
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白(泰勒絲全新版)




Taylor Swift - Superman (Taylor’s Version) (Lyric Video)


Tall, dark, and superman

身材高大挺拔 體格健壯的超人

He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away

提起文件滿滿的公事包 跳上汽車 引擎隆隆聲中離去

To save the world or go to work

準備去拯救世界 或是準時上班打卡

It's the same thing to me

這兩者對我而言 其實並沒有差別


He's got his mother's eyes, his father's ambition

這麼偉大的他 遺傳了母親的棕眸 還有父親的雄心壯志

I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him

而我迫切地想知道 他是否也知道我究竟有多麼想他

I hang on every word you say, yay

無論你說了什麼 我都會銘記在心 耶


And you smile and say, "How are you?”

當他轉過身來 笑著對我說「今天過得還好嗎?」

I say, "Just fine"

一時語塞的我 只擠得出一句「還、還不錯呀」

I always forget to tell you, I love you

而我該是多麼想告訴你 我一直都愛著你呀

I love you forever

無論過了多久 我都會一直愛著你


I watch superman fly away


You've got a busy day today


Go save the world, I'll be around

專心拯救世界吧 我哪兒也不會去的


I watch superman fly away

看著超人漸漸遠去的我 暗自祈禱著

Come back, I'll be with you someday

你一定要平安歸來 將來我們才能團圓

I'll be right here on the ground

我就在這兒等著你 哪裡也不會去

When you come back down



Tall, dark and beautiful

也許外表冷漠難接近 內心卻無比細膩

He's complicated, he's irrational

他雖思慮縝密 卻也經常會意氣用事

But I hope someday you'll take me away and save the day, yeah

但我暗自希望哪天你也能帶上我 飛上天空 並且攜手拯救全宇宙 耶


Something in his deep brown eyes has me sayin'

他那閃過一抹悲傷的棕眸深處 讓我不由自主地說出

He's not all bad like his reputation

人其實很好 並非像新聞報導的那樣糟

And I can't hear one single word they say

而對旁人的閒言碎語 我連一個字也聽不進去


And you'll leave, got places to be and I'll be okay

要是你急著要趕去救人 我其實也不介意你先行離開

I always forget to tell you I love you

可我卻也經常忘了告訴你 那句愛的告白

I loved you from the very first day

打從被你拯救的那天 我便深深地愛著你


I watch superman fly away


You've got a busy day today


Go save the world, I'll be around

專心拯救世界吧 我哪兒也不會去的


I watch superman fly away

看著超人漸漸遠去的我 暗自祈禱著

Come back, I'll be with you someday

你一定要平安歸來 將來我們才能團圓

I'll be right here on the ground

我就在這兒等著你 哪裡也不會去

When you come back down



And I watch you fly around the world

看著你不停地飛 片刻不停歇的我 私心祈禱著

And I hope you don't save some other girl

而我暗自向天祈禱 別從壞人手中拯救其他女孩

Don't forget, don't forget about me

無論如何發生什麼事 我只求你別忘了我

I'm far away, but I never let you go

儘管我人在遙遠的地球 可我永遠也不會離開你

I'm love-struck and looking out the window

情到深處無怨尤的我 按捺不住寂寞並探向窗外

Don't forget, don't forget where I'll be

雙手交扣 期盼你別忘了我 忘了我人在哪裡


Right here, wishing the flowers were from you

站在信箱前 翻看未署名的卡片 希望花束是你送的

Wishing the card was from you

也希望卡片只是你無暇註記 匆忙寄來的

Wishing the call was from you

也希望那通接了就掛的電話 是你打來的

'Cause I loved you from the very first day

只因我打從被你拯救的那天起 就深深地愛上了你呀


I watch superman fly away

站在地上的我 看著超人逐漸變小的身影

You've got a busy day today


Go save the world, I'll be around

為我們拯救地球吧 我哪兒也不會去

Forever and ever here

哪怕要永遠在這兒等著你 我也無怨無悔


I watch superman fly away

我站在地上 看著他逐漸消失 

I swear, I'll be with you someday

我發誓 總有一天 我也要飛到你身邊

I'll be right here on the ground


When you come back down

等著你哪天回來 帶我一起走




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