
專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) 紅色 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - Ronan (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


I remember your bare feet, down the hallway

我還記得你光滑的小腳丫 興奮地在迴廊衝來衝去

I remember your little laugh


Race cars on the kitchen floor, plastic dinosaurs

廚房地板散落著你的模型汽車 還有一隻隻塑膠恐龍

I love you to the moon and back

我對你的愛 要從月球繞行一周再回來


I remember your blue eyes looking into mine

我還記得你藍色眼眸眨得大大的 直勾勾地看著我

Like we had our own secret club

彷彿那兒是樂園 只歡迎你我玩樂

I remember you dancing before bedtime

我還記得你入睡前 你會跳舞直到力氣耗盡

Then jumping on me, waking me up

接著撲到我身上 把半夢半醒的我給搖醒


I can still feel you hold my hand, little man

我還記得你回握我手的力道 你是最最勇敢的孩子

And even the moment I knew

而就連你要離開我們前 我都還記得

You fought it hard like an army guy

你多麼努力抵抗病魔 就像士兵一樣偉大

Remember I leaned in and whispered to you

還記不記得我靠在你肩頭 對你說了什麼悄悄話


"Come on, baby, with me

『來嘛 寶貝 牽著我的手

We're going to fly away from here

我們準備登上太空火箭 一起飛離地球

You were my best four years"

與你共渡的這四年 是我最幸福的時刻』


I remember the drive home


When the blind hope turned to crying and screaming, "Why?"

渺茫的希望終究化為烏有 取而代之的是眼淚和哭喊 『到底為什麼?』

Flowers pile up in the worst way, no one knows what to say

前來弔唁的花朵 以最糟的形式堆在你墓前 沒有人曉得該說點什麼

About a beautiful boy who died

該如何對美麗卻早逝的小男孩 獻上敬意


And it's about to be Halloween


You could be anything you wanted if you were still here

要是你人還在這兒 無論你想扮成誰 要我熬夜做衣服也心甘情願

I remember the last day, when I kissed your face

我還記得相處的最後一天 當我俯下身親吻你的小臉蛋

And whispered in your ear

並靠在你耳邊 細語我對你的愛


"Come on, baby, with me

『來嘛 寶貝 牽著我的手

We're going to fly away from here

閉上眼睛 痛痛很快就會跟你一起飛走

Out of this curtained room and this hospital gray

以後你就再也不用被關著 只能盯著灰撲撲的醫院牆壁發楞

We'll just disappear"



"Come on, baby, with me

『來嘛 寶貝 牽著我的手

We're going to fly away from here

我們準備登上太空火箭 一起飛離地球

You were my best four years"

與你共渡的這四年 是我最幸福的時刻』


What if I'm standing in your closet trying to talk to you?

要是我孤零零地站在你衣櫃前 對你傾訴思念 你會怎麼安慰我?

And what if I kept the hand-me-downs you won't grow into?

要是我把你再也沒有機會穿的衣服 送給有需要的人 你會怎麼想呢?

And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through?

那要是我原以為會降臨在我們身上的奇蹟 終究是不小心錯過了我們?

What if the miracle was even getting one moment with you?

哪怕這奇蹟是再和你相處一分一秒 你會不會像從前安慰我沒關係?


Come on, baby, with me

來吧 我的小寶貝 牽我的手

We're going to fly away from here

我們要從這兒 飛到再也不痛的地方去了

Come on, baby, with me

來吧 我的寶貝 牽著我的手

We're going to fly away from here

我們準備登上太空火箭 一起飛離地球

You were my best four years"

與你共渡的這四年 是我最幸福的時刻


I remember your bare feet, down the hallway

我還記得你光滑的小腳丫 在迴廊走來走去的模樣

I love you to the moon and back

我對你的愛 要從月球繞行一周再回來

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