專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift - evermore (Official Lyric Video) ft. Bon Iver
Gray November
I've been down since July
自蘭月以來 憂鬱便闌珊難解
Motion capture
一顆顆鏡頭 捕捉了錯愕苦擾
Put me in a bad light
恣意將我脆弱一面 公諸宣告
I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone
腦海一次次回放著 步伐於山林石礫間穿梭
Trying to find the one where I went wrong
忖思反芻著每一步驟 試圖刨除固有過錯
Writing letters
親筆信箋 油墨猶未乾
Addressed to the fire
也只能忍痛割捨 葬送火堆
And I was catching my breath
面對紙片般飛來的流言 我只得屏息以對
Staring out an open window
兀自望向窗櫺外 若有所思
Catching my death
心如止水 迎來死亡的必然
And I couldn't be sure
原有泰然 此刻竟煙消雲散
I had a feeling so peculiar
全賴這奇妙而特別感覺 掠過心頭
That this pain would be for
好似這折磨苦痛 勢必將綿延殘留
Hey December
Guess I'm feeling unmoored
近日遭人解開纜繩鐵錨 使我心漂泊
Can't remember
What I used to fight for
懷有何等觀點信心 去與他人僵持爭論
I rewind thе tape, but all it does is pause
將捲帶推入機器回溯 可畫面卻靜止不動
On thе very moment all was lost
自最原始的母帶起 便失去存取備份
Sending signals
To be double-crossed
原有信任 於此蕩然無存
And I was catching my breath
而我倒臥血泊 嚥下最後一口氣
Barefoot in the wildest winter
赤腳裸足 被棄置於冽冬雪地
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
我靈光乍現 一切豁然開朗
That this pain would be for
這份苦痛 或將水泊中漂蕩
Evermore (Evermore)
Can't not think of all the cost
無法再揮霍一分一毫 去解析風險
And the things that will be lost
Oh, can we just get a pause?
噢 重振旗鼓一事能否先暫緩?
To be certain, we'll be tall again
若不是有明確把握 切莫貿然行動
Whether weather be the frost
Or the violence of the dog days
抑或者 飽受凌人暑氣要脅之苦痛
I'm on waves, out being tossed
驚濤駭浪將我拋上岸時 早已不省人事
Is there a line that I could just go cross?
不知遠處是否設有停損點 別再擱淺停滯?
And when I was shipwrecked (Can't think of all the cost)
當我不幸觸礁 就要沉船之際 (無法再揮霍一分一毫 去解析風險)
I thought of you (All the things that will be lost now)
心繫牽掛之人 惟有你 (戒慎恐懼著痛失一切的或然)
In the cracks of light (Can we just get a pause?)
自冰蓋裂隙透出一絲絲曙光中 (噢 重振旗鼓一事能否先暫緩?)
I dreamed of you (To be certain we'll be tall again, if you think of all the costs)
半夢半醒之間 隱約感覺到你溫熱掌心 (噢 重振旗鼓一事能否先暫緩?)
It was real enough (Whether weather be the frost)
這感覺真真切切 穩定動搖心志 (若不是有明確把握 切莫貿然行動)
To get me through (Or the violence of the dog days)
使我掌穩船舵 航向彼岸心畝家祠 (無論外頭 該是冰椎心刺骨的天候)
(Or the violence of the dog days)
(抑或者 飽受凌人暑氣要脅之苦痛)
(Out on waves, being tossed)
(冒著狂風暴雨出海 遭同行船員棄置)
(I'm on waves, out being tossed)
(驚濤駭浪將我拋上岸時 早已不省人事)
I swear (Is there a line that we can just go cross?)
我幾乎能向老天發誓 (不知是否設有停損點 讓心痛別再擱淺停滯?)
You were there
你就像守望天使 為我照看服事
And I was catching my breath
Floors of a cabin creaking under my step
生怕稍不留神 會將腳下甲板踩出大洞
And I couldn't be sure
原先的猶豫不安 此刻竟不復存在
I had a feeling so peculiar
This pain wouldn't be for
提醒了我 生命中掀起的波瀾
This pain wouldn't be for evermore
這份感情 經得起時間洗鍊淬礪