
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden Message: For you 獻給你們

Long Live

Taylor Swift - Long Live (Speak Now World Tour HD)

Taylor Swift - Long Live (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


I said, "Remember this moment"

我告訴自己 『務必要記住這一刻』

In the back of my mind


The time we stood with our shaking hands

那一次我們光是連站著 雙手都忍不住顫抖著

The crowds in stands went wild

全場觀眾無不陷入瘋狂 為你我喝采


We were the kings and the queens

舞台中央的我們 就是為人景仰的國王后

And they read off our names


The night you danced like you knew our lives would

這一晚 你忘我地手舞足蹈著 並發覺我們即將在這一刻

Never be the same



You held your head like a hero on a history book page

你挺胸昂揚著 像個凱旋而歸的英雄 榮登史書傳記的封面

It was the end of a decade


But the start of an age



Long live the walls we crashed through

當我們一次次突破重圍 與人擊掌 高呼萬歲

How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

子民紛紛揮舞手中燈光 點亮王國 僅為我和你盡情閃爍

I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made"

我激動地朝著你們吶喊『為我們創造的今晚 高呼萬歲』

And bring on all the pretenders

而那些冒牌貨儘管來吧 我沒在怕的

One day, we will be remembered

總有一天 我們的成就將會名留青史


I said, "Remember this feeling"

我告訴自己 『非記得這感受不可』

I pass the pictures around

我取出演唱會相簿 並傳了下去

Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines

這幾年以來 我們只能乾坐觀眾席 眼看舞台上的明星高歌

Wishing for right now



We are the kings and the queens


You traded your baseball cap for a crown

你用破舊的棒球老帽 換來金光璀璨王冠一頂

When they gave us our trophies


And we held them up for our town

而我們便高舉獎盃 獻給最忠實的你們 


And the cynics were outraged

那些冥頑不靈的人們 簡直氣瘋了

Screaming, "This is absurd"


'Cause for a moment, a band of thieves in ripped up jeans

因為此刻 這幫打音樂旗號 招搖撞騙的人 一身刷破牛仔褲穿著

Got to rule the world



Long live the walls we crashed through

當我們一次次突破重圍 與人擊掌 高呼萬歲

How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

子民紛紛揮舞手中燈光 點亮王國 僅為我和你盡情閃爍

I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made"

我激動地朝著你們吶喊『為我們創造的今晚 高呼萬歲』

And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid

而那些可惡的冒牌貨 就儘管放馬來吧 我才沒在怕的


Long live all the mountains we moved

為理想執著 堅持不放棄的我們 高呼萬歲

I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

和你們並肩作戰 穿甲冑鬥惡龍 永遠是我最歡樂的時光

I was screaming, "Long live that look on your face"

我朝台下的你們吶喊『為你們臉上掛的笑容 高呼萬歲』

And bring on all the pretenders

不論還有多少冒牌貨 都儘管來吧

One day, we will be remembered

終有一天 這世界都會是我們的天下


Hold on to spinning around

多想停留在這刻 忘我地旋轉

Confetti falls to the ground

朝空中噴灑五彩紙屑 飄揚翻飛

May these memories break our fall

願這回憶長存 活在你我心裏直到永遠


Will you take a moment? Promise me this


That you'll stand by me forever


But if, God forbid, fate should step in

但假如 不幸的事發生 命運介入戛然而止


And force us into a goodbye

而到了那時 你我不得不道別

If you have children some day

假如說 將來你也成家立業了之後

When they point to the pictures

若孩子指著照片 問起台上的人是誰

Please tell 'em my name



Tell 'em how the crowds went wild

告訴他們 那晚粉絲那陷入瘋狂的盛況

Tell 'em how I hope they shine

還要跟他們說 我願他們盡情閃爍

Long live the walls we crashed through

對我們合力擊倒的一道道高牆 高呼萬歲

I had the time of my life with you

與你享受喝采 是我這輩子最快樂的時刻


Long, long live the walls we crashed through

當我們一次次突破重圍 與人擊掌 尖聲高喊萬歲

How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

子民紛紛揮舞手中燈光 點亮王國 僅為我和你盡情閃爍

I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made"

我激動地朝著你們吶喊『為我們創造的今晚 高呼萬歲』

And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid

而那些可惡的冒牌貨 就儘管放馬來吧 我才沒在怕的


Singing, "Long live all the mountains we moved"

嘶聲高唱 『貫徹到底 為的就是要實現我們的理想』

I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

和你們並肩作戰 穿甲冑鬥惡龍 永遠是我最幸福的時光

And long, long live that look on your face

而你永永遠遠要記得 此刻你臉上驕傲的模樣

And bring on all the pretenders

不論還有多少冒牌貨 都儘管來吧

One day, we will be remembered

終有一天 這世界都會是我們的天下

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