
專輯:Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) 愛的告白 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden Message: Forever And Always 愛你直到永遠

Last Kiss

Taylor Swift - Last Kiss (Speak Now World Tour HD)

Taylor Swift - Last Kiss (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


I still remember the look on your face

我永遠也忘不了 那時你臉上寫著的神情

Lit through the darkness at 1:58

點亮房間的黑影 就在一點五十八分

The words that you whispered for just us to know

你悄悄湊近耳邊 喃喃道出的情話 是我們倆專屬的秘密


You told me you loved me


So why did you go away?





I do recall now, the smell of the rain

我全都想起來了 那天有剛下完雨的味道

Fresh on the pavement


I ran off the plane



That July ninth, the beat of your heart

那天是七月九號 你胸口那強而有力的心跳

It jumps through your shirt


I can still feel your arms



But now I'll go


Sit on the floor wearing your clothes

回到房間地板 穿著你的衣服 聞你的氣味

All that I know is I don't know

我唯一知道的是 我一點也不知道

How to be something you miss

到底該怎麼做 才能讓你想我才好


I never thought we'd have a last kiss

我真沒想過 我們會面臨最後一吻的那刻

Never imagined we'd end like this

更教人意外的 是我們會就這樣結束了

Your name, forever the name on my lips

你的名字 永遠會是我最足以掛齒的那份痛


I do remember the swing of your step

我還是記得好清楚 你那輕盈又俐落的舞步

The life of the party, you're showing off again

永遠都能成為派對上的焦點 你的舞技驚羨全場眾人

And I'd roll my eyes and then you'd pull me in

然後我會裝吃醋翻白眼 而你會抱抱我 好讓我沒事

I'm not much for dancing, but for you, I did

其實我不怎麼喜歡跳舞 但為了你 我才願意一試


Because I love your handshake, meeting my father

因為你一見到我父親 便伸手向他打招呼 讓我感動不已

I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets

我也喜歡你邊走邊將手插進口袋 一臉若無其事又愛裝酷

How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something

還有你每次都趁我話說到一半 稍微不注意 就忽然湊上來用吻打斷我

There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions

自從失去你的那天起 我無不思念你這突如其來的壞心眼舉動


And I'll go


Sit on the floor wearing your clothes

坐在房間地板 換上你的衣服 聞你的氣味

All that I know is I don't know

我唯一知道的是 我一點也不知道

How to be something you miss

到底該怎麼做 才能讓你想我才好


I never thought we'd have a last kiss

我真沒想過 我們會面臨最後一吻的那刻

I never imagined we'd end like this

我更錯愕的 是我們居然就這麼結束了

Your name, forever the name on my lips, ooh

你的名字 永遠會是我最牽掛不下的那份痛 噢嗚


So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep

我想我只能看你笑得燦爛的相片 默默嘆息 就像靜靜聽你入睡的鼻息

And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe

而我總覺得自己已消失在你心裡 就像我不由得為你停止呼吸

And I'll keep up with our old friends


Just to ask them how you are

是為了藉這個機會 打聽你的近況

Hope it's nice where you are

希望你一切都好 我真心這麼想


And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day

而我也希望陽光依舊耀眼 而今天也會是個美好的一天

And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed

而你會為某件事而感到後悔 也許你當時應該留下來才對

You can plan for a change in the weather and time

你的計畫可能因為天候不佳 或是時間撞期而做出改變

But I never planned on you changing your mind

但最讓我始料未及的是 你會因為變心而選擇離開


So, I'll go


Sit on the floor wearing your clothes

坐在地板上 穿上你的衣服 想念你的味道

All that I know is I don't know

我唯一知道的是 我一點也不知道

How to be something you miss

底該怎麼做 才能讓你想我才好


I never thought we'd have a last kiss

我真沒想過 我們會面臨最後一吻的那刻

Never imagined we'd end like this

更教人意外的 是我們會就這樣結束了

Your name, forever the name on my lips

你的名字 永遠會是我最足以掛齒的那份痛


Just like our last kiss


Forever the name on my lips


Forever the name on my lips


Just like our last





I still remember the look on your face

就算到了現在 仍記得你認真的神情

Lit through the darkness at 1:58

點亮幽暗的夜 指針停一點五十八分

The words that you whispered for just us to know

你湊近我耳邊 仔細訴說一字一句 好讓我聽清楚

You told me you loved me

那天你緊緊握著我的手 還對我說了『我愛你』

So why did you go away?





I do recall now, the smell of the rain

起來了 記憶中那股氣味 是因為下過雨

Fresh on the pavement

被打濕的青草 長滿人行道旁 飄來淡淡清香

I ran off the plane

我懷著愉悅的心情 拖著行李 下飛機找

That July ninth, the beat of your heart

那美好的七月九號早晨 你的心撲通跳著

It jumps through your shirt

溫暖而飽滿 就好像要從襯衫彈出來似的

I can still feel your arms

隱約感覺得到 你的臂彎有多麼溫柔


But now I'll go sit on the floor

但現在 除了癱在地上 我什麼也不想做

Wearing your clothes 

換上你衣物 拉扯衣襬 揣著我們的曾經

All that I know is I don't know

最教人無力的是 我居然會不曉得

How to be something you miss

該怎麼讓自己 成為值得你緬懷的過去


I never thought we'd have a last kiss

真沒想到那一次 是你我的最後一吻

Never imagined we'd end like this

原來緊密契合的關係 怎會就這麼結束

Your name, forever the name on my lips

你的名和姓 將吻合我唇形 永遠分離


I do remember the swing of your step

如今想起你滑稽而逗趣的舞步 還是不自覺揚起微笑

The life of the party, you're showing off again

個性好相處 又擅長與人互動的你 愛現耍酷又討人歡笑

And I'd roll my eyes and then you'd pull me in

被晾在一旁的我 嫌惡地扮了個鬼臉 於是你拽我進舞池

I'm not much for dancing

其實我很怕出醜 不怎麼習慣在眾人面前 展現笨拙舞姿

But for you, I did

可為了你 我才破例一次

Because I love your handshake

因為那天回到家鄉 前門一推開 而父親前來迎接時

Meeting my father

你堅定而沉穩的手 讓我對愛情重新燃起一絲希望

I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets

將手插進牛仔褲口袋 大步邁開自信步伐的你 也令我難以忘懷

How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something

還有你老是趁我講話不注意時吻我 然後得逞似地露出得意的笑

There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions

都過了這麼久 那些頑皮而傻氣的舉動 怎麼我還是捨不得忘掉


And I'll go sit on the floor


Wearing your clothes

換上你衣服後 便什麼也不想做

All that I know is I don't know

一切最教人難受的是 我不曉得

How to be something you miss

該怎麼做 才能夠讓你思念我


I never thought we'd have a last kiss

想不到 最後一吻會如此短暫而淺薄

I never imagined we'd end like this

長久深刻的回憶 竟會就此告一段落

Your name, forever the name on my lips, ooh

你的名字 將會如同緊緊相依的唇齒 伴我一輩子 噢


So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep

而鏡頭捕捉的照片 成了你精彩生活縮影 停滯如你安穩睡容

And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe

就好像笑得燦爛的你 沖洗後已漸漸淡忘了我 不再屏息悸動

And I'll keep up with our old friends

而我在路上偶遇共同朋友 握手寒暄時

Just to ask them how you are

聊了再多的話題 總少不了追問你的事

Hope it's nice where you are

無論你身處何方 我都由衷希望你過得快樂


And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day

而普照的陽光依舊耀眼 而今天 也會是精彩美好的一天

And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed

經過某個路段 你停了下來 而悔不當初的你 會望向藍天

You can plan for a change in the weather and time

白雲蒼狗 若天象起了變化 烏雲密佈 還能有餘裕緩衝

But I never planned on you changing your mind

但我的初衷 是要你過得比我好 而不是希望你能回頭


So I'll go sit on the floor

整頓好情後 原先躺著的我 從地板坐起

Wearing your clothes

原先穿的衣服已被換下 不再以淚水代替

All that I know is I don't know

讓人惜的是 面對現狀 我卻無能為力

How to be something you miss

只能眼看身影在照片裡模糊 消逝淡去


I never thought we'd have a last kiss

想不到那天匆匆吻別 會是最後一吻

Never imagined we'd end like this

這突如其來的結束 只教人始料未及

Your name, forever the name on my lips

你的姓名 將連同回憶 由的唇來保存掛記


Just like our last kiss


Forever the name on my lips

永永遠遠 守護你我之間的回憶

Just like our last


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