
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden Message: Loved you from the very first day 一認識就愛上你

Dear John

Taylor Swift - Dear John (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


Long were the nights when

漫無止盡 是夜裏想你的心情

My days once revolved around you

旦和你扯上關係 就別想要回笑臉

Counting my footsteps


Praying the floor won't fall through again

只能祈禱腳底下鬆動的陸地 不會又一次塌陷


And my mother accused me of losing my mind

而就連我的母親 也要指責我愛過頭 都快認不得人

But I swore I was fine

但我向她保證 我好得很

You paint me a blue sky


Then go back and turn it to rain

結果才一走開 又轉而放任雨水澆淋


And I lived in your chess game


But you changed the rules everyday

但你每天設立不同規則 要設局陷害我

Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone tonight

琢磨著今晚面對隨著情緒起伏 扮演不同角色的你 這電話是接還是不接

Well, I stopped pickin' up and this song is to let you know why

結果 我最終還是果斷掛掉 而寫了這首歌 目的就在於方便讓你理解


Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone

我親愛的約翰 因為你的不告而別 我才看清一切

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

難道你不認為 我年紀還太小 不應該被你玩弄感情才對?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

這女孩一身禮服等著你 卻換來一路哭著回家的心碎

I should've known



Well, maybe it's me

好吧 也許是我的問題

And my blind optimism to blame

不知我哪來的信心 才會相信這愛情

Or maybe it's you and your sick need

不過也或許 是你和你那變態的天性使然

To give love and take it away

才會給了愛 一下子又想拿回來


And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors

而你會把我的名字記到本子上 指責我是不知感恩的叛徒

Who don't understand


And I look back in regret how I ignored when they said

而我對過去的決定 實在後悔莫及 我居然忽視人們善意的忠告

"Run as fast as you can"

『趁你還能走時 趕快離開』


Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone

我親愛的約翰 因為你的不告而別 我才看清一切

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

難道你還看不出來 玩弄我幼小脆弱的心靈 有什麼不對?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

這女孩一身禮服等著你 卻換來一路哭著回家的心碎


Dear John, I see it all now, it was wrong

我親愛的約翰 我開始懂了 認識是錯誤

Don't you think nineteen's too young

難不成你認為 十九歲已經稱不上是年輕

To be played by your dark, twisted games when I loved you so?

必須加入你那病態又扭曲的心理遊戲 讓死心塌地愛你的我付出代價?

I should've known



You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry

你是事後道歉 就能彌補一切的專家 曖昧則是你的專利

Never impressed by me acing your tests

不論我怎麼通過你設下的考驗 你就是不滿意

All the girls that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes

那些你利用完就扔的女孩 她們的共同點 是了無生氣的眼眸

'Cause you burned them out



But I took your matches before fire could catch me

但我見機不可失 一把奪過你的乾柴 趁火勢延燒前就撲襲

So don't look now


I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town

我是夜空璀璨的煙花 照在天 點亮你可悲又虛榮的大地

Oh, oh

噢 噢喔


Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone

我親愛的約翰 因為你的不告而別 我才看清一切

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

你怎麼就是不明白 玩弄我幼小脆弱的心靈 有什麼不對?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

這女孩一身禮服等著你 卻換來一路哭著回家的心碎


I see it all now that you're gone

等我把淚擦乾以後 你卻早就溜走了

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

難道你自以為仗著年紀比我大 比較有成就 就惹得起我?

The girl in the dress wrote you a song

這淚水沾濕衣襬的女孩 可為你寫了首歌

You should've known



You should've known


Don't you think I was too young?

不覺得我還年輕 不該活受罪嗎?

You should've known


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