
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白 (泰勒絲全新版)


Speak Now

Taylor Swift - Speak Now (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)

Hidden Message: You always regret what you don’t say 愛要及時說出口


I am not the kind of girl

我呀 可不是電影裡的那種

Who should be rudely barging in

會這麼厚顏無恥 大搖大擺推開門

On a white veil occasion


But you are not the kind of boy

不過你呢 應該也不至於會那麼傻

Who should be marrying the wrong girl

居然是一聲不坑 就跟不的她結婚的人吧


I sneak in and see your friends

而我偷偷潛進會場 和你朋友會合

And her snotty little family


All dressed in pastel



And she is yelling at a bridesmaid

而美嬌娘 正指著伴娘的鼻頭破口大罵

Somewhere back inside a room

不知窩在教堂哪個小房間 而她那

Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry

像極糕點餅皮的禮服 簡直讓人笑掉大牙


This is surely not


What you thought it would be


I lose myself in a daydream

而我不禁墜入思緒 做起白日夢

Where I stand and say

夢中的我大膽起身 並說


Don't say yes, run away now

絕對別答應她 逃可得趁現在

I'll meet you when you're out

我等等和你會合 趁場面一片混亂

Of the church, at the back door

推開教堂後門 到時候再到那兒碰面


Don't wait or say a single vow

別遲疑 也別一不小心就說出誓詞

You need to hear me out


And they said, "Speak now"

聽見『結為連理』時 才能及時阻止


Fond gestures are exchanged

在場的賓客 無不為新人道恭賀

And the organ starts to play

而她請來的樂團 便順勢開始演奏

A song that sounds like a death march

那些指定曲目中 聽起來就像送葬列隊的歌


And I am hiding in the curtains

而我呢 就躲在教堂後方的窗簾後

It seems that I was uninvited

看樣子 你未來的賢內助是糊塗蟲

By your lovely bride-to-be

稍不留神 就把邀請函弄丟了


She floats down the aisle

她緩緩走上紅地毯 緩慢移動

Like a pageant queen


But I know you wish it was me

而我幾乎就要確認 你肯定也覺得

You wish it was me (Don't you?)

真希望你娶的人是我 (可不是嗎?)


Don't say yes, run away now

絕對別答應她 要逃可得趁現在

I'll meet you when you're out

我等等和你會合 趁場面一片混亂

Of the church, at the back door

推開教堂後門 到時候再到那兒碰面


Don't wait or say a single vow

別遲疑 也別一不小心就出誓詞

You need to hear me out


And they said, "Speak now"

聽見『結為連理』時 才能及時阻止


So don't say yes, run away now

所以你別答應她 要逃只能趁現在

I'll meet you when you're out

我等等和你會合 趁場面一片混亂

Of the church, at the back door

推開教堂後門 到時候再到那兒碰面


Don't wait or say a single vow

可別遲疑太久 或不小心說溜嘴囉

Your time is running out


And they said, "Speak now"





I hear the preacher say


"Speak now or forever hold your peace"

『反對者請立即提出 否則將永遠保持緘默』

There's the silence, there's my last chance

現場一片鴉雀無聲 而我知道要是再等就來不及了

I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me

於是我顫抖地站起身子 全場所有人目光聚焦著我


Horrified looks from everyone in the room

場面陷入騷動 他們又驚又懼地看著我 交頭接耳

But I'm only looking at you

可我眼中 卻只有情人你一個


I am not the kind of girl

我呀 可不是電影裡的那種

Who should be rudely barging in

會這麼厚顏無恥 大搖大擺推開門

On a white veil occasion


But you are not the kind of boy

不過你呢 應該也不至於會那麼傻

Who should be marrying the wrong girl

居然是一聲不坑 就跟不愛的她結婚的人吧




So don't say yes, run away now

所以你別答應她 要逃只能趁現在

I'll meet you when you're out

我等等和你會合 趁場面一片混亂

Of the church, at the back door

推開教堂後門 到時候再到那兒碰面


Don't wait or say a single vow

別遲疑 也別一不小心就說溜嘴囉

You need to hear me out


And they said, "Speak now"



And you say, "Let's run away now


I'll meet you when I'm out


Of my tux, at the back door

穿著一身燕尾服 用力轉開門把


Baby, I didn't say my vows

親愛的 我沒有說出我的婚誓

So glad you were around

真慶幸 當他們要逼我結婚時

When they said, "Speak now'"

就要說出「我願意」時 有你制止

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