愛的人

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

一隻小腳往上踢 施展必殺格鬥技

Me and karma vibe like that

我和業力 我們就是超級好麻吉


Ask me what I learned from all those years

你看我從剛出道 闖蕩到現在 一路上成長了多少

Ask me what I earned from all those tears

你看我一共吞下多少眼淚 才爬得到今天這麼高

Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here

你看多少明星淡出螢光幕 但我地位始終屹立不搖

(I'm still here, I'm still here) 


'Cause karma is the thunder

因為業力 就像制裁惡人的雷電

Rattling your ground

震破地面 嚇破你的膽

Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter

業力還像資深賞金獵人 循著你滿身銅臭味追蹤

Karma's gonna track you down

業力背負使命 誓言他一定逮到人

Step by step, from town to town

一步接一步進逼 翻過一座又一座城


Sweet like justice, karma is a queen

遲來的正義般甜美 業力她就是天下母儀

Karma takes all my friends to the summit

業力還助我好友一臂之力 一同與我登峰造極

Karma is the guy on the screen

業力是螢幕上男人 盡情發揮演技

Coming straight home to me

下班回到小窩 做我的幕後情人


'Cause karma is my boyfriend

因為業力這玩意 是我的新好男人

Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

業力就像周末不經意吹過我髮絲 那樣的微風徐徐

Karma's a relaxing thought

業力這概念 是多麼令人慶幸

Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你聽了是不是很忌妒 想要趁機咬手帕洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

甜滋滋如蜂蜜 業力是卡哇伊小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為我就是牠愛的人

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

一隻小腳往上踢 施展必殺格鬥技

Me and karma vibe like that

我和業力 我們就是超級好麻吉


Karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god (Ah)

業力是神明大人 (啊)

Uh-huh, mm

嗯-嗯 嗯

Karma's a relaxing thought

有業力這概念 真是令人慶幸



You're talking shit for the hell of it

你拼命地講幹話 不過為逞一時口舌之快

Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant

成癮性地為非作歹 想不到你還沒被封殺公幹

You're terrified to look down

要是你真有料 倒是從高處往下看


'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare

可惜你實在沒膽 承擔不了雙眼的怒火射線

Of everyone you burned just to get there

被你過重業障活活燒死的人 等不及要拽你下來

It's coming back around

談到報仇 再久我都不嫌晚


And I keep my side of the street clean

而我有個好習慣 就是把門前雪掃得清潔溜溜

You wouldn't know what I mean

我說的話 想必你一個字也聽不懂


'Cause karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

還是週末出遊的時候 溫柔吹拂我一綹綹髮絲的微風

Karma's a relaxing thought


Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你是不是既羨慕又忌妒 想要咬手帕討拍洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

像蜂蜜香甜可口 業力也像頭小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為他只愛我不愛你

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

筋骨超軟Q 必殺特技實在卡哇伊

Me and karma vibe like that

我和我的業力 就是超級好麻吉


Spider boy, king of thieves

利用蜘蛛人超能力 成為偷天大聖

Weave your little webs of opacity

用絲編織陰謀詭計 觸感超薄又透明

My pennies made your crown

你偷我零角拼的王冠 簡直醜得要命


Trick me once, trick me twice

陷害我一次不甘願 給我來第二遍

Don't you know that cash ain't the only price?

難道你不知道除了鈔票 能衡量價值的單位還不少?

It's coming back around



And I keep my side of the street clean

待我登門拜訪後 我總會記得處理案發現場

You wouldn't know what I mean

結果你的好點子 通通動到歪腦筋上


'Cause karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

還是週末出遊的時候 溫柔吹拂我一綹綹髮絲的微風

Karma's a relaxing thought


Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你是不是既羨慕又忌妒 想要咬手帕討拍洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

像蜂蜜香甜可口 業力也像頭小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為他只愛我不愛你

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

筋骨超軟Q 必殺特技實在卡哇伊

Me and karma vibe like that

我和我的業力 就是超級好麻吉


Ask me what I learned from all those years

不妨問我被人汙衊栽贓這些年來 我究竟學到了什麼

Ask me what I earned from all those tears

不妨問我一路走來流下多少辛酸淚 我如何掙來資格 

Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here

不妨問我螢光幕前黯淡了多少人 我卻健在到底憑什麼

(I'm still here, I'm still here)

(我還在這兒 我可是哪兒也不去呢)


'Cause karma is the thunder


Rattling your ground

轟天雷鳴 包準你怕得要命

Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter

業力早就盯上你 就像賞金獵人依循味道要活捉

Karma's gonna track you down

業力使命必達 絕對要你不得好過


Step by step, from town to town

步步驚心 穿梭一個又一個城鎮捕抓

Sweet like justice, karma is a queen

正義般令人通體舒暢 業力就是女皇陛下

Karma takes all my friends to the summit

業力是一級棒的嚮導 準備攜手帶我友人攻頂

Karma is the guy on the screen


Coming straight home to me

準備今晚回家 乖乖成為我的人


'Cause karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend

還是週末出遊的時候 溫柔吹拂我一綹綹髮絲的微風

Karma's a relaxing thought


Aren't you envious that for you it's not?

你是不是既羨慕又忌妒 想要咬手帕討拍洩恨?


Sweet like honey, karma is a cat

像蜂蜜香甜可口 業力也像頭小喵咪

Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me

躺在我膝蓋打呼嚕 因為他只愛我不愛你

Flexing like a goddamn acrobat

筋骨超軟Q 必殺特技實在卡哇伊

Me and karma vibe like that

我和我的業力 就是超級好麻吉


Karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god (Ah)

業力大人還會保護我 (啊)

Uh-huh, mm

嗯-哼 嗯

Karma's a relaxing thought


    創作者 pch 的頭像


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