
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - Timeless (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault) (Lyric Video)


Down the block, there's an antique shop

轉角盡頭的路口 有間不起眼的古董店

And something in my head said, "Stop," so I walked in

而我腦海響起一個聲音 要我停下腳步 於是我走了進去

On the counter was a cardboard box

結帳櫃檯的角落 擺了一盒硬紙箱

And the sign said, "Photos: twenty-five cents each"



Black and white, saw a '30s bride

黑白相片 看見三零年代的新娘

And school lovers laughin' on the porch of their first house

一對校園相戀的情侶 落腳在新家前面 笑容特別地燦爛

The kinda love that you only find once in a lifetime

那樣的愛情難能可貴 一輩子能夠找到尤為罕見

The kind you don't put down



And that's when I called you and it's so hard to explain

在電話裡一時解釋不清楚 所以我才會叫你直接過來 

But in those photos, I saw us instead

但在那堆照片中 我只看見了我們

And, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other

不知哪來的信心 但我始終相信 在茫茫人海 你我總能找到彼此

In another life, you still would've turned my head even if wе'd met

如果還有來生 就算你我在人潮錯身而過 我的眼光依然為你停留


On a crowded street in 1944

相遇是在1944 熙攘的街

And you werе headed off to fight in the war

而當時你正欲動身 奔赴激烈戰事最前線

You still would've been mine


We would have been timeless

那樣的愛 該有多麼地永恆


I would've read your love letters every single night

我會每晚捧著你寄來的情書 一遍又一遍地重讀

And prayed to God you'd be comin' home all right

並虔誠地向上蒼保佑 拜託祂將你完好無缺還給我

And you would've been fine


We would have been timeless

在一起 篆刻我們永恆的愛


'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this

因為我始終相信 你和我就是那難能可貴的愛情

So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine

所以呀 哪怕還有來生 你依然會是我最疼愛的那個人

We would've been timeless

我們的愛 將持續到永恆


I had to smile when it caught my eye

當照片引起我注意時 我不禁笑了出來

There was one of a teenage couple in the driveway

有對看起來剛交往不久的情侶 站在自家車道前

Holdin' hands on the way to a dance

牽著彼此的小手 準備要參加舞會

And the date on the back said 1958

而時間戳記上標明著 一九五八年


Which brought me back to the first time I saw you

種種的回憶 讓我回想起 你和我初次相遇那一刻

Time stood still like somethin' in this old shop

時光凝結在那瞬間 就像古董店給我的感覺

I thought about it as I started lookin' 'round

當我四處觀望 遭歷史遺忘的寶物的時候

At these precious things that time forgot

這念頭閃過我的腦海 勾起我的懷念


That's when I came upon a book covered in cobwebs

就在這時 我注意一本被蜘蛛網纏住的書 擺在架上

Story of a romance torn apart by fate


Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love, like we did

早在數百年前 他們就墜入愛河 就跟你和我一樣

And I'd die for you in the same way if I first saw your face

只要能一睹你的風采 我也願意像故事 親手將性命奉上


In the fifteen hundreds off in a foreign land

遠在十五世紀的異國他鄉 實在身不由己

And I was forced to marry another man

在眾多因素下 我被迫下嫁其他男人

You still would've been mine

你仍會排除萬難 與我相戀

We would have been timeless

在一起 我們總能克服考驗


I would've read your love letters every single night

夜復一夜 我一遍遍讀著你的情書 藉以排解相思

And run away and left it all behind

你我攜手私奔 拋下所有的不愉快

You still would've been mine


We would have been timeless

那樣的愛 該有多麼地永恆


'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this

因為我始終相信 你和我就是那難能可貴的愛情

So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine

所以呀 哪怕還有來生 你依然會是我最疼愛的那個人

We would've been timeless

我們的愛 將持續到永恆


Time breaks down your mind and body


Don't you let it touch your soul


It was like an age-old classic

這份愛 禁得起時間的考驗

The first time that you saw me

打從初次見面 我心裡就明白

The story started when you said, "Hello"

你簡單的問候 就此刻劃時間的弧線


In a crowded room a few short years ago

幾年前 你我在擁擠的房間邂逅了彼此

And sometimes there's no proof, you just know

有時不必有任何跡象 你就是知道對的人是誰

You're always gonna be mine


We're gonna be



I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' grey

就算我們頭髮都鬢髮斑白 我依然深愛著你

We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made

我們也會有裝滿照片的紙箱 紀錄我們這輩子留下的回憶

And you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless"

而你會說『噢 天 我們果真經得起時間的考驗』


We're gonna be timeless, timeless

我們的愛 一定經得起時間的考驗

You still would've been mine

不論相隔多遠 你總會與我相戀

We would've been



Even if we'd met on a crowded street in 1944

哪怕你我的相遇 是在1944年熙攘的街上

You still would've been mine


We would've been



Down the block, there's an antique shop

轉角盡頭的路口 有間不起眼的古董店

And something in my head said, "Stop," so I walked in

而我腦海響起一個聲音 要我停下腳步 於是我推開了門


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